Chapter 118

As the sun began to rise over Blackreach the town quickly came to life. For many, it was just a normal day, but others were in a rush to gather their belongings. Many were moved by Zack's words wanting to see if Eden was truly a paradise.

With the growing hostilities in the city most deemed it worth the risk, and that it couldn't be worse than staying in Blackreach.The removal of Dorion helped greatly, but for most, the damage was already done. With the taxes being so high, and having so much money snatched away their dreams of building a business was no more.

The majority of the people gathering by the gate were simply trying to survive winter before trying their luck elsewhere, but for the nonhumans the friendly cities were limited. They would likely have to find a secluded village willing to take them in, or homestead elsewhere in hopes of avoiding conflict.

Even though noon was still a few hours away people wasted no time in making preparations. Some families were gathering anything they could sell in hopes of finding a safe passage to the city, and others had nothing but the clothes on their back. For a chance at a better life, they were willing to trek the hardships of the road in winter.

It wasn't just the civilians of Blackreach thinking of leaving either. The number of soldiers by the gate was higher than scheduled. Most were curious to see how many people would attempt to join the convoy, and they also considered going themselves.

They wanted to know what it would be like to serve at a place you were respected. Since everyone was unsure who could be reporting to Azazel they were nervous to make their intentions known. When the moment came how many would desert their positions, and how many would give chase? It was all they could think about watching patiently from the ramparts.

As of now, over twenty percent of the population inside the city was considering leaving. While some of the civilians were debating the authenticity of the city, and how to get there Holly was appearing at the stables.

Behind Holly trailed the other restaurant workers and their families in tow. When Zack left her the money it was thoroughly debated and ended up as a unanimous decision to go. They already purchased several wagons, and now needed enough horses to make the journey.

"How many horses do you have available?" Holly asked.

"I only have three to sell at the moment." The man replied.

Holly looked in the back seeing the man had plenty more but gathered they were all essential. She retrieved all the money Zack gave her showing it to the man. Seeing the large sack of gold quickly got his attention.

"How many would you give me for all of this?" Holly asked.

"I can do eight at the most. Do you need anything else?" The man replied.

The stablemaster grabbed the bag with a large smile. Refilling the stables would be rough with only three mares, but the fortune made it worth it. He could now afford to outsource to the capital retrieving some of the elite bloodlines allowing his business to grow substantially.

"I have a few wagons being brought right now, but could you get them ready for the road when it arrives." Holly requested.

"Yes ma'am." The man replied with a smile.

As the gate was slowly amassing people Holly began directing families that couldn't afford passage to board with them. Once the offer arose it wasn't long before all the wagons they bought were filled.

Slowly approaching the gate was the father, and daughter Zack saved from a curse. After learning of his actions in the market they decided to join him. Seeing them approach the gate Jacob walked up to greet them.

"You're joining the caravan as well?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah I am, but I wonder how much the taxes are," Walter replied shaking his hand.

"Can't be any worse than here. I also owe him a great debt for restoring my health." Jacob smiled

Jacob glanced around admiring his surroundings. He stared up at the sky feeling blessed to see such a magnificent sight once again. When everything was lost it was the simplest things he yearned to see once more.

"It seems we have the same healer then, and I'm sorry I didn't take your warning seriously. I knew Camila had prejudices, but never expected her to push things so far." Walter apologized.

"Don't worry about it. From the rumors, It seems she received divine retribution." Jacob replied.

"The city is definitely better off without her, but I still think the move is worth it. Even with her gone this city will still have its problems when it comes to humans." Walter sighed.

Back at Mephisto's estate, Zack was preparing to leave with his comrades. He was finishing up some business talk with Mephisto waiting to walk out the front door. Zack couldn't help but smile when seeing how close Rolen was acting with Thea.

Shortly after Zack noticed Alisha discreetly saying goodbye to Kintaro at the tops of the steps. Seeing the two couples he knew what they were building would work. Kintaro noticed Zack watching, and tried to play it off as nothing happened.

"Sorry, you had to work last night. I'm sure preparing so many was difficult." Kintaro stated.

"Not at all. I already had enough prepared at the auction." Zack smirked retrieving a ring.

"Then why did you wait till morning?" Kintaro asked.

"I thought that was obvious. Feel free to visit us anytime." Zack replied pointing towards Alisha with his eyes.

"I may be a branch member, but it's still not permitted. I would like your discretion on this if possible." Kintaro requested.

"I already figured as much, but don't worry I won't tell anyone. Just don't let Lilith find out." Zack cautioned walking back to his group.

"Do you really think people will join us?" Silas asked.

"A few will come, but that's probably it," Sera replied.

"I think they will gradually come when curiosity begins to hit," Cassandra stated.

"What do you think?" Ren asked.

"Let's find Vicente, and we can find out," Zack replied while walking down the steps.