Chapter 7

"Before I see what she needs I got something for you," Zack told Lilith as he retrieved the clothing.

"Here I was getting jealous when you bought Ren something," Lilith replied while examining the dresses, and kissing him on the cheek.

"I got that new bed set up in your room by the way. Now we have plenty of space." Lilith whispered before he left.

Lilith made sure to get a special bed ordered to fit their lifestyle. It was extremely durable and large enough to fit the harem she desired. After witnessing the damage Ren caused with Zack in bed she figured this would also be the most cost-efficient method going forward. This was a revelation Lilith had after witnessing the dolls throw three beds away already. Zack wasn't sure Lilith's reasoning behind it, and just assumed it was a thoughtful gift.

"It's nice to meet you. It's Lilith, right?" Destiny asked while checking her new workspace out.

"Yes it is, and there's something we should discuss if you're gonna be staying here. Tonight was gonna be my turn, but since your new, I'll let you have it." Lilith told Destiny while walking up to her.

"What do you mean?" Destiny replied with a confused look.

"To sneak in his bed of course." Lilith teased while checking her out.

"W-why would I do that." Destiny began covering her legs.

"You know why, and I'm sure you already thought about it. So why hesitate?" Lilith asked while leaning in real close.

"You two are closer to human than I am. There's no way he would look at me like that. Not with a body like this." Destiny kept remembering the disgust of the villagers from today.

"I'm sure on the way here he checked you out a few times, but Zack won't make the first move. He wouldn't want you feeling pressured due to the living situation after all. That's why it's up to you to sneak in. I promise if you do it he would accept it. You have some time to think about it. If you don't wanna participate it's fine just let me know after my bath tonight, and I'll take my turn." Lilith said as she walked off to find Zack while waving goodbye.

'Mother always said no human would be with us willingly. It's why she taught me to lure them and bind them when I'm ready to mate. Would he really accept me?'

"What did you wanna ask me?" Zack asked Ren.

"Nothing just wanted you to taste this before I store it. I've never cooked for humans before. I hope I didn't use too many spices." Ren watched him nervously as he tasted it.

"That tastes amazing, and I know everyone will love it." Zack smiled at Ren before taking another bite.

"I'll pack it all up so we can get going." Zack was storing things while Ren stared at him.

The last week Ren has wanted to cook all their meals. At first, there were a few accidents, but Zack ate it with no complaints. It embarrassed Ren but also drove her to improve her skills. When Ren heard his compliment she began smiling, and looking at him as if waiting for something.

They have been spending a lot of time together, and it was a record for her. The other men she met in the past usually disappeared after sex. More than likely it was due to a crushed pelvis or other injuries they received in the process. Zack saw the look on her face and came up to hug Ren as she desired. Ren quickly leads his hand to her ass wanting him to grab it. Zack of course showed her the proper thanks.

"You're very adorable when you're like this," Zack said while grinning at her embarrassed expression.

"Don't say that!" She quickly pushed him away covering her abs.

"I was talking to Destiny about making some clothes. Did you want anything?" Zack asked.

"Do you not like what I'm wearing?" Ren retorted stomping her foot.

"I love it, and you know that. Earlier I bought some new stuff for Lilith and wanted to get you something too." Zack said as he admired her frame.

'That look means he's not lying.' Ren blushed.

"I would look weird in those kinds of clothes." She said while drinking from her new gourd.

"I think you would look beautiful in whatever you wear." Zack had everything ready and they now waited for the others.

"I'll wear something new if it's for you," Ren said while placing her mace down by the array.

"Sorry, it took so long. Let's get going." Lilith told them while walking up with Destiny.

They all stepped on the array as a gold light was released, and they vanished. When they arrived all the kids came running up to greet them. Ren seemed a little overwhelmed at first, but once she realized most of the kids weren't human she calmed down. To give them some breathing space Zack brought out the toys he bought in Stormhaven.

"Make sure everyone shares," Zack told Tanya with a smile.

Tanya nodded, and the other kids grabbed something that suited them before taking off to play. Zack made sure Tanya stayed close by. She was the first kid they took in and was the oldest in the group. This meant Tanya's clothes were already getting too small from her recent growth spurt and was worn from the elements.

Typically they would get clothing in town, and just cut it to fit her tail. This would usually reduce the quality, and wouldn't be comfortable, but was the only option. With Destiny accepting the job Tanya was the one who needed the first dress.

"Is it okay if my friend here measures you for a new dress?" Zack asked.

"You make dresses? Can you teach me how?" Tanya looked up at Destiny with excitement.

"I could always use a helper. Is it okay to touch your tail? I need to see how big to make the hole." Tanya nodded as Destiny began checking her measurements.

"I gotta go drop off some supplies." Zack walked into the house down to the storage.

Ren was talking to an oni child she met while Lilith was playing with the kids. After putting up the supplies Zack began looking for Yuki. When he found her Yuki was talking to a mysterious woman. She has wavy brown hair, smooth tan skin, pointy ears, and emerald eyes. The aura she was putting off was similar to Yuki's. When they saw Zack Yuki ran up hugging him.

"We need to talk about something serious," Yuki told him with a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Zack asked.

"This is Eve, and she's a wood nymph. Her forest is a few days north of here and was destroyed yesterday by a dragon. It flew north after attacking, but it could easily find its way here." Yuki replied.

"Did it say why it was attacking?" Zack asked.

"No, it was a feral one," Yuki replied with a serious look.

"Even when we tried to reach it telepathically we got nothing. So many people gone for nothing..." Eve started crying thinking of all the people they lost.

"It must not have reached the enlightenment stage yet. This is dangerous cause they will attack everything when hungry enough, and humanoids don't provide enough nutrition to sustain it so easily. It will likely lock onto powerful auras in the hopes of sufficient meals. When it's rampaging like this it can only be put down." Zack said while clenching his fist.

Zack didn't wanna take its life, but it could definitely break the barrier. The life of so many innocents weighed against one dragon is what gave him his resolve to act.

"You can't take it on alone! Please get help before leaving." Yuki begged.

"It would take too long to get help. Dragons aren't to be taken lightly either, and endangering others isn't something I intend to do." Zack said while embracing her.

"I just don't wanna lose you." Yuki held him tightly afraid to let go.

"You won't I promise. The kids are outside playing but will be wanting food soon. So let's enjoy a nice dinner okay?" Zack kissed her putting her at ease.

Yuki nodded as they got everything together and went outside to the picnic tables. All the kids were playing with Zack's friends. When he saw this a big smile went across his face. He knew it would be great for the kids to have more people to play with. Zack got everything ready, and once everyone smelled the food they came running over. After a little arguing over the seating arrangement, they began eating.

"Did you make this?" Tanya asked Zack.

"No why do you ask." Zack smiled glancing at Ren.

"It tastes really good. Is it okay to grab more?" Tanya asked with a smile.

"Have as much as you like there's plenty. Did you hear that?" Zack told Ren.

Ren was a little embarrassed after hearing the compliments around the table and took off to walk around. When they finished eating everyone was playing together for about an hour before they said goodbye. As they were walking out of the gate Yuki was standing with the children waving goodbye with large smiles. The kids seemed sincere, but behind Yuki's smile was fear.

'Please don't let this be the last time I see him.'

Ren and Lilith went for the bath as soon as they got home. Zack was walking inside showing Destiny a series of rooms she could pick from. In the end, she decided to stay in the basement. It had the widest space and would allow her to make her bed as big as she needed without being cramp. After helping her move things to get settled he went to his room. Destiny followed him as they talked about the clothes.

"I managed to get all the measurements, and even Ren pulled me to the side. I'll get started in the morning." Destiny said with a large smile.

"I'll be leaving early in the morning. Just let me know what you need, and I'll try to get it." Zack smiled as he walked towards his room.

Destiny was watching which room he went into very closely. Lilith's words began running through her mind seeing him disappear. Destiny knew they went for a bath and would visit him later if she didn't. The thought of them being connected made her heart race. Destiny's mother was very vivid with the details about what to do when capturing a man.

After about thirty minutes of pacing, and gathering the courage Destiny finally went up the steps. Zack heard someone enter his room, and rolled over to see who it was. Destiny was standing next to the bed with her arms crossed under her breast while averting her gaze.