Chapter 104

"What are you?" Jacob asked watching the divinity fade from Zack's eyes.

"Just a traveler that's all. Eat something, and then we can get you some new clothes." Zack replied as Kaya offered him the crate.

While Jacob was eating a crowd appeared by Zack.

"How much do you charge for healing?

"Could you take a look at my brother?"

"I don't have much, but my husband won't last another week without help. I'll repay the difference I swear."

"My father keeps getting headaches, and lately he can't even get up from the bed. No matter what we do nothing works, and it's only getting worse. I'll do anything you ask just please help!"

Zack calmed the crowd ensuring he could help everyone. Once the crowd was calmed Zack told them to meet him in the same spot in an hour. In the meantime, they took Jacob to get some winter clothing and then left for the auction house. On their way, the word was quickly spreading about a powerful healer in town.

They walked up to the stand to drop off merchandise and waited in line patiently. When it was their turn Zack produced the items from the ring, and they immediately called for Mephisto. Covering the tables was a series of twenty artifacts ranging in a variety of weapons.

There were twelve grade five artifacts, and the rest were grade six. They were told to expect an order of this magnitude and Mephisto wanted to be notified immediately. Not long after the messenger disappeared Mephisto returned wearing a red suit with a black tie. The workers were shocked to see Mephisto greeting Zack politely.

"Glad to see you made it without a hassle. Would you, and your companion like to join me for some drinks?" Mephisto offered.

"Thanks for the offer, but I still have a few things to do, and then I'll be returning with my group. Are we still meeting the representatives tonight?" Zack asked.

"Of course the others should arrive during the auction. I heard you had a larger party today, and I'll be sure to get you a private booth. That suit you have is brilliant. Did you get it from here, or a neighboring city?" Mephisto investigated.

"Thank you that makes things easier, and it was made by one of my partners," Zack replied.

"I won't keep you from your schedule, and if you have any problems today be sure to let me know," Mephisto said as he walked towards his associates.

"Didn't know you were so popular here," Kaya smiled.

"Don't like all the attention?" Zack teased pulling Kaya in by the hips.

Kaya looked around seeing all the looks of envy from nearby women. They saw Zack being treated politely by Mephisto and thought he would be a good catch for money. He wasn't lacking in the looks department either so he was drawing a lot of attention.

Kaya blushed as Zack wrapped his arms around her. Kaya looked up wrapping her arms around his neck as they kissed passionately. The sound of the women stomping their feet and muttering could be heard. Kaya looked at the women behind him watching and taunted them with childish faces.

"Let's head back to help, and then we can find a place to eat," Zack replied.

Kaya nodded as they returned to the edge of the market. Walking up they could see a large group of people gathered. Most of them had a loved one with them, and the rest were waiting to lead him to the injured. Zack walked up seeing them all clutching anything valuable they had and noticed a few watching from afar empty-handed.

"Let's move somewhere less obstructing to traffic. I need no payment so everyone please step forward. " Zack declared leading the group to a nearby garden.

Since it was winter the garden was empty, and there was plenty of space for them to gather. Zack instructed the others to surround him in a close circle. Some had their doubts, but the ones who witnessed the miracle didn't.

Zacks wings appeared as a divine light engulfed them all. A few of the injured were demons and almost fled upon seeing the light. When it hit them the fear dissipated as a warm sensation relaxed their bodies, and everyone's wounds began to heal.

The injuries around varied, but even the most critical cases subsided. Zack's wings slowly faded away as everyone was filled with gratitude. The demons were confused about an angel in the city, but the nearby guards did nothing in his presence.

What amazed them the most was how an angel's grace could affect a demon without it being fatal. While Zack reassured his desire to not be paid the guards watching were talking amongst each other.

"That's definitely him. Thought they gave us the wrong target for a minute."

"Have you ever seen wings like that?"

"Not that many, and never that color."

"Why did he heal their wounds?"

"Better yet how?"

"My shoulder has been fucked up since the last war. I'm tempted to go over there. Do you think he would fix it?"

"Don't be a pussy man just push through it."

"Fuck you! That shit hurts with every gesture I do!"

"Enough chitchat go report this to captain!"

Zack bid the people farewell and began attending to the home patients. All of them were simple matters with his skill except for the final one. The father who couldn't rid himself from the bed was being affected by a powerful curse. Only a member of the demon races could do something like this, and not an average-level demon.

"How long has this been going on?" Zack asked.

"About a month now." The daughter replied.

"Did you cross anyone beforehand, or see anything unusual?" Zack investigated pouring more grace into the father.

"Not that I can think off." The father replied.

"Someone cursed you with the sin of sloth," Zack stated trying to cleanse it.

"What does that mean?" The daughter asked.

"It usually starts as a delay in the body's reaction time, and slowly numbs the nerves in the legs. With time the effect spreads throughout the body, and it would eventually cease to function altogether. To curse someone like this a demon would require immense skill and they would suffer a drastic drain on their bodies as recoil. This was no random act, but a discreet attempt at assassination." Zack declared.

"Someone wanted us to sell the shop, but we refused. They were very polite when we declined so I didn't think to mention it." The daughter replied.

"For now I would stay in bed. They are likely observing you, and if they find out you recovered they could attempt another method. The curse would usually take a total of three months to finish its work so for now your safe." Zack cautioned handing them a pouch of coins.

"What's this for?" The daughter asked.

"To help with expenses. If I recall the taxes here are rather high." Zack replied.

"We should be paying you not the other way around." The father replied sitting up.

"Just tell me everything you know about the people who approached you, and we can call it even," Zack suggested as he placed the pouch on a nearby table.

The father went on to explain they were associates of a demon noble named Camila. She owned a variety of businesses but still operates the most prestigious tailor in Blackreach. People would come from the neighboring territories to attain some of her clothes.

Zack thanked them for the information and left promptly. Then he recalled Jacob being a victim who recently had been hurt as well, and decided to investigate some more. Zack went searching for the man and found him at an inn. He walked up with Kaya sitting next to him.

"Can you tell us more about what happened?" Zack asked.

Jacob went on to explain how everything started. He was a master carpenter and had recently built a shop in town. His work was quickly becoming the talk of the town, and a month later he was attacked.

A group of demons broke in blinding Jacob with cobra venom and demanded he quit working. Jacob being a dedicated artisan refused to give in, and continued his work without his eyes. Seeing his work was still substantial made everyone want it even more. This enraged the person who hired them, and the demons returned. This time they shattered Jacob's hands ensuring he could no longer work.

"If you wish to continue your work somewhere peaceful meet me at the gate tomorrow around noon." Zack declared getting up quickly.

"I dedicated my life to my craft and even lost a few wives because of it. Without my work I had nothing. I was ready to give up today and was only on the street to get enough coin for a final drink...I can never repay you for what you've done, but I'll definitely try." Jacob told Zack while shaking his hand.