Chapter 34

"Is big bro gonna be okay?" Tanya looked back at the sky concerned.

"I've fought many battles but never seen someone like him. No one will keep him from returning to us." Lilith smiled trying to hide her fear.

Lilith knew very well what was causing the sky to react in such a manner. She had no doubts in her mind that Zack was doing battle with a high-level demon. When an angel and demon this powerful clashed it's always been fatal. She knew this was a battle that would test his limits, and wanted to be at his side to ensure his safety.

Vicente was even starting to be concerned for his comrade. If Zack were to fall what would all these children do? Through the darkness sweeping the land, a small ray of hope began to break through. Lilith saw the familiar glow and was put at ease.

Zack's wings were radiating immensely as the color returned to the forest. Modesteus was being blinded and failed to see the spear transform. Zack forced his sword back causing Modestus's arms up in the air. Modesteus was preparing to drop it down again as he intensified the chaos. Zack pointed out his spear as a holy blast shot from the tip of the spear forcing Modestus back.

The chaos was extinguished but Modestus rekindled it with ease. Zack's orbs quickly formed behind him as they flew off to strike. Modesteus grinned as his skin crawled from the incoming power. He called forth another colossal sword as he launched blasts from both blades.

When the two powers connected dark, and light struggled to overtake the other. What ensued was a mighty explosion erasing everything in a twenty-foot radius. The orb slowly reformed behind Zack as he examined the destruction.

Zack appeared behind Modestus swiping his spear with full force. His attack was detected by a shimmer of light behind him and narrowly blocked chipping one of the swords in the process. Modestus once again set off explosions with his horns forcing Zack back. He slammed his spear into the earth halting his movement as the ground began to rumble.

Modestus wasn't sure what he was preparing but launched more blasts through the forest. Two of Zack's orbs flew forward forming a barrier to resist the blast. When he saw this Modestus smirked as he flew in slamming both his swords into the barrier. The barrier cracked, and as it was starting to repair as chaos flooded the cracks. The ground around him shook as a geyser erupted.

Another hole broke open exposing magma as it began spewing into the forest. The two primal forces of nature took the form of dragon heads. From the mouth of the water dragon launched a high pressured stream of water.

The pressure was strong enough to halt Modestus in place. As the magma dragon roared another blast engulfed him. Modestus tried to counter, but the water began intensifying holding him in place. The magma was causing Modestus to be encrusted in molten earth from the neck down.

"An angel using magic is laughable. This will be easy to shatter." Modestus smirked as he attempted to break free.

When Modestus couldn't shatter the earth around him he was confused. Magic even at the highest levels couldn't bind him like this. Sensing his bindings Modestus could feel traces of grace within. This was the first time he felt the two powers infused together.

'Such a thing shouldn't be possible.' Modestus looked down puzzled.

Modestus spent his life on the frontlines since the first dark age, and never witnessed a foe this strong. Long ago Modestus was a high-ranking member of the demon army. As his power, and thirst for battle grew he would ignore orders. Throwing himself into the center of battles, and even cutting down allies in the way.

He was a berserker but they needed Modestus to win the war. When the new treaty was signed they had to find a way to deal with Modestus's unruly behavior. They removed him from active duty convincing him it was for training noble elites. It was just glorified babysitting with occasional combat tips.

Feeling the sensation of battle again with a worthy opponent caused Modestus's blood to boil. He began laughing as he flooding chaos into his body. This was a reckless move cause chaos harms all living things, and is very difficult to wield properly. Only a fiend for battle would even consider a reckless move such as this. The earth around him began to crack as a sinister aura leaked out.

"Do you understand the meaning of a warrior's death? All my life I never felt fear like this, and the rush from this battle is better than anything you can imagine. I refuse to spend my life tending to a brat in a land that wants unity. Being a warrior is in our blood, and we are meant to conquer others. You have such strength yet you refuse to take this seriously, but I think I have a way to change that." Modestus cackled before breaking free.

Zack was on guard ready to engage him, but Modestus shot off in the other direction. Zack could feel his aura rapidly closing in on the farm settlement, and the killing intent he sensed wasn't a bluff. Zack took off desperately trying to catch up.

When Zack saw the farmlands he could see fields on fire, and the people feeling in panic as destruction ensued around them. These were people working hard to service the city, and Modestus attacked them without remorse.

Modestus was high in the air raining down a large volley of fireballs across the land while laughing maliciously. Zack extended his hands halting them all and gathering the fireballs together. It then went soaring back into the air at Modestus.

"Not good enough!" Modestus shouted.

Modestus countered by turning his blades pitch-black as he slashed across the sky. A tear revealing a vast abyss opened absorbing its surroundings like a black hole. Zack heaved his spear along with three holy orbs swirling around it. The combined force obliterated the darkness closing the tear as a massive boom echoed all the way to the city.

Modestus stared Zack down placing his hand out towards a large family surrounding their injured mother. Running for this family wasn't an option as they struggled to drag their mother to safety. A ball of chaos began forming the palm of his hands as a malevolent smirk swept his face. The youngest child saw the attack gathering leaping in front of his mother.

"Human filth!" Modestus shouted while laughing.

Modestus looked over wondering why there was no screaming. That's when he noticed a gold orb surrounded his hand. Before he could react to it the blast and his hand were gone along with the golden light. He seized the bleeding nub rapidly cauterizing it before looking up at Zack.

Zack focused power into his finger aiming at Modestus. A series of small shockwaves stuck him all over his body as blood spewed from his mouth. In retaliation, Modestus raised his hand in the air gathering a giant sphere of chaos leaving the farmlands barren.

For those watching from the ground, Modestus's attack was covering the sun resembling an eclipse that covered the land in darkness. All those living outside the city were watching frozen in fear, and panic was even starting to ensue within the walls of Blackreach.

With death swirling around them how could they not panic? Seeing the impending crisis Dorion and his remaining lackeys were attempting to flee. If that large of an attack exploded it would surely rob all life within several miles.