Chapter 83

Zack was traveling slowly through the water with Mero at his side. They would stop to admire their surroundings along the way as she told stories of her time in the sea. Mero made sure to show him all her favorite spots and even introduced him to several friends. Zack was happy to see her so friendly with other species.

Most mersharks are loners and tend to only band up for feeding frenzies. The only exception to this tends to be with mating pairs. Mero was different she enjoyed the company of others and wanted to make new friends.

Once they said goodbye to Mero's mermaid companions they continued home. As they approached the shore Zack noticed gigantic lobsters wandering around. Mero saw him eyeing them, and stopped.

"My claws can't cut deep enough, and you don't wanna get caught by them," Mero stated.

"Are they edible?" Zack asked.

"Yes, and they taste really good. I've tried one before but it was only some remains. Not sure what killed it." Mero replied.

"Wait here I'll be right back," Zack said as he swam forward.

It wasn't the first time Zack tried lobster but he never saw this species before. The ones served at the palace were ants in compassion. Zack knew they had to be cooked alive to avoid people getting sick, and his only option was to capture one to bring home. To do this was easier said than done. They stood four meters tall, and seven long.

The ground beneath the largest one-shot up forming a cage around it. It attempted to pinch at its cage shattering the earth with ease. Zack had to get serious to restrain it effectively. More mana was poured into the cage as it reformed. It was preparing to strike its cage again, but Zack forced its claws close by binding it shut in chains of pure mana. The cage lifted from the ground floating towards Zack.

'Didn't think it would be this hard to restrain it. If they were faster it could be an actual threat.'

"Why did you restrain it?" Mero asked.

"Most people have sensitive stomachs, and if you don't cook them correctly they could get sick. Let's get going." Zack said as they rushed home.

When they arrived back home the town was relatively quiet. It was two hours till they would usually gather for dinner, and Zack made sure the cage was secure leaving it in the river outside the city. Now that they were somewhere safe Mero swarmed him with kisses and love bites. The image of him darting in to protect her was still playing in her head. Zack wrapped his arms around her embracing her tightly.

"I know you have other women around you that look like you, and I know being in the sea isn't easy for you. I've never seen you relaxing, and everything you do around town is for someone else. Yet you took the time to spend the day with me. Thank you." Mero told Zack while resting her head against his chest.

"I had fun, and I look forward to doing it again. Would you wanna join me when I recruit people?" Zack inquired.

"You're bringing more people from the sea?" Mero asked.

"We already have the houses made, and have an abundance of resources. If they wanna join us I don't see why not." Zack replied with a smile.

"Can I invite my friends to dinner? They always wanted to try that lobster, and I always tell them about this place." Mero begged.

"You sure they wanna visit? I know mermaids can be cautious around humans. They seemed friendly so I don't mind if they say yes." Zack asked.

"Some of them might," Mero replied.

"I'll extend your table just in case." Zack smiled kissing her passionately.

Mero smiled swiftly vanishing into the water. Zack went home to change clothes and began looking around the city. After strolling for a few minutes he realized most of the city was empty. The only people he saw were the guards, and Yuki watching the children.

Destiny was in her shop but hard at work on a project before dinner. While walking towards the gate he saw Cynthia walking around with her sister. When they saw Zack both of them ran up with excitement.

"How did it go?" Cynthia asked while embracing Zack.

Zack retrieved their bounty as a pile of large tuna appeared on the ground. Both of them had their tails swaying, and a look of joy on their faces. Zack stored them again to preserve them for dinner.

"I'll make sure one of them goes to you. I know it's your favorite, and this way you have plenty." Zack said with a smile.

Hearing this they both went quiet, and Cynthia's face went red. Hunting a large fish, and gifting it to her was considered a proposal to their species. Zack was unaware of this custom and was puzzled at the silence. Ashleigh looked up with excitement preparing to congratulate them when Cynthia covered her mouth.

"He d-d-didn't m-mean it that way." Cynthia stuttered scared to look Zack in the eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Zack investigated.

Cynthia released her sister and embraced him while kissing his cheek.

"Just a misunderstanding." Cynthia smiled.

"Where are you two headed?" Zack asked.

"She wanted to go help the others clean up the city so I'm going with her," Cynthia replied.

"Could you invite everyone to dinner Including Arthur's group? Just tell Vicente to strengthen the warding on the prisoners first." Zack asked.

"Yeah, I can...Sorry for leaving I know you wanted to spend time together." Cynthia whispered.

"It's okay. I'll see you at dinner, and save you a spot." Zack smiled waving goodbye to Ashleigh.

"What did you whisper?" Ashleigh asked.

"You know better than to be nosey," Cynthia replied pinching her ear.

Cynthia took off towards the array while Zack went towards the livestock grazing grounds. The extended pens gave them enough land to roam to match a natural environment. They have yet to feed off any of the animals. The plan was to let them continue to thrive and save them for rough times. They would only cull the ones getting too old when the time came. For now, they were being used for milk, eggs, and fertilizer.

Zack was stopping by the boars to drain enough blood for the vampires. Given the immense size of them taking a little from three of them was enough to supply the entire clan. With his magic, and healing capabilities they felt no pain, and it wouldn't be fatal. While Zack was making preparations Arthur was talking to Valan in the library.