Chapter 84

While Rolen was talking in the library Arthur showed up, and handed him the amulet as he examined it thoroughly. Rolen retrieved his artifacts inscribing reveal on the back of the amulet. The inscriptions that appeared were familiar except one.

Rolen realized it had to be the spell that granted immunity to the sun, and wrote it down on paper to attempt later. The one he recognized was an ancient spell to pass on one's knowledge to a successor. He read about it recently in one of the books but was unable to test if it was working.

"There is another effect, but it can only be activated by your father's successor. It has to be one of your sisters or else it would take effect already. I might be able to recreate the sun immunity." Rolen announced handing it back.

"Are you serious?" Arthur asked in disbelief.

"Yes, but I wouldn't tell anyone. If it works I'll make two rings for your sisters. Zack told me they could be trusted so I see no issue in letting them know. I need to get back to work." Rolen replied as he walked away.

"His talent continues to grow. Do you know what your people are going to do?" Valan asked.

"Return home more than likely. I might stick around to establish the relationships mom wanted." Arthur replied glancing at Emilia.

Emilia was captivated by all the books and had been reading nonstop since they arrived. Valan recognized the gaze, and a smile went across his face. Elves live three times as long as humans, but with all his years roaming with the clan, he never witnessed a place like this.

'Never thought a Bernadette would have affection for a human, and a noble at that. Living a long life has its perks.'

"Being honest about your feelings is crucial. You don't wanna wait, and lose your chance. Trust me I've made the mistake myself." Valan suggested in a low tone.

"How can I? We attacked her city, and the result cost her father's life. She's a human princess, and I'm just a monster." Arthur replied glancing at his hands.

Arthur could still see the blood-drenched hands from the night of the ambush. It was to avenge his mother, but it doesn't change the fact he cut down soldiers, and the guilt of it weighed heavily on him.

Deep down Arthur knew not all of the soldiers were wicked, and that it was a small faction spreading dissent, but at the time he didn't care. Arthur feared his mom would frown upon his actions. Valan didn't have to read his mind to know what he was thinking.

"The loss of a loved one causes us to lash out. I've seen parents blame each other over a child's death when the cause was illness. A saint could turn to a demon when faced with the same. It's easier to lash out in hate than to confront the sorrow. Your mother wouldn't blame you for the actions you took. If it happened to you she surely would've done the same. What matters now is what you do going forward, and if you ever need to talk you know where to find me." Valan said as he left the library.

Hearing these words brought Arthur some comfort. Emilia heard the conversation and walked up to support him. She embraced him and left him speechless momentarily. Then the emotions hit, and he had to fight the waterworks.

"I'm so sorry for everything that happened. We took.."

"You didn't kill my father. Even if they spared him he wouldn't have lasted much longer. You helped save me, and my people. I can never repay you for what you did for us, and I'll never forget how hard you fought to protect me." Emilia declared.

Emilia refused to let Arthur go till he understood the fault wasn't his. He looked deeply into Emilia's eyes seeing the words were sincere. She leaned in to kiss him, and Arthur wasn't sure why.

"My hearing is very good you know. Don't ever call yourself a monster again understand?" Emilia smiled pinching Arthur's side.

Arthur nodded as he leaned in returning the kiss. The two continued to kiss passionately till they pressed against a bookshelf. They were both clumsy in their attempts to kiss, but it didn't stop them. Their time alone was limited, and they didn't wish to waste it.

If someone were to find them it could cause problems. King Alfred already made marriage arrangements for Emilia, and a vampire noble being with a human was taboo. They knew their love was forbidden, but it didn't stop them.

They have only known each other for a few days, but they knew the connection was real. Neither of them ever felt this way before, and both risked their lives to save the other without hesitation. They both wanted to continue but heard someone in the hall walking their way.

Both of them quickly sat at the table pretending to be researching. As they sat down Olivia came walking into the library. She had taken over all the cleaning duties in the mansion, and it was a routine cleaning. Olivia could tell she disturbed something lowering her head to apologize.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion I'll return later."

Once Olivia left they decided it was best to not continue. They held hands under the table while she rested against his arm.

"Can this even work? Don't get me wrong I want it to. I just don't wanna inconvenience you."Arthur asked.

"After my ascension, I can do as I please. We only need to wait." Emilia replied with a smile.

"My species would have their complaints. Not many of us purebloods are left, and they arrange our marriages as well." Arthur said in a solemn tone.

"And? They can make their complaints known but that's about it right?" Emilia asked.

"For the most part, but some clans might take more action than complaints," Arthur replied.

"Zack would support us, and something tells me they would be cautious in offending him. If someone strong like you takes shelter from simply gazing at him I doubt they will act." Emilia teased.

"You really have no idea how frightening that man can be. He faced an army of vampires without a shred of fear. With a gesture of his hand, a group was rendered to ashes, and from what I hear he's not even at full power. My father told me stories of fighting angels, but nothing like that. Are you sure he would help us?" Arthur asked.

"I know he would. We will be okay I promise. So wait for me okay?" Emilia asked as she kissed him on the cheek.

"I don't intend to leave your side," Arthur replied.