Chapter 48

"Did you see what the guards were carrying? They could become a threat. " Kintaro stated.

"I knew they supplied the auction items but didn't think they had such an arsenal. Judging by the aura in the estate they may have access to elven ruins. They could have an entire armory of such items, but that doesn't mean they're a threat. Everyone was living peacefully and welcomed us openly." Hisato replied.

"We could try to purchase more weapons directly. They have established two trading partners so far, and I think they would be open to working with us. I've witnessed their allies going through an array regularly. It was constructed a few days after my arrival, but I can't find the other gateway. Even when they opened the city I couldn't find it anywhere." Haruna informed.

They continued their trip quietly as Hisato pondered her words. Haruna was his youngest granddaughter, but he could always trust her assessment. Teleportation arrays are used for moving storage or building supplies long distances.

One that could transport humans existed, but could only cover short distances. They were typically used for elevators or exiting dungeons. If her assessment was right then this is something new. With all his scrolls and experience Hisato possessed he never heard of this type of an array. If not for the pressing matters he would've investigated the place more thoroughly.


In Stormhaven the number of guards left alive was dwindling, and they were no longer permitted to feed on them. With plenty of cattle in the city, they had a substitute, but the ferals thought it was disgusting. Because of this, there was a small group of ferals that wanted something more. Three of them snuck into the city snatching two children from a house.

While dragging them into the street the parents were fighting desperately to get their children. One of the ferals grabbed the mother and began feeding on her slowly. The father went forward with a wood ax striking it in the back.

The vampire turned around backhanding the man as he flew into the wall. The impact rendered him unconscious and caused blood to run down the back of his skull. The vampire picked the mother up by the throat making the others watch.

"Thanks to your interference they get to watch you die first but don't worry they will join you shortly. " The feral cackled.

The two men restraining the children were smiling at the scene in front of them. A gust of wind swirled by as a vampire named Madison appeared. She was the vampire who lured the gate guards on the night of the attack.

Seeing Madison the ferals knew they were in trouble. She was the oldest daughter of Marcus, and would surely report them. Before the two behind her could react their heads rolled. From the end of Madison's nails swirled violent winds. The kids were terrified but didn't dare move.

"The orders were clear. Now release her." Madison demanded as she released an immense bloodlust.

"Cancel your magic or they can watch her blood fill the streets." The feral retorted.

The feral began squeezing his hand as her blood dripped on the ground. Madison was forced to release the wind swirling around her hand. The feral smirked turning his attention back to his prey. The instant his guard dropped Madison became one with the wind fading away. From the corner of his eye, he witnessed Madison fade, but couldn't react fast enough.

Madison reappeared behind him instantly impaling her hand into his skull. Madison looked at the kids nodding towards the house. With the danger gone the kids ran to check on their father. She helped them bring him into the house, and seeing the wounds Madison attempted to hand them medicine. The family looked at her with fear and didn't dare grab it.

"Without this, he will die. We didn't start this conflict remember that." Madison left the medicine abruptly leaving.

While walking out vampires were gathering. Examining the blood on Madison's hands it was clear what happened. Five ferals surrounded Madison slowly closing in. The wind began to swirl viciously around her forcing four of them away, but one pushed through receiving cuts on his body without a worry. He put all his strength into a thrust for Madison's face. It made contact, but the figure dissipated into air.

While the feral glanced around a blade of wind flew into his back. It went through his armor splitting his back open. The wound slowly began closing as he turned around. Madison flicked her wrist, and another blade of wind severed his head. The other ferals swept in attempting to catch her during the attack.

Madison evaded the incoming attacks as the battle intensified. Her speed was too much for them, and one swipe of her magic was lethal. Anytime they would surround Madison she would dissipate into the mist, or push them back with wind.

The sounds of their battle began drawing the attention of others. Even though outnumbered Madison gave no ground while receiving only minor injuries. Once the leaders arrived everything was halted.

"What happened here?" Aleister investigated.

"They were attempting to feed on civilians, and any soldier who disobeys orders deserves a swift death. Is this not the way? This one here challenged me and paid with his life. The rest are simply lucky you showed up." Madison retorted pointing at the culprits.

"If that's what happened then you have my gratitude. Cleansing weak blood is also the way." Aleister declared while ordering his men down.

"We have preparations to make before sunrise," Marcus announced.

The two clans have been allies for six centuries, but over the last few centuries, they drifted apart. One clan believed in brute strength, and the other preferred the mystic arts. This was the first thing to begin disputes among the two clans in matters of debate. When words didn't satisfy them blood was the next step. This caused a few battles that they recovered from with time.

The event that drove them apart was one clan stopped hunting humans. They would still feed on willing victims, but would mainly survive on animal blood. Once this change happened they no longer chose to associate with their former ally.

This was the first time the two clans worked together in a century, and the tensions between them already began to grow two days in. If Aleister had given the slightest hint of aggression they would've slaughtered everyone. With the situation defused work continued. They continued making alterations in the city till an hour from daybreak.