Chapter 72

The vampires were conflicted at the order. It was clear Aleister lost the duel, and the terms were set already. Only half of Aleister's faction took action, and the rest took it upon themselves to flee while they could.

Being hunted eternally by the council, and an angel wasn't worth the risk. The remaining men joined Aleister's attempt to restrain Zack. Arthur charged forward to reach the prisoners first but was struggling to fight through so many fast enough.

Zack called forth his armor releasing a powerful shockwave to free himself. His blade protruded from his gauntlet but was golden instead of blue. Zack swiped off the left arm of Aleister, and before it hit the ground it was evaporated. Seeing the sword instilled immense fear as the ferals attempted to retreat, but were cut down swiftly.

Zack extended his hand launching a powerful blast of wind through Aleister's stomach forcing him to his knees to recover. With Aleister stuck recovering Zack charged forward to assist Arthur. Zack noticed a group of humans was being lined on the ground. Even with their swift response, they managed to seize five people. Arthur looked back at him for direction, and Zack nodded for them to get clear.

"You still lose fucker!"

"First your gonna kill your buddies there and then your gonna spill your guts."

"We get to taste angel blood!"

"Is it even safe to drink?"

"We can force one of them to try it first."

"but what if they get a power boost.."

"Someone has to go first then, but we can figure that out later!"

"Close your eyes," Zack told the hostages as he raised his hand.

The civilians were terrified but did as Zack instructed. His wings extended as the palm of his hand began to glow, and some of the vampires thought he would smite them all. Angels were known to be ruthless warriors on the battlefield after all. Surely he wouldn't mind roasting a few humans to prevent further casualties?

It was what a choice any of them could make with ease. With this in mind, most of their comrades fled for cover. Only the five holding hostages remained. As the golden light gathered they began to sweat but held their ground.

"He won't do it."

"The whole reason they're here is to save them."

"We aren't playing you lit..."

A gold flash illuminated the street temporarily blinding all those watching. When the light faded black shadows were printed on the wall in the path of Zack's hand. The civilians were healed and the building was unharmed.

Watching their comrades killed with ease taking a hostage with Zack present wasn't possible. They would have to fully sever the head before the light engulfed them. In that exchange of speed, failure was high.

Zack guided the civilians back inside as he placed his hand on the building. His back was exposed but none dare strike carelessly. Enochian glyphs began to cover the building, and it was covered in a holy barrier.

"This will keep everyone safe so long as you stay inside," Zack declared.

Zack turned around to return to the fight. He could see the ferals regrouping with Aleister as a few mystics launched a barrage of spells. Zack continued to walk forward as the divine light increased. The attacks dissipated before Zack as he continued unfazed.

As Zack closed in he extended his hand towards the mystics. When he clenched his hand their eyes began emitting a golden light as they vanished in a bright flash. Arthur's group had no choice, but to fall back watching at a safe distance.

'This is the power of an angel?' Arthur began sweating.

'I've never seen an angel kill that easily, but father kept me off the frontlines.' Madison covered her eyes trying to examine Zack.

Zack was walking calmly towards Aleister as they continued their attacks. As the ferals charged in his direction Zack disappeared. They frantically looked around for him as he appeared in the center of their formation. They attempted to strike him down as the radiance of his wings rose rapidly, and all of the ferals surrounding him vanished in an instant. The number of hostile vampires was rapidly decreasing, and only thirty remained.

With all the endurance, and magic training Zack's grace was becoming easier to control, but his grace still needed recharging. Setting the barrier on the hostages took significant strength already, and smiting them carefully required more energy consumption. Maintaining his current power wouldn't last much longer under these conditions. Most of the vampires didn't realize it yet due to the fear overtaking them. Aleister however began to notice Zack's radiance fading gradually.

"Don't forget he's half-human too! He can't keep this power going for long! If he could this would've ended yesterday! Keep attacking just be wary when the lights flare!" Aleister ordered.

They continued to attack cautiously to wear down Zack's endurance. Arthur and the others had to rejoin the fight with his wings slowly fading. Zack's magic was still formidable but the vampires no longer feared him. Aleister was closing in quickly with the others.

"You've underestimated us greatly, and the fighting at the gate seems done as well. Soon you will be overwhelmed. Did you really think you could sneak in here, and take us all on yourself?" Aleister taunted as he closed in.

"Did you not consider how Madison regained her strength?" Zack asked with a smirk.

Aleister ignored his words ordering his men forward. Before they could reach Zack a few kunai incinerated a few of their men. As the vampires glanced around smoke bombs shrouded the area. They weren't affected by the obstruction of vision, but it released a trace of mana within it. Making it hard to discern where they were. They were focusing to pinpoint the heartbeats when a set of shadows swept towards Zack.

"I thought we were gonna miss the action again," Lilith said while conjuring her whip.

"It took time to set the array up discreetly," Haruna stated while drawing her kodachi.

"We should've just gone through the front door," Ren smirked as she gripped her club tightly.

"Did you not listen to the briefing at all?" Kaya asked with an attitude.

"Find a better place to argue," Vicente said while drawing his swords.

Cassandra and Yu were both present but deeply focused on those around them. When the dust settled they saw the reinforcements. Aleister chuckled only seeing a small batch of soldiers. Yu began glancing around at the enemies with a serious expression.

"Which ones did it?" Yu asked calling her staff.