Chapter 29

Zack was on the road to Blackreach in Mark's wagon. With him were Destiny, Lilith, Tanya, and Yu. Their trip into town was a smooth one, and they could already see the farming settlements that make up the outskirts of the city.

It's the fall harvest, and one could see everyone was working diligently. Most of the farmers were extremely friendly waving as they passed into town. This put Destiny at ease given her last encounter with civilization.

At a distance, an immense wall was starting to come into view. The closer they got it was clear the city was well defended. All along the ramparts were watchtowers and between them a large ballista radiating mana. The gate was covered in warding, and all the guards were demons geared up for war.

Even with the heavy security, the guards greeted them politely. As they rolled into the city they left the wagon at a stable and ventured towards the market. Looking around one could see a variety of species flooding the streets interacting, and bartering at stands that covered the streets in each direction. Blackreach is the largest trade hub in the southern kingdom, and only one thing matters in this city and that's wealth.

When they reached the market Yu was captivated by her surroundings. It was difficult to keep her from getting lost, but luckily she dragged Zack everywhere she went. If she wasn't dragging him along they would surely have to play hide and seek all day. Zack's first stop was to rent a stall for Destiny's wares. The auction wouldn't begin for several hours, and he had a promise to keep to Yu.

"Let's get going." Zack smiled wrapping his arm around Yu's waist.

Lilith was tempted to join their date but decided to stay by the stall to ensure no problems with locals. She has become close to Tanya and felt the need to be her guardian on this journey. Not long after setting up they quickly gathered a crowd.

Destiny has traveled all over the demon territories hiding from humans but always studying. The variety of clothing on the tables had everyone's attention. The most popular seemed to be the yukata and qipao. They have seen them before, but no tailor in the neighboring cities could replicate them.

"This one is so elegant, and look at how fine the stitching is."

"And the quality of the silk seems sturdy."

"If anyone has a special request we will be returning monthly," Destiny announced.

The looks on everyone's faces as they admired her work was something she always dreamed about. People enjoyed her work so much a line was quickly forming for special orders. Destiny had a large smile on her face as she struggled to write down all the orders.

Zack was escorting Yu around the city as she took in the sights. As they walked together he admired the beauty of her smile as she gazed around in wonder. Yu had this aura that made everyone around her smile. Zack noticed a series of envious, and hostile intentions directed at him.

It became clear the source was Yu clinging to him. Zack always assumed Yu liked him because he was the only male around. It was the main reason he hesitated in intimacy with her. However, each man that would attempt to flirt with Yu would be politely denied on their advances. Then Yu would follow it by clinging to Zack tightly, and kissing him.

'Guess I was wrong' Zack smiled.

It was an hour from the auction so they were circling back towards the market. They came across a stand selling jewelry, and it caught Yu's eye. She always had a fascination with shiny things but resisted the urge to touch them. Lilith explained to her how things worked in the city to avoid her getting into trouble.

'Now that I think about everyone else in her family has jewelry but her.'

"How much for these?" Zack asked while pointing to several items.

There were two sets of golden bands engraved with elegant designs and a large sapphire on each one. After some bartering, he bought the items along with something for the others. Yu slid the bands on her wrist, and ankles as Zack poured magic into it to adjust it.

"Is that comfortable?" Zack asked while adjusting the bracelets on her ankles.

"It's perfect, and It's so pretty," Yu replied while twirling her wrist towards the sun.

"They're the same color as your eyes," Zack said while catching her.

Zack was starting to get used to her jumping after being knocked down so many times already it was just instinct to catch her. She wrapped her legs around him kissing him as they embraced.

"They're so adorable."

"To be young is such a blessing."

"Lucky bastard"

"Thank you." Yu jumped down grabbing his hand.

"I'm glad you like it. Let's go find the others." Zack smiled as they walked off.

Back in the market, everything from Destiny's stand was sold out. The last few items even started a bidding war in the street, and the crowd was still lingering to place custom orders. The reason for the bidding war was earlier that day a retainer was shopping for herself and came across Destiny's stand. When the servant returned to work the lady of the house witnessed the beauty of her dress.

The noble wanted one of the dresses for herself and immediately set off to get one. Seeing a prestigious carriage heading into the outer rim caused others in the inner city to be filled with curiosity, and they sent people to observe. They saw the cause of the commotion and sent for funds before it was too late. This attracted some of the officials due to the rise in security roaming the streets.

They witnessed how well Destiny was doing and couldn't believe their eyes. It was a low-end location, but even nobles were visiting without complaint. Knowing Destiny would be good for business in the city they gave her a pass that would allow her to get a stand in the inner city. This was a symbol of authority in the city, and the other merchants watched with envy.

The pass came with many benefits, but the one that excited Destiny the most was it allowed her to buy in bulk with the distributors in town at a discounted price. Lilith and Tanya were helping to take orders for those with tails, and other special alterations when Zack returned. Yu rushed to show Lilith her jewelry. Destiny saw Zack and immediately rushed to embrace him.

"Everything sold out!" Tanya said with excitement.

"This is all cause of you." Destiny declared as she kissed him.

"I knew they would love your work," Zack replied.

"Here's your part for the supplies." Destiny pulled out her ring.

"Keep it, and use it for your store. I gotta go check in with the auction house. Are you gonna make it?" Zack asked.

"I'm gonna stay here to get orders. Lilith's been here before so we can catch up." Destiny replied as she went back to work.

Yu was the only one to join him at the auction. Over the last few years, he would come here to sell any gear he found in his adventures. Even with just a ten percent cut to the auction house they still received a large payday from Zack's visits. When it was their turn at the desk he showed him his VIP insignia before handing them his items with a brief description of the abilities. Zack then informed them of his companions catching up later.

While the workers examined the items' authenticity they immediately called over an expert. The man trembled after studying the artifacts. He's worked for the auction house for over three decades but has never seen a grade seven artifact. The best the curator has seen is a grade six, and it was an amulet. The man immediately ran off to inform his superiors.

"There's gonna be other people with us when we get there. Some people might be a little hostile towards me, but ignore them okay? This is the strictest place in the city so we have to avoid trouble." Zack cautioned as they entered a viewing box.

"Okay I'll be good I promise." Yu smiled.

In the box with them were ten buyers of various races and a handful of demon elites guarding the door. The booth overlooked the stage and had attendants off to the side with a spread ready. Scanning the room Zack recognized a friendly face right away.

It was a dark elf named Vicente and he is the leader of a guild called Cerebus. He has spikey black hair, purple eyes, and greyish skin. Vicente is clade from head to toe in mithril armor, and on his back was a green greatsword. The two have worked together a few times in the past year, but it's been six months since their last job. When Vicente saw Zack he waved him over.

While walking over Zack noticed another familiar face. It was a demon named Dorion and the nephew of the ruler of Blackreach. He's always held a grudge against Zack over petty reasons. Dorion gave him a cold glare as he sat next to Vicente. The demon crossed his arms in disgust but said nothing for even Dorion couldn't harm a VIP without severe repercussions.