Chapter 71

Back at Stormhaven, the sounds of battle were intensifying towards the gate. Aleister realized the attack was more serious than he thought. Zack sliced his hand trailing blood on the road. Seeing this all the vampires halted, and whispering could be heard through the crowd. For someone outside the clans to know their customs was extremely rare, but Aleister began laughing at his attempt.

"I don't need to accept a challenge from someone like you," Aleister smirked ordering his men closer.

While the vampires were closing in Madison, and Arthur appeared. Seeing their return some of them halted. Most of them never expected to see Arthur again. A few of the ferals began sneaking in behind them to strike.

Arthur noticed their presence fading behind them striking one through the chest with his sword. Before the feral could react the ability was activated rendering him to ashes. With another swift motion, Arthur finished another feral with little effort. The final feral began walking back cautiously as Arthur used his sword aura to cleave him in half.

Arthur took a stance welcoming anyone to come his way as Madison gathered mana at his side. Arthur's eyes radiated an intense killing intent, and his display showed it wasn't a bluff. The chill he was giving them reminded them of Marcus.

This was a side of Arthur none of them seen before. All of the vampires would tease him for his weak resolve in battle, and how Arthur focused on human skills. Most of them carried weapons, but only to counter fire weapons. The standard way for a vampire to fight another is using his claws or magic.

For one to practice so hard on the humans' manner of fighting was considered weak, but one swing from Arthur's blade was fatal, and it cut their armor like butter. They were forced to rethink such ideology moving forward. With Madison at Arthur's side, and Zack nearby they had to be cautious.

"Some of you side with Aleister because you believe theirs no way out. This man here is a ruler of his own kingdom, and as of now is the only one aware of these events. He desires to end this now and stop the cycle of killing. Princess Emilia wants to handle this matter discreetly as well. We can return to how things once were with no retaliation. Therefore the house of Bernadett backs his claim to challenge." Madison declared while glancing at the crowd.

Some of them only sided with Aleister to ensure the clan's survival. They believed Madison was acting out of revenge, and it would lead to their doom. Since the founding of their clan, a Bernadett has always been the leader.

With the backing of a respected family, Zack's challenge held weight. With another way to preserve the clan available, some of them returned to Madison's side. A total of ten clan members returned, and a few ferals were about to attack them from behind but were quickly cut up by immense winds.

"Attacking someone with their back turned, and with a challenge issued. Do you realize how serious such offenses are?" Madison declared while staring them down cold.

They still had the numbers to attempt overwhelming them, but no one stepped forward. Someone else could be observing them and waiting to report to the council. If they were to inform the council of their actions none of them would be safe.

Aleister looked around noticing the looks on his comrades' faces, and it was clear they wanted him to accept. Madison's words about his duel with Marcus gave them doubts in his strength. Not wanting to lose control of his men Aleister sliced his hand preparing the circle.

"You have to remove your armor," Aleister stated.

Zack put away his armor which surprised everyone. Bound armor was a rare commodity after all. With his armor gone, and the arena finished they were ready. Aleister rushed in letting off a barrage of strikes, but Zack was dodging them with little effort.

Aleister's attacks possessed immense power, but lacked technique. Reading the strikes wasn't difficult allowing Zack to remain unharmed. He felt like a fool gathering a vast amount of power letting off a massive strike.

Zack stepped in seizing the arm and using Aleister's own force against him slamming into the road headfirst. The impact caused the ground to split as a loud rumble echoed through the streets. The crowd couldn't believe how easily Aleister was being handled as the whispering ensued. Hearing the chatter enraged Aleister as he began striking the ground to free himself.

Once Aleister was free Zack charged in to force him from the arena. Aleister let off a loud roar when he was closing in that disorienting him. For the first time, one of his strikes landed crushing Zack's ribs. Before he could recover Aleister unleashed a heavy barrage. Aleister was gonna end it by sending his head flying with a mighty blow.

'This is over.' Aleister smirked.

Zack planted his feet catching the blow as a powerful shockwave shattered nearby windows, and forced the spectators back. The sight before them baffled everyone. Zack was halting the massive fist in his hands as Aleister's arm trembled.

Zack spent plenty of time training his body and sparring with Ren in the past two weeks. With his grace returning he wouldn't lose in a contest of strength so easily. Aleister was trying to exert more force to break his grip, but it had little effect.

All Aleister could do was cause Zack to slide back on the ground. He pulled his hand back preparing to let it fly again, but Zack punched a hole in his stomach. Aleister knew it would be a loss if he didn't give it his all. His power began to surge as his muscles enlargened.

The wound in Aleister's stomach was sealed instantly, and Zack's arm was wedged tightly within. Aleister gripped Zack by both shoulders squeezing them immensely. Both of Zack's shoulders were breaking under the pressure as he tried to break free, but the grip was too firm to exert sufficient strength.

Even in this situation, Zack remained calm gathering mana. Aleister looked down in panic because Zack was conjuring flames inside his stomach, but before they could envelop him Aleister delivered a blow. Zack was hit straight in the face flying back as his arm was freed in the process.

Zack's face was fractured from the strike, but he still noticed the edge of the arena. He forced the earth to raise behind him as Zack slammed into it. The wall cracked under the impact as he wiped the blood from his mouth. After circulating his grace his wounds faded as he rotated his shoulders.

'They were a little stiff but that's it.'

Aleister saw him recovering, and charged in as they continued exchanging blows. Zack's hits weren't having the same effect as before. This caused him to switch to magic, but Aleister's wounds would heal so rapidly. Any massive fire attacks Zack would try to prepare were interrupted. Even with Aleister's bulky figure, he was slowly regaining his normal speed.

Marcus's blood had extraordinary effects on Aleister's body. Normally he wouldn't dare confront fire attacks, but with his new resistance, it was possible to knock them away. Since Zack needed to gather substantial mana to deal a devastating blow they were at a stalemate. Aleister was slowly working to overcome that equilibrium.

'Haruna should be finished soon.'

With his opponent having tremendous strength Zack had to unleash his grace. Since his fight with Modestus, he's only tapped into his grace for simple matters. This included healing, gathering mana faster, and fortifying his body.

Right now was their best opportunity to free the city, and he wouldn't let it go to waste. The ground beneath Zack cracked as his body began to illuminate. Aleister jumped back instinctively as fear trickled down his spine and all the vampires watching had the same reaction.

As the lights subsided they all saw Zack's true form. From his back were two golden wings, and his body had a divine light engulfing it. The civilians locked away could see the dazzling light from the window. To them, it was first the ray of hope since the siege started.

"Angels can't interfere with our actions!"

"He's right. You intervening is a direct violation of the treaty." Aleister announced trying to break the duel.

"The rumors spreading from Blackreach are true. Zack is that Nephilim and is the ruler of his own lands. Being half-human he's entitled to the same rights as us. Lord Ozen has already given his rule approval, and Zack is free to do as he wishes. You already accepted the challenge, and can't back out now." Arthur retorted.

All of them heard the rumors, and Zack's appearance was different from a normal angel. The voices of opposition ceased, and this caused Aleister to worry. Aleister fought low tier angels in the past, but they were dangerous opponents for their kind.

Zack could only draw forth two of his wings, but it was more than enough. Aleister knew if Zack gathered a holy attack it would be over quickly. With this in mind, Aleister was forced to attack. The two matched a blow and the result was bones protruding from Aleister's elbow.

With the next exchange, Zack delivered a head kick forcing him from the circle and making it difficult for him to stand. As Aleister looked up everything was hazy, but one thing was clear Zack wasn't someone he could defeat.

Being defeated, and spared wasn't considered dishonorable for a vampire. It was a common way to handle disputes in the old days. Aleister however was someone who preached brute strength to his men and lost in a contest of strength.

Everyone knew Zack could've used holy power erasing him with ease, but chose to keep the fight honorable. The thought of being defeated so easily both embarrassed, and infuriated Aleister. Zack was staring down Aleister's faction as they waited for his terms.

"Release the city, and find a new way to feed. I remember all the auras here clearly, and If I hear of any feral attacks I'll come looking for you first." Zack ordered.

High-tier angels are perceptive enough to find specific auras across the lands. Sentinels and Archangels are capable of teleporting long distances with their wings. It was why Zack had to be discreet with his abilities for so long.

Zack has yet to master the teleportation at will, but they were unaware of this. His threat wasn't something they could ignore. Aleister refused to live off deer in the forest like a wild animal. The only way to avoid such a fate was to end this now. Aleister drew out all the power he could charging in behind Zack to bear hug him. Being caught off guard he managed to lock his hands in.

"Grab them now!" Aleister demanded as his grip was slipping.