Chapter 56

"Where are we going?" Arthur asked while trailing behind his sister.

"Dining hall," Madison replied vaguely.

When Arthur heard this he grew concerned. He refused to believe his father would kill her. As they slowly got closer to the dining hall he looked over to Emilia. Then he contacted her with telepathy.

"Is there anyplace that leads out of the castle?"

Emilia shook her head. There was indeed a place, but it's in the direction they're heading, and it would be impossible to slip out unnoticed. Even if they could she refused to leave her people to live like cattle. While they were walking back Marcus finished relaying the battle to Cassandra.

"I met the man you described earlier, and when I did I saw something amazing. It's just like mother wanted." Cassandra said with a sad smile.

"What do you mean?" Marcus asked.

"Someone approached me yesterday to tell me about what you did, and that it could lead to something worse. I wanted to speak with you and stopped somewhere along the way. There was the man you described. I saw a place with children running around merrily, and all of them were different species. We can end this still, and find our peace too." Cassandra replied grabbing his hand.

"Some of the civilians were part of the mob as well. I can't stop just yet." Marcus said with a somber tone.

"Doing this in her name would only bring her sadness, and a part of you has to know that. Some of them tried to do the right thing. They sent some of their best men to retrieve the proof. Once this got to King Alfred he would've had them handed to you for punishment." Cassandra revealed the scroll from her ring.

Marcus knew the words about her mother were true and grabbed the scroll to examine its authenticity. It did have the seal of the king and he recalled seeing royal guards on the field. Zack's words rang in his head.

At the time Marcus could've easily been killed, but Zack offered peace. Another dark age would truly be trouble for everyone, and it could start from his hands alone. When all this was running through his mind Madison returned.

"It's good to see you safe." Cassandra smiled as she looked over at Arthur.

"Go get the others," Marcus ordered Madison.

"Did you need me for something?" Arthur asked his father as he stood by Emilia.

"It's time to release the city," Marcus replied while standing from the table.

Arthur looked over to Emilia with a smile on his face. As everyone filled the room tension formed right away. Marcus informed them that they were leaving the city, and upon hearing it the ferals immediately became on edge.

Aleister was furious, and could no longer play nice. In the last battle, the ferals suffered more losses than their clan. To give up a fortified city shrouded in darkness, and a full pen of humans was absurd. Aleister's foul aura filled the room as everyone was ready for battle. The ferals were about to pounce as Aleister raised his hand.

"This only requires two of us." Aleister declared as he dropped his armor slicing his hand open.

"That's the old way. We may be outnumbered, but our power is superior." Arthur told his father while placing Emilia behind him.

"We don't have to do it this way!" Cassandra pleaded for both sides to halt.

Marcus cut his hand squeezing blood onto the ground as they walked around the room. They slowly formed an arena taking sides on opposite ends. Once they took the position the crowd went silent because no one could interfere now.

Aleister sped forward as they both matched a thrust. Sparks went flying as a shockwave pushed the viewers back. The barrage that ensued was difficult for most to follow. With no armor, Marcus was landing regular strikes, but his healing ability was allowing him a fast recovery.

Aleister managed to catch one of the strikes as he slammed Marcus into the table. Aleister struck down attempting to impale his head as he turned to mist. Marcus appeared behind him slicing the backs of his knees causing him to stumble.

The healing was fast enough for him to gather his footing as Aleister turned around to see Marcus aiming a thrust for his heart. Aleister shifted over getting hit in the center of his chest. He then retaliated by lobbing off Marcus's arm.

Marcus kicked Aleister in the chest leaping back. Blood magic began to leak from the lost limb as it was pulled towards Marcus by scarlet threads. The arm slowly healed back as he caught his breath.

Aleister began laughing as the whites in his eyes went blood red. His muscles began enlarging as his essence spiked. Aleister devoured humans regularly and honed his body for centuries. Marcus sensed something odd in his aura.

Concerned about the power swelling Marcus rushed in delivering a powerful push kick, but when it landed Aleister's body didn't even budge. He followed the attack with a swipe for the neck as Aleister roared, and the force generated caused Marcus to get light-headed.

Aleister punched for Marcus's chest as he crossed his arms attempting to block. When it made contact the bones in Marcus's arms were shattered as he went flying back. After fighting a major battle, and using that powerful blood magic his body was exhausted.

Before Marcus could recover Aleister caught up pummeling him into the floor. Marcus's body began to be crushed under the force of the blows. Marcus shifted into mist as Aleister grinned. He aimed a thrust behind him piercing Marcus's stomach. Even with the damage, Marcus swiped his hand for Aleister's throat, but couldn't cut deep enough.

"Stop please!" Cassandra begged.

No one else dared say anything. They knew this was a moment no one could interfere in. It may have been an old law, but once Marcus agreed it was set in stone. If the word were to spread of them dishonoring the duel the other clans would join to deliver punishment.

Aleister pulled his hand out of Marcus's stomach as he dripped the blood into his mouth. When Aleister felt the power swelling he bit into Marcus's throat taking more. Those who feed on their own kind gain tremendous power, but it only increases their thirst for all manners of blood.

Those who practiced this eventually go mad never being able to sate the thirst again. Aleister's appetite alone already covered the amount of three ferals. Once Aleister drained sufficient strength he dropped Marcus on the floor. Marcus stared at his children in front of him.

"Why should we forfeit this city? Humans are creatures filled with greed and thrive on the downfall of each other. They wage war killing thousands and criticize our killings when it's a necessity for feeding ourselves. With the new treaties, they quickly overpopulate their cities and are starving in the streets. They are in desperate need of culling, and we can offer them assistance. Numerous human kingdoms abuse the treaty for their own benefit why shouldn't we? Even if you don't agree with my ideology it's too late. This has already gone too far to stop. The humans will hear what's been done here and hunt us down relentlessly. We only have one option, and that's to hunker down here to fight. We can rebuild the dark kingdom starting here. You can join us or be our enemy." Aleister announced staring them down.

Everyone from the Bernadette clan went silent pondering his words. A few of Marcus's men charged in but were killed quickly. Madison stared her father in the eyes as wind swirled around her hand. Aleister got prepared to fight if needed, and so did everyone else.

Madison vanished popping up near Marcus beheading him without remorse. Cassandra fell to her knees in shock as whispers fell through the crowd. Madison reached down grabbing the pendant her father wore stashing it away.

"Why did you do that!?" Arthur screamed as he charged in to strike Madison.

Madison kicked Arthur deep in the gut as he flew into the wall. Arthur was encased in the stones as he coughed blood. When Arthur regained his focus he started healing his back. All the other clan members were unsure of what to do.

"I was cleansing weak blood. Do I need to continue?" Madison asked releasing a ferocious killing.