Chapter 57

Princess Emilia ran towards Arthur to check on his condition, but several ferals sped by grabbing her. One of them was preparing to draw blood from her neck while the others restrained her. Arthur got free swiftly taking their backs as he tore out their spines. He pushed Emilia off to safety as the feral cut him deep across his chest, but Arthur gave no mind to the pain charging forward.

'I have to protect her.'

The feral thrust towards his head, but Arthur dodged it with a spin inward lobbing off his head. A blast of wind put a hole in Arthur's stomach as his eyes rolled back. Emilia swarmed to his body desperately trying to wake him. More ferals began closing in as their heads went flying from the same wind.

"I wasn't just speaking to my comrades, and no one authorized you to touch them. Dealing with punishment to our clan is my duty alone. Anyone else moves without my blessing will have their head roll next." Madison declared as her mana flared.

Madison's wind engulfed the room as everyone entered her domain of power, and Aleister was captivated by her display of dominance. He left Marcus alive to get them to fight with him against the humans and planned to keep him weakened to be used as a puppet. Aleister intended to kill him later once the city was secure.

Aleister never expected Madison to make a move like this. Madison was a beautiful woman, a powerful vampire, and a cold-blooded soldier. These were all qualities Aleister wanted in a woman, and he ordered his men down giving her a smirk.

"Am I right to assume she speaks for you?" Aleister asked the others.

Madison stared down her clan members, and none dared to speak out. Once it was clear that everyone would stand down her magic dissipated, and she walked up to Aleister.

"We need to separate the adults from the children. I'll have a few men visit the Lasombras, and you should seek another ally as well." Madison suggested.

"The reinforcements I understand, but why separate the humans?" Aleister investigated.

"The humans will fight less, and give blood willingly if their kids are hostages. A siege could be drawn out for months, and we will need a steady supply. If we drain them dead or kill a few trying to revolt we will surely be starved out. With the help of the other clans, we can spread to other cities. Tomorrow night we begin attacking villages to add to the pens. So we need a group resting for the day watch. The children should be closer to the gate and put the adults in the town square. That way if that man returns we have easy access to precious cargo. Then we drop them from the walls till he walks away. Having the adults in the square will force them to travel deep in our domain to gain victory." Madison explained her plan thoroughly

Aleister didn't see any flaw in her plan, and there was still enough night for messengers to cover significant ground. With this in mind, he sent three soldiers out promptly. Madison ordered her siblings, and the princess to be locked up in the dungeon.

"Why put the princess with them?" Aleister asked.

"Arthur's injured, and Cassandra is too weak. Since we no longer need the princess I had an experiment. Maybe one of them will get hungry enough to start seeing things our way." Madison smirked.

"I do love the way you think," Aleister said with a smile walking up to her.

"I need to prepare my messengers' so they can begin. The old man is very shrewd, and won't help without the right incentive. Then I'll divide my night, and day squads, but after that, I'm free if you can handle it." Madison smiled while trailing her hand down his chest.

Aleister was about to grab her hand as she cut across his chest. Then she licked her finger seductively as she walked away. As Madison walked away he was entranced by her hips. Not wanting to waste any time he gathered his men to assign shifts. Then he had them clean up the hall while he took care of the citizen roundup. Madison finished speaking with a handful of her soldiers as they took off.

Madison sent most of her soldiers to sleep, four as messengers, and a few to help the wranglings. As the people discarded her father's body she watched quietly. The ferals cleaning the mess were frightened by her cold gaze.

They watched Madison cut down her own father without hesitation. If she could do that then upsetting her would mean certain death, and with the boss being infatuated with her he wouldn't pay it any thought. Down in the city yelling, and crying rang through the streets. Families were being pulled apart and arranged accordingly by age.


"Please take me instead!"

"Where are you taking them!"

"Be strong, and take care of your sister!"

"You can't do this!"

Everyone was displaying their disagreement with the decision. Some even offered to slice their wrist to stop the orders. Witnessing their dedication to spill blood put a smile on Aleister's face. This gave him confidence in his new ally.

Any parent that tried to step out of line to grab their children was beaten. The orders to not kill were very clear, but they still disciplined them thoroughly. Once the children were out of sight the adults were moved. Once they gathered in the town square, Aleister addressed the crowd.

"Your children will not be harm on two conditions. You obey all orders and give your blood without complaint. Anyone who refuses will be killing a random child indirectly. If you behave like good cattle you can see them once in a while." Aleister announced as the crowds whispered.

A few of them stepped forward without hesitation, and with time only a few stood out. Every parent's eyes radiated with the intent to kill at those still hesitating. The ones without children began to fear the retaliation that could follow. Glancing at the mob of parents ready to draw their blood through force they had no choice but to give in like the others.

All the vampires fed only enough to sate their hunger. For the time being, their lives aren't at risk, but they knew it could change at any moment. They were all shuffled into the houses, and locked inside to tend to their wounds.

"Now the rest of you get some rest. Tomorrow it's likely we will see another attack. If you're on guard duty stick close to our precious cattle, and I need ten of you on the gate at all times. Keep your hand off the cattle till I say otherwise understood?" Aleister conveyed in a threatening tone.

After his men were positioned for the night he went searching for Madison. At the stairwell leading to the dungeon stood two ferals standing watch. Down in the dungeon, Cassandra was trying to help her brother. The shock faded quickly when she realized Arthur's severe condition.

Cassandra has already lost two family members, and losing a third would be unbearable. Marcus taught her blood magic and guided her in the mystic arts. Cassandra halted the bleeding, but couldn't seal the wound, and Arthur was too hungry to heal properly.