Chapter 47

Fusing two artifacts was something Zack never saw before. Seeing the puzzled look on his face Valan explained. All items were restricted to only a few enchantments being engraved upon them. With the tools from the auction, Rolen could endlessly engrave on an item.

This allowed Rolen to engrave his intent clearly. Before it was a series of trial, and error hoping the spell would manifest correctly with an enchantment. With his new artifacts spells imbued into an item would now come out as imagined. A skill like this only a master enchanter could attempt, and even then the chances were low.

When they finished speaking Zack went towards the fields to check on the progress. His pendant began buzzing slightly meaning the dolls spotted an unknown at the gate. With only one buzz he wasn't alarmed as he strolled over to witness the situation.

As Zack approached the gate he saw five of the dolls and several archers on the ramparts at the ready. He recognized the man outside the gate from the auction. It was the same old man who bought all their artifacts and behind him stood two women dressed like shinobi. Zack opened the gate with a wave of his hand.

"We can speak inside," Zack said while waving them in.

The group walked in examining their surroundings. Once the gate closed a few of the dolls accompanied Zack. Vicente got the news of visitors and sprinted over to investigate the situation.

The shinobi accompanying the man noticed the quality weapons in the guards' hands. They were also familiar with battle prowess the dolls could possess. The mission they were tasked with is a diplomatic one, but they began observing for weak points.

"My name is Hisato Koga, and I wanted us to establish a dialogue with more time, but that's no longer possible. Do you know who Marcus Bernadett is?" Hisato asked.

"I've heard of his reputation but never met him. What does he have to do with this?" Zack responded leading them to the tavern.

"His wife was to visit Stormhaven for a diplomatic mission a week ago. Someone from the guard leaked the information to the people, and a mob was formed to hinder the talks of peace. Leading them was the guild Invictus, and they saw to it that none of the vampires survived that night including Marcus's wife. When asked to deliver punishment they couldn't single out the culprits. A few people were named, but they had high statuses within the city. Without solid proof, King Alfred was in a tough spot. With the word of peasants alone the alderman wouldn't accept the claims. You know the delicate situation there so he couldn't take action. This outcome upset Marcus, and they have taken Stormhaven because of this. At this time we are unsure if survivors dwell inside." Hisato said while following them.

"Of course those assholes are involved in this. How they stay a licensed guild I don't know, but I can promise you Ivan is the cause of this." Vicente declared.

"They are a peaceful clan, and wouldn't have enough warriors for such an attack. Even if he got inside they wouldn't harm any innocents. How sure are you about this?" Zack asked.

"My scouts reported a feral clan coming from the western kingdom. They wouldn't trespass in another clan's territory lightly. We believe they were invited by Marcus to help the siege. Do you think they will leave the people in peace?" Hisato asked as they entered the tavern to sit.

Zack knew that feral vampires will keep human cattle. Getting hold of such a large city would be hard for them to pass on. Moving in carelessly would only result in civilians being killed, but if they waited too long the news would spread to the other human kingdoms. Hearing of the conflict they would want the land for themselves, and a war would erupt.

"Can I get you guys something?" Mark asked.

"Drinks, and food for our guests here," Zack replied.

"Nice to see you thinking instead of charging off," Hisato stated.

"Rushing in would only make things worse. Am I right to assume you have scouts watching the other kingdoms?" Zack asked.

"So far no one knows of the attack, and the scout from Stormhaven should be back soon with a report," Hisato replied.

"I'll let the guards know," Vicente told Zack before taking off.

They sat around waiting for the scouts to return while discussing their background. Hisato was the leader of an organization of shinobi. The Koga clan survived the first dark age and slowly began to rebuild their ranks after.

Realizing humanity could be wiped out the next time they taught others their way. Being grateful for their protection, and new skills they began serving the Koga family. They now work from the shadows to prevent another dark age from erupting.

They approached Zack because of his unique circumstances. This land was declared his by Lord Ozen meaning no one would challenge it. Being mixed Zack qualified as a human leader and was protected by the treaty to dictate his own rule.

The Koga clan falls in this category as well, but they lack the troops nearby area. By the time they could assemble enough it would be too late. Hearing of Zack's exploits to help others they decided he was worth trusting.

Once they finished eating Zack informed the others of the situation. With everything going on the citizens debated getting involved. Everyone knew about the corruption in the city but they were given arguments that some were pushing for change.

While people were still on the fence about it Athlan reminded them how Zack helped each of them greatly even when it was a risk for him. This perspective led them all to agree with helping the citizens out. It was night when Haruna finally returned with her report. She dropped to a knee before Hisato.

"I managed to slip in but was unable to get anyone out. For now, the civilians are off-limits, and under watch by familiars. They have slaughtered the majority of the guards, and the rest are currently cattle. I couldn't search for the royal family due to the sun setting, but on the way back I witnessed a small force gathering. It was led by a member of the royal guard named Wade and several Invictus members. They intend to gather more men from the outposts to attempt liberation tomorrow during a midday attack." Haruna reported.

"Not sure why Wade would be out here, but he can be trusted," Zack stated.

"There's one person who could help defuse this. We will gather their support, and return tomorrow," Hisato announced.

Hisato's group swiftly left as the town assigned extra guards for tomorrow. The group heading to Stormhaven was Vicente, Ren, and Zack. They wanted to keep substantial forces at home in case of an attack.

With positions assigned for the wall tomorrow dinner began. Ren went to bed early to ensure she was rested for battle leaving Cynthia, Tanya, Yuki, and Zack at the table.

"Do you miss everyone?" Tanya asked.

"I do, and I hope they get back soon. If they show up tell them where to find us." Zack replied.

"I've been getting stronger, and now I can help too," Tanya declared.

"You need to help me protect this place." Yuki smiled placing her hand over hers.

Tanya wasn't happy with her response and ran off as Yuki gave chase. Zack went to look for them all over the city and finally found them an hour later in bed. Tanya used to have issues sleeping alone, and the thought of losing someone close brought it back. Zack tucked them both in as he left for bed.

Facing an army of vampires wasn't something to take lightly, and Zack needed sleep. With that in mind, he went upstairs undressing for bed. Thinking of his comrades returning tomorrow made him happy as he slowly drifted to sleep. When he was asleep someone crept into his room. The slender figure walked up creeping under the covers.