Chapter 70

Everyone was on guard surrounding Luthor as the mystics gathered a strong gust clearing the battlefield. When it was cleared they could see three shinobi retreating towards the shield wall, and a large pool of blood was trailing behind one of them. All of the vampires noticed they were humans, and couldn't understand how they were caught off guard.

Once they were safely inside the shield wall they cauterized the severed limb. Even with one arm, the shinobi drew his kodachi enshrouding it with flames. The mission wasn't complete, and he wouldn't surrender till it was. The determined shinobi is Asad, and his family has served the Koga clan for five generations.

"That last attack cost quite a bit, but I can still incinerate them. They will be changing tactics so be prepared for anything." Kintaro ordered.

"Be careful a few of them can mask their heart rates. No matter where their weapons strike just create some distance from it immediately. We will have to push past them to draw them from their formation. Even if the man next to you dies push forward. Aleister won't tolerate failure." Luthor declared.

As the battle ensued five shadows crept up behind Luthor's group. The water from the empty pattie fields broke through the ice forming a large pool of water in the air. Everyone could feel the mana gathering in the water but was unsure if it was aimed at them.

It began swirling around violenting from a powerful force within, and rapidly struck the ground as it began roaring across the earth like a small tsunami. It crashed into the vampire attempting to sprint past the formation sweeping them away in its destruction.

Before the attack struck Harald's group it parted around them leaving their formation undamaged. It pushed the vampires towards the treeline as the water began gathering together and formed into a massive octopus.

Some of the vampires were trapped inside when the familiar formed, and the others scattered away as it struck at the ground around them. The vampires inside were trapped under immense pressure. Their attempts to swim out failed as a powerful current pulled them back to the center.

At the core, the pressure was strong enough to cause their bodies to feel tremendous pain under the weight of it. The beast began twirling its tentacles around smacking vampires around it with tremendous force. Anyone that managed to get tangled in one of its tentacles was pulled to the center with the others.

A total of eight ferals were now trapped inside, and the mystics were preparing to attack the beast when Victoria's allies swept by restricting some of them. Kintaro watched carefully from the barrier and knowing she was an ally they waited for their moment to strike.

"Right now the city is being retaken, and Aleister should be dead. Madison sent you here knowing when the time came you would do the right thing. If we must be enemies so be it, but don't expect mercy. You are free to choose your fate." Victoria announced releasing her grip.

Victoria and her comrades faded into mist reappearing by Kintaro. After a brief silence, most of their clansmen joined their side. There was a group of three however that stayed by Luthor. Some of them returned to human blood, and no longer wished to switch back. They began launching a barrage towards Victoria to break her spell.

It wasn't the first time they saw this familiar. They knew controlling it required Victoria to focus, and launching other spells with it would be difficult. So long as they could break Victoria's focus, or kill her it would collapse to normal water.

The ferals were informed as they charged with her as the new target, but shurikens came soaring through the air halting their advances while killing one on impact. The shurikens that missed formed hidden spell circles, and once stepped on they were restricted in chains of fire. The vampires struggled to free their comrade, but anyone who touched the chains activated the spell burning them both.

"We need to finish this now and regroup with the others. Have your men switch to attack. " Kintaro ordered as he charged forward.

Asad chased off behind Kintaro sending a fire blast towards the ferals left bound with his sword aura. As the shinobi joined the battle pushing for the villagers was no longer easy. At their back were Victoria's comrades ensuring they weren't flanked, and chasing down those who sped by.

Examining the shinobis' lethal attacks they wanted to avoid being incinerated with the ferals. With her comrades at her side, Victoria could fully focus on her magic. The octopus became more accurate in its strikes as it supported Kintaro's charge.

'We need to end this,' Harald raised his ax to the sky.

Harald finished chanting as a storm gathered together causing lighting to strike around him repetitively. A massive bolt shot down hitting Harald as his body began to spasm, and tense up. His body and eyes were radiating electricity as a powerful aura flooded the battlefield. His comrades lifted their weapons into the air as lighting from Harald struck their weapons.

Harald took notice of who was giving orders, but Luthor was heavily protected. The mystics at his side were gathering large amounts of mana to destroy the familiar. Seeing this with their formation the casualties would grow fast if they couldn't breach it swiftly.

Harald dropped his shield from his back disappearing as lightning struck in the center of Luthor's defense. From the lightning formed Harald as a powerful shockwave shattered their formation, and disoriented the mystics. Before the vampires could recover Harald's men were attacking them.

Anyone stuck with their weapons had electricity coursing through them. It wasn't enough to do serious harm, but it caused their muscles to tense up paralyzing them in little spurts. This made it difficult for them to fight properly as heads went flying.

A band of ferals swarmed one of the raiders, and the man struck his weapon against his shield. The sound of thunder was released on impact as a refined shockwave was produced. The ferals hit had their bones shattered dropping to the ground. Their bodies were healing, but before they could recover enough they were cut down.

Seeing all of his comrades were now in position Harald raised his ax in the air causing the vampires that were paralyzed to begin roasting as the lightning amplified. Luthor had Harald's back preparing to sever Harald's spine, but he disappeared in a flash of lightning. Luthor began looking around waiting for him to appear, but Harald was already cutting through some of his allies.

'Damn it.'

Luthor tried to catch back up, but Harald was gone once again. His figure could be seen attacking throughout the battlefield, and no one could capture him. Anyone who met the edge of his battleax was severed with ease as the sound of thunder rang across the battlefield.

Harald could appear anywhere the lightning he conjured struck. That included the electricity coursing through his comrades' weapons, and anyone they struck. They spread in pairs to give him a wider range for his abilities. With this, the vampires were trapped within an endless storm.

This was a powerful spell passed down by Harald's ancestors that allowed them to survive the dark ages. Only the strongest warrior of the tribe could learn it for its strain on the body was immense. A normal human who would attempt this magic would have their body explode from activation. Even Harald could only maintain it for a few minutes, and he made sure not to waste the time. The others joined his efforts making sure the ferals couldn't recover.