Chapter 35

Zack's orbs, and his spear dissipated as he entered immense focus. A gold light filled the sky around Zack as the fires subsided, and the land flourished to its former glory. To those on the ground, it seemed like the gates of heaven were opening above them, and with it, all the fear swept away as the observers watched in awe.

Modestus unleashed the attack towards the ground wanting to thoroughly eradicate him, and all those below him. Zack dashed forward to confront the chaos directly. His eyes closed, and there wasn't a shred of doubt in his mind as he placed his hand out. With all the lives at stake, failure wasn't an option.

The blast reached the palm of Zack's hand halting in place. To destroy it would cause collateral damage to those around him, and the only option Zack had left was to absorb it. His hand began to turn black as he winced in pain.

Zack opened his eyes as the golden light around him intensified, and the darkness was wiped from the area. Seeing this Modestus was preparing to gather another attack. A flutter was heard as Zack appeared in front of Modestus.

"I'll grant your request." Zack declared as his body flared with gold light.

Modestus's wanted to strike Zack down but the chaos would no longer form. Zack placed his hand on his chest as Modestus's body trembled instinctively. Modestus began coughing violently as steam emitted from his skin.

Divine light began pouring slowly from Modestus's eyes as cracks appeared on his body. Feeling the cold embrace of death near in a final effort he exhausted all his might to strike a fatal blow at Zack. As his hand came crashing down Modestus evaporated in a flash of light.

'That took more than I thought." Zack was breathing heavily as his hand quivered overflowing with pain.

Zack slowly descended to the ground but didn't let his guard down yet. Dorion was still around after all. At a distance, soldiers were swarming to investigate the commotion. They felt a battle taking place, but it took time for them to accumulate and gather at the scene. When they saw Zack some of them raised weapons.

Before they could gather their attacks Ozen's elites arrived stopping them, and no one dared question their orders. It was then the farmers told them about what happened. The guards began to question the farmers' testimonies, and if they could be trusted as accurate.

When the claims were ready to be dismissed a covert group showed up working for Mephisto. They vouched for the claims having witnessed the entire thing. Knowingly attacking a VIP was a serious offense, and Dorion was carted off in chains along with his underlings.

"Sorry for the hostilities." The captain gave a bow towards Zack before swiftly leaving.

They witnessed a high-level demon eradicated in the sky above them and didn't want to push their luck. Given the reports, Zack's acts were in self-defense. A farmer even testified that Zack gave them a chance to leave without repercussions. They were unsure of their lord's plans for this man, but there was one thing the elites knew, and that provoking the Nephilim was a foolish idea.

Zack was flying home as the farmers waved in gratitude. They no longer had to fear the tyrant plaguing them and had Zack to thank for it. The memory of him shielding them without a second thought and the radiance he exuded would stick with them forever.

Zack knew his strength was fading so he rushed to catch up. Behind him in the treetop trailed the mysterious woman from the auction. The wagon was nearing the gate when Zack landed. Even with his divine glow obscuring his body, they could see the stains of blood, and it was clear the battle took a toll on his body. Tanya jumped off the wagon clinging to Zack while crying and squeezing him tightly.

The entire time Tanya had the uneasy feeling that history would repeat itself. The only difference being no one could bury Zack's body properly. Once her tears were soothed they rolled the wagon to the gate as everyone unloaded.

"You won't fight alone anymore." Tanya was cleaning her tears as a determined look shined through.

"Are you feeling okay?" Lilith asked while joining their hug carefully.

"That explains a lot, but also brings a bunch of questions," Vicente said while examining him closely.

Zack retracted his wings and granted them entrance to the estate. Not long after they entered fatigue set in. His shoulder was hurting fiercely, and all the energy in his body was sapped. The finishing of Modestues consumed large amounts of grace. He has done that technique to demons before, but never to one that powerful. Zack's nose began to bleed slightly as a concerned look appeared on Lilith's face.

"Let's go find you somewhere to sit." Lilith proposed.

Tanya ran off to get the others, and let everyone know they returned. Zack walked to the pavilion as everyone followed him. The new kids were admiring their surroundings but sat patiently at the table. Ren came running to see Zack's condition as she thoroughly checked him over. When Ren noticed all the new kids she gathered some fresh food.

Shiro was getting help from Mero, and company to tend to the waterways. They worked together driving fish into the nets with ease. With them running the lines everything was done efficiently. Mero even returned showing off a large squid when seeing Zack home, but upon her discovery of his condition, Mero easily got distracted.

"It's okay to eat." Yu smiled at the kids.

All the kids promptly began eating after receiving permission from Yu. Cynthia was hiding her excitement well, but her little sister Ashleigh couldn't. They have desired seafood for so long, but it wasn't easy to acquire in Blackreach.

"This place doesn't seem so bad, but shouldn't there be more people?" Cynthia asked.

Yuki came around the corner with the other kids in tow. Not long after her Athlan arrived with the others. It was the first time Athlan was able to move around freely since his battle, and he was eager to join the feast.

The kids became excited when seeing new children from Blackreach. It also put Cynthia more at ease to see the children taken care of properly. While the children were getting familiar with each other Valan approached Vicente.

"Judging by the markings on your arm you belong to Aelia's tribe. Tell me how is she these days?" Valan asked while approaching.

"The effects of the forest seem to be slowly spreading, but it's a repercussion of our clan's former sins so we can't do much," Vicente replied while bowing.

"That was so long ago, and the actions of one man shouldn't doom the entire clan. If you're a companion of our benefactor you surely know of his honor, and his desire to help. Could you arrange for Aelia to visit us?" Valan requested while placing his hand on Vicente's shoulder.

"If you're familiar with her then you know how stubborn she can be. She hesitates to let me help just for leaving a few years...Why is everyone living here? I thought your clan enjoyed the valleys up north." Vicente asked while taking a seat.

Valan began explaining the tragedy that struck their home. Yu took off up the mountain to find her family. Pan hesitated to release Yu, but Cynthia got her attention with the food. When Sun heard of the child they found all the kakuens quickly descended into town.

It was the first time the full troop ventured inside, but they knew how serious the situation was, and barely glanced at the passing elven men. Pan saw them approaching and charged forward leaping on Sun. Pan couldn't remember her mother's face, but never forgot the warmth of her troop. Cynthia saw this and knew they made the right decision.

Naomi arrived to eat with the others and felt something odd with Zack. He seemed worn from battle and she assumed this was the cause. Everyone continued to greet each other as they enjoyed the feast.