Chapter 27

While walking out of the shop Zack heard something hit the barrier. He swiftly flew over ready for combat, but he didnt find an enemy. Yu was trying to bring a friend inside, but they hit the barrier. On the ground was a cyclops in a daze rubbing her forehead.

The cyclops has bronzed skin, long scarlet hair with bangs that partially hid her blue eye, and she was rather short for a cyclops. She was wearing a hide skirt, and top that seemed worn from being in the elements. The young cyclops is named Thea, and she has been a long-time resident of this region.

"Are you okay?" Yu asked.

"Yeah, but my head stings," Thea replied.

Yu was helping her from the ground when Zack descended. The first thing he did was help the women recover. Yu found Thea on the mountain while looking for her troop. Thea was living in a small hut alone on the other side of the mountain.

The only things around were a makeshift forge, a tanning rack, and a smokehouse. Yu saw Thea living alone, and it hit her a little personally. That was when Yu told her about this place, and invited Thea to stay.

"In the future, you have to tell me first. It's okay to bring people here if they are nice, but they can't pass the barrier without access. Forcing through could hurt them." Zack explained showing her his pendant.

"I'll tell you next time. Can she stay with us?" Yu begged while clinging to him.

"I have a few skills that can help," Thea told Zack while picking her hammer off the ground.

"Of course she can stay. Did you find your momma?" Zack asked.

"On the way back down I did. She said they will behave." Yu replied while hugging him tightly.

"You two can go in now. I'm gonna go set some new nets before it gets dark." Zack waved goodbye before taking off.

Shiro mentioned earlier that fish have already filled the channels Zack made. It was an opportunity they couldn't pass up, and he started with the pools closest to home. They were within the perimeter, but only to detect powerful threats.

Even with the new security measures in place, he was still on guard. He knew just because a species doesn't have a powerful aura doesn't mean they can't be lethal. He already set nets in several locations and began traveling to the final one.

'A few of the channels look a little crude...I should practice some more.'

Something was stalking Zack from the waterways since the first stop, and he has yet to notice it. He was in the water setting up his final net when something pulled him under. His first reaction was to use magic to allow him to breathe underwater. If he had to fight in unfavorable terrain he didn't want drowning to be a possibility.

Zack could feel something tightly wrapped around his body with extreme suction. The water was filled with ink as a pearl figure began appearing. In front of him was a kraken embracing him tightly. From her hips up she resembled a human, but connected to the lower half are ten large tentacles. The woman's skin was as shiny, and smooth as pearls. She had ample breasts barely being covered by her flowing pink hair. Behind her head, one could see a blackfin that complimented the delicate complexion of her skin. He used telepathy to see what was going on.

"What do you want?"

"My name is Lydia, and It's been a while since I've had a man. Shiro told me about you and the women around you. If what she says is true my appearance shouldn't be a problem for you." Lydia replied while ripping his clothes off.

Lydia pulled him in close between her breasts as her hand stroked his cock. Zack had two options available. Force her off, and possibly harm her, or just embrace it. What Lilith said in the morning went through his head. He indeed enjoyed indulging in his lust, and none of the women minded his actions. Two of them even seem to enjoy the added partners. Sensing Lydia was lonely and wanted affection he happily obliged.

"Your hair is so pretty, and your skin is so smooth," Zack said while caressing her body.

"I'm glad you like it." Lydia smiled.

Zack focused a little energy on his finger lightly trailing it down her back. When it made contact a pulse surged through her nervous system causing immense pleasure. This caused Lydia to squeeze him tightly while shuddering. Zack reached down as his fingers slid inside her. He noticed right away his finger was being gripped tightly. Her insides were squeezing him in an attempt to pull him deeper inside.

"Your body doesn't seem to wanna let me go." Zack teased as he slowly retrieved his finger.

"Judging by how your throbbing in my hand that isn't a problem," Lydia replied.

Lydia's tentacles wrapped around his waist, and legs pulling him in. The sensation of her pussy sucking him in was mind-blowing. He began thrusting vigorously as she stuck to him tightly. Her arms were around his neck while holding him close. She was wrapping him with her tentacles so tightly it was difficult to breathe but he continued to pound away.

Something came darting through the dark water forcing them apart. It was too difficult to see due to the ink so Zack dissipated it. As the water became clear he saw Lydia battling a mershark. He knew they are a relative of the mermaid, but it was his first time seeing one.

The mershark in front of Zack had long black bangs with white tips. She had fins on her forearms, back, and hips. Her skin is a shiny navy blue, down her back, and her forearms is a pearl pattern trailing down her chest. There are small red gills under her breast, the claws pointed at Lydia could cut steel, and her golden eyes gleamed ominously in the dark waters.

When the mershark saw Zack she darted towards him. Lydia halted her by seizing her tail and was attempting to wrap her up completely. The mershark bit Lydia's tentacle attempting to force a release.

Zack raised his hand pouring mana into the water as he forced them apart and bound them both in chains. He then returned to the surface pulling them up and healing their wounds. Then he gathered clothes from his ring to get dressed while stating.

"I'm not releasing either of you till you calm down,"

"We discussed this already I go first then you. Damnit Mero you're always so impatient, and now none of us gets to have fun!" Lydia scolded

"You were hiding in the ink to keep him to yourself!" Mero retorted.

After the two argued for ten minutes straight they finally calmed down. Zack released them as they sat on the edge of the water talking. Their lust seemed to have subsided after fighting for so long. Zack learned that the two have been friends for a long time and fought frequently over males.

"I thought sharks ate squids?" He asked.

"I do occasionally, but only the animals. Lydia leaves a foul taste in my mouth so I avoid it." Mero smirked exposing her razor teeth.

"It's because you have poor taste." Lydia teased.

"How long have you known Shiro for?" He asked.

"Most of the tribes in the water have formed alliances since the last war. Because of that, we've hunted the same waters since childhood. We thought about visiting you, but our appearance tends to frighten people." Mero replied.

"One of my current companions thought the same thing, but the people I live with aren't like that. She's an arachne, but everyone enjoys her company. We are gathering a feast tonight, and your welcome to join us. I know you two can't be on land for too long, but I can arrange for us to eat near Shiro's place. Sound like something you two would be interested in?" Zack asked.

"Sounds fun, but we were in the middle of something," Lydia replied as she put her hand on his thigh.

"You at least had some fun but I didn't get anything. So it's my turn." Mero stated while scooting next to him.

"If your gonna be difficult about it then go ahead. There's no talking to you when you're like this anyway. I'm gonna go look for Shiro." Lydia sighed as she disappeared into the water.

Zack would usually pander around the situation, but he had blue balls. He took off his shirt before taking out his cock. Mero looked like she was chasing prey as she began stroking him aggressively. He was concerned her claws would shred him but he felt nothing. To be safe he covered it in mana. That was one injury he would hate to regenerate from.

Mero leaned over trailing her tongue around his cock. Slowly she enveloped into her mouth as a concerned look appeared on Zack's face. He winced when her sharp teeth grazed his dick even with the added protection. Zack reached his arm around to start fingering her.

The second Zack touched Mero he realized how wet, and slimy it was. He pulled his hand away to look at it, and his fingers could stick together from her fluids. She stopped sucking as she pushed him down on the ground.

"This is gonna be fun," Mero smirked displaying her razor teeth.