Chapter 28

Zack pulled Mero in closer as he slowly entered her. The sensation of entering her was pure ecstasy. Her insides were extremely hot, and sticking so tightly to him it made every thrust bliss. Mero dug her claws into his chest as she began bouncing intensely. The sensation of her pussy was so immense he didn't even care that she was scratching him up.

As their bodies rubbed together Zack's entire body was becoming hot as his head spun. While trailing his hands up her body he used his pleasure technique again. Mero felt a strong sensation of ecstasy coursing through her entire body as she bit her lip, and dragged her claws down his chest. He attempted to pull out, but it was no easy task cause she clung tightly to him. As his cock slid out of her the love juices were sticking to him not wanting to release him. It took some force to successfully get out.

'These aquatic species bodies are so resilient.'

"We're not done yet," Mero stated while forcing him back down.

"I never said I was done. I just thought the water was more comfortable for you." He replied as he slid out from under her.

"It is, but we don't have to," Mero replied.

"I don't mind," Zack smirked as he jumped into the water

Mero slid in behind him as they embraced. Mero was in front of him wrapping her arms underneath him. Zack reached down sliding back in before groping her breast. He had her pinned at the wall allowing him to take action easier. Zack slammed in as she clutched onto his back for support.

With each thrust, Mero was banging into the wall, and she loved it. Mero bit his neck roughly as he hammered away into her. They both were moaning loudly as they were grinding together passionately till he cummed deep inside her. His hips were shaking uncontrollably as he slowly tried to pull out.

Mero continued to cling to him refusing to release him as she kissed him passionately. When she pulled away from the kiss she was blushing and refusing to make eye contact. She refused to release Zack from her grip but insisted on keeping him locked in as she avoiding his gaze.

'She's been extremely rough, and then makes a face like that. I guess this what Lydia meant about her behavior. It would be a little more adorable if it didn't hurt so much.'

Zack placed his hand on her chin to keep her from her looking away. He was admiring her gorgeous eyes that illuminated the water. They both leaned in to kiss as he nibbled her lip. The two floated back up to the surface while embracing. Mero finally released him as he slowly pulled out while letting out a deep moan. While sliding out his hips began quivering even after he exited.

'Feels like she didn't wanna let go, and it's still so sensitive.'

"Did you know I could heal before you did this?" Zack asked while healing his wounds.

"No, but I'm glad you can. Will make things more entertaining." Mero replied.

"I need to be heading back to prepare things for tonight. Are you still coming?" He asked.

"I gotta look for Lydia first," Mero replied as she disappeared into the water.

Zack went home and began spreading the word of the change of venue. He made the proper arrangements as he went looking for Ren. She was at the arena practicing with her club. When Zack landed she immediately attacked him. He called his spear blocking the attack narrowly as he pushed her back. Then with a flick of his finger, the spear launched towards her.

Ren had a large smile on her face as she knocked it away. The collision let a loud boom that echoed through the estate. Zack recalled his spear as the two began sparring. Each swing he would dodge was causing massive craters to form. After clashing a few more times he realized without using his grace they were matched in strength.

Zack thought of only one way to end it. He flew in shifting the ground beneath her slightly unbalancing her. Ren was trying to recover her footing as he struck her weapon with all his might as the mace went flying. Ren didn't falter as she delivered a push kick to his chest knocking him back as she went charging forward.

As Zack flew back he conjured a mighty fist from the earth that was roaring across the earth towards her. Ren flexed her aura while planting her feet to throw a haymaker that shattered the fist to rubble as dust obscured her vision. With the opening, Zack appeared in front of her sweeping her leg pinning her down on the ground. Ren had a smile on her face as she leaned up to kiss him.

"I know I could trust you to take it seriously," Ren smirked as she pushed him off.

"I learned long ago that holding back on someone during a spar wasn't respecting them as a warrior. Lauren drilled that lesson in very thoroughly. With how gentle you been lately I forgot how powerful you are," Zack complimented as he helped her off the ground.

"That's one of the reasons I like you so much. You respect my strength, not fear it. You also don't mind my frame." Ren stated while covering her abs.

Zack walked up embracing her as his hand ran up her abs. This was a fetish he never realized he had till they met. While he did this Ren had an embarrassed look on her face.

"I think it's one of your best features, as well as the faces you make when you get embarrassed." Zack teased.

Ren grabbed him putting him in a headlock as he smacked her ass. She gave him a serious look before giggling. It was the first time Zack heard her laugh, and he thoroughly enjoyed it. The two walked off together to check on the kids. When they saw Ren they all ran up asking to swing from her arms. Yuki was wearing a new yukata and looked graceful as always.

"Are you feeling alright today?" Yuki asked while approaching.

"You're looking elegant as always." Zack smiled while grabbing her hand.

"I'm feeling a lot better, and at least I didn't pass out this time. How do the kids seem today? Yesterday must've been rough for them." Zack replied as the two embraced.

"The only thing they mention about yesterday is the baby. Rolen was looking for you earlier. I think he's back in the forge with the new girl." Yuki informed him as she kissed him goodbye.

Zack was walking to the forge when Sun came strolling into the village. Yu was showing her around the city with a large smile. The others decided to stay on the mountain since they couldn't control their urges.

Walking into the forge Zack saw Thea, and Rolen working side by side. When they saw him enter they both found a stopping point.

"Nice to see you two getting along," Zack stated while admiring the work.

"Yu introduced us earlier, and she wanted to help out. Her skills are extraordinary, and it's been a major help. Did you check out the new items?" Rolen asked.

"Thank you.."Thea blushed before turning away from Rolen.

"I saw them earlier but didn't tinker with them," Zack replied.

"Well let's go then." Rolen smiled.

They took the items outside so Rolen could show them off. When drawing back the bow arrows would form from mana around them. If handled by a magic user the quality of the arrows was far superior. It allowed for easy rapid-fire and allowed the user to conserve mana. Rolen designed it to conjure various elements at will, but only if you bound with it first. When swinging the bow like a weapon the bowstring would be enshrouded in magic allowing it cut through normal armor like butter.

The shields had several switches near the handle. When it was pressed a mana shield would extend allowing someone to cover themselves or allies. It was also capable of absorbing magic, and once enough was stored you could expel it with the other button.

The claymore was capable of cutting artifacts below-grade four. Even magic could be dissipated with a slice as it stored mana. When it began glowing the strike would unleash a crescent-shaped blast of pure mana. Normally a magic practitioner could use his sword aura with a normal weapon, but it would cost substantial mana. With this, you could reserve your mana for spells instead.

After absorbing a few spells from Zack he was ready to display its power. The blast Rolen produced was large enough to cut through two trees perfectly. All of these items were of high quality surely to do well at auction. Zack put one of the bows aside for Kaya and would take the rest to the auction.

"Amazing work, you're truly a master of your craft." Zack praised.

"If that's true it's because of my father," Rolen replied.

When they finished testing everything it was time for the feast. Everyone was gathered at the pavilion by Shiro's house waiting for Zack. Mero and Lydia were granted access through the barrier. The only person missing from the feast was Naomi. Zack went searching for her and found her in the garden. She was examining the tree closely as he approached.

"You sense the divinity in it? We've been trying to figure it out too." Zack stated.

"You haven't realized it yet?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"It resembles your grace. I'm not sure why, but I do know you're the cause of it. I recall seeing something similar but it was so long ago...The memory nows seems fuzzy. A downside to immortality as well as watching countless comrades die. Did you need me for something?" Naomi asked.

"Everyone is off having a good time, and I'm sure you got the invite so why aren't you joining us?" Zack inquired while placing his hand on the tree.

"I'm just having a hard time adjusting that's all. My presence would likely cause problems." She replied.

"No one here blames you for what happened, and you need to eat for your child's sake. So quit being stubborn, and let's go." Zack declared.

Namoi couldn't argue against his point. They walked off to join the others, and with everyone together, they sat down ready to eat. Naomi joined him at his table, and with everyone situated he got up to address everyone.

"Every new face I see here smiling, and getting along gives me hope. I believe there will be a day where this will be a common scene around the world. Tomorrow I'll be going into town to get supplies. Anyone who needs anything or wants to join us can meet by the gate around noon. Enjoy everyone."