Chapter 110

"The next item on the menu is a bit of mystery, but it was found on the sixth floor of a dungeon in the neutral territory. Our experts have attempted to open it, but have had no luck, Surely you understand the gamble. Now let's start the bidding at six thousand gold!" Isabel announced.

"Have you ever made it to the sixth floor?"

"We can barely make it to four."

"Imagine the treasures inside."

"It could just be empty, or even worse a trap."

"Seven thousand gold!"

"Eight thousand gold!"

"Sold for one plat!" Isabel announced.

"You felt it didn't you?" Silas asked.

"I did. Anytime I can bring something back to your people I try my hardest." Zack replied.

"It's our people. You realize your mom was famous right? I heard stories about her freeing our clan when I was little, but they assumed she was human at the time." Silas stated.

"You wouldn't be able to trace it if you weren't from the tribe. The ancient city may worship purebloods, but most nomadic tribes have no qualms with halflings." Kaya informed.

"I do wonder how you would look with pointy ears." Lilith teased.

The auction continued, but nothing was catching Zack's eye. Once Rolen's items began being displayed he realized how desired his work truly was. Thea, and Rolen both couldn't help but smile seeing the excitement over their hard work.

Hisato managed to buy over half the inventory, but there was another big spender present. The final total of their items brought them forty-two plat after taxes. Once Vicente explained the worth of plat to Rolen he couldn't believe it was worth that much.

With the auction over Sera was heading to the market with Silas and Tanya in tow. They wanted to have enough shopping time before their scheduled meet. While everyone was talking Zack was distracted.

Zack could feel a mysterious aura the entire time of the auction. At first, he ignored it because there were plenty of people present. As the auction continued Zack couldn't shake the feeling of the same piercing gaze locked onto him from time to time. Something about it gave him chills, but it felt familiar.

It would rapidly fade when he searched for it, but after the weapons were sold it returned stronger than ever. The aura was masked like his, but he could faintly detect it in the crowd below. Zack scanned the area pinpointing the source. It was then his eyes locked with a human child holding a woman's hand.

As their eyes met a sinister smirk appeared on the boy's face. Zack had trouble seeing the boy clearly between the moving crowd, but his eyes had a bright white shimmer before the child vanished. The woman looked around frantically, but not like a woman concerned for her child. It was almost as if she was confused about her surroundings.

" even hear me?" Vicente asked snapping his fingers in Zack's face.

"Just grab his dick it should work." Lilith teased.

"Fuck that. Isn't that why he has six of you." Vicente laughed.

"I'll do it!" Ruby declared.

Zack caught her hand just barely.

"Sorry I was distracted. What did you say?" Zack asked as Ruby pouted.

"I said what are you two gonna do now that you're rich," Vicente said smacking him on the shoulder.

Zack glanced at Rolen wanting his input.

"Just keep the forge stocked, and you can keep the rest. I've seen the value of my work, and money means nothing to me when I already have everything I want. A safe place for my people, friends I can depend on, and a wonderful woman at my side. I know you will use it for the right causes anyway." Rolen declared grabbing Thea's hand.

"Maybe you should get a crown made while we're here." Lilith teased.

"You're a king?" Ruby asked clinging to him.

"No, she just keeps telling people that." Zack sighed.

"You should actually consider it. Lord Ozen already declared you as such, and you more than qualify. I understand you're disdain for such titles, but hear me out. The treaty has more loopholes for monarchies. If a unified world is what you desire you will need as many as you can get. Your philosophy on treating your people as equals is still possible. It's your rule after all." Hisato suggested.

Zack wanted to flat out deny his suggestion, but his words were difficult to ignore. There was a reason most people who lived with the chieftain system would typically live secluded. He was confident in his ability to defend the city, but now being a leader his adventures across borders could come with consequences. Having more diplomatic immunity would come in handy, and it was something Zack couldn't deny.

"You can also have more than one wife this way," Kintaro suggested.

Kintaro had no idea about the bomb he just activated. Hearing this all the women in the booth glared at Zack with desire. Lilith, and the others already intended to have a competition to determine the wife, and who would be a mistress.

All of them being married was a thought they enjoyed. However the competition was still on, but with the title of queen on the line, it made their passion that much greater. With the looks on their faces, it became more difficult to deny such a suggestion. They could tell the battle was won when Zack smiled at them.

"I'm not wearing a crown though." Zack declared.

"Just one time please?" Yu pleaded.

"You just wanna keep it after." Ren laughed chugging from her gourd.

Ren guessed right, and Yu was fidgeting nervously as the others laughed. She saw a crown when helping clean Stormhaven's palace, and wanted one since. Zack understood her fascination for shiny objects and saw how embarrassed she was. He kissed Yu on the cheek lovingly to reassure her. She had a large smile as he patted her on the head.

"You know a queen gets her own crown." Zack smiled as Yu's eyes filled with excitement.

"You know I'm already a princess, and my father did appoint him so it's only r.."

"No!" The women shouted in unison.

"Such a lively bunch," Hisato stated.

"I'm kinda gonna miss it," Kintaro smiled.

"You can take my spot," Haruna suggested.

"No this a job better suited for you," Hisato told Haruna.

'You truly don't know how much you need this.'

"Now let's get going we have a few things to discuss. Kintaro you stay put for now, and be sure to find me as soon as you retrieve the cores." Hisato declared.

"Yes sir," Kintaro replied.

As Hisato, and the others left Mephisto appeared with a large smile. The servants immediately stood up worried about being scolded. He glanced at Zack seeing him pleased, and therefore had no complaints. He walked up to Zack producing a ring with his money, and winnings.

"You sure we can't get you to come back next month?" Mephisto asked.

"I'll return in spring with a similar inventory, and I've found some leads on another site for a potential seven," Zack replied.

Mephisto was a little disappointed, but it was to be expected with such a large inventory produced today. Zack brought him enough business to cover a year's worth of business in two auctions. When he heard Zack mention the grade sevens his eyes lit up with enthusiasm. He thought the last time was a rare occasion he would only experience once in his life.

In this auction, the fives were even reaching two plat. In the first auction no one was prepared for such treasures or else the prices would've reached much higher. Having a partnership with Zack was now Mephisto's top concern, and he began thinking of ways to ensure his business.