Chapter 119

Vicente was downtown near the taverns on a stage with their guild flag hanging above it. It was an expensive spot to reserve, but it was a high-traffic zone. It was also the ideal spot to find mercenaries short on coin for booze. Seeing the Cerebus banner in winter some were interested and began making their way over.

A few years ago Cerebus was the top guild in the demon territories. After the former guild master died they lost many members to other guilds. With this, they quickly lost dungeons, and have been trying to regain their former glory ever since. Their guild still had enough reputation to draw a crowd, and Vicente has proven himself many times over the past year.

When they heard of the signing wages many began discussing the risk. If you signed up with a guild you were contracted to a few years of service, and it was only void if the GM who recruited you passed. Signing up with the wrong guild could send you into debt really quickly.

"That signing bonus is higher than most guilds."

"Then that means they're doing good right?"

"No, they could be using all their funds to entrap new members."

"Cerebus wouldn't do that they have always been an honorable guild."

"That was a different GM though."

"I saw their challenge against the Titans, and their top-five seemed solid. The battle was over in under a minute so they still have the skill."

"We are talking reputation, not skill."

While they were debating a few people signed up after displaying some basic skills on the stage. Some were still on the fence when a series of whispers began. The cause of this was them seeing Zack's group approach. They saw him walk on the stage greeting Vicente so familiarly.

"Isn't that the man leading the convoy today?"

"Yeah, I saw him in action yesterday. He stared down the entire guard without giving an inch."

"How does he know the Nephelim?"

"Not sure but Vicente was fighting on his side yesterday."

"Does that mean he's a member?"

"How's the recruiting going so far?" Zack investigated glancing at the crowd.

"We've done okay, but need a lot more to cover the new dungeons," Vicente replied.

"Did you use the ring? Rolen said it was for recruiting." Zack suggested.

Vicente forgot about it and had yet to check it. He retrieved the items from it as a barrel of weapons appeared. They were all grade one artifacts but were extremely durable due to being mithril-based.

Examining the weapons that appeared Vicente grabbed one testing it briefly. With a trickle of mana, it was shining brightly as it was enshrouded a bright blue glow. This grabbed everyone's attention, and it didn't take long to realize they were artifacts. Rolen walked up to the side of the stage.

"Every weapon there is a grade one artifact and is made of pure mithril. Anyone who has signed up so far can choose one that fits your style." Rolen announced.

"Are you sure about this I can't afford all those right now," Vicente whispered.

"Who said you had to pay for them? I thought we already agreed on a partnership," Zack reassured Vicente.

When Vicente first met Zack it was during a scuffle with his men. Some of them were drunk and picked a fight with Zack. After watching his men get taken down with ease Vicente offered Zack to join the guild as an officer.

Zack declined membership but agreed to help occasionally for gold upfront. At the time Vicente only used him for the sake of the guild. Then they met again at the auction. Since then Zack has helped his clan in their darkest time and has helped get the guild back on track. All of this was done without asking for anything back in return. With his actions, Vicente knew he had a friend for life.

Once the crowd knew about artifacts being given as a bonus they quickly ran out of contracts and weapons. With this, the signups came to an end as Zack's group move towards the gate. Waiting for them was a group of sixty people in a variety of species.

It was way more than Zack expected, but they had the room. Once they saw his group approaching they began to barrage them with questions. Most of them began offering money in the hopes of catching a ride with them. Not wanting to obstruct the market Zack led the group outside.

"Everyone load into a wagon, and those of you who don't fit standoff over here," Zack announced designating the area.

After ten minutes of shuffling the wagons were all full, but over thirty people were still on foot. Zack formed the earth orb in his hand as it extended into a large platform. He motioned the others up, and once they boarded seats appeared. Following the seats were safety rails, and landing in front of them was Zack. From the commotion, a crowd was drawn from the city.

"Last chance to board." Zack declared looking at the group.

A few of the soldiers from the wall glanced around before jumping down. Seeing how many were joining the others had the confidence to go regardless of repercussions. One of them flew towards the city while the others flew next to Zack saluting in front of him.

The man leading the demons was a grey-skinned demon named Merrick and was a lieutenant in the watch. Merrick's group was tasked with keeping tabs on Zack during his time in the city.

"I've seen the issues in the city for some time, but I believed this was the only way. That it was our duty to serve the nobles, and this was simply how the world is. Then I saw you healing our people without accepting payment, and you even stand up for us when no one else would. Having witnessed your character, and strength first hand I would rather serve alongside you than anyone here. If your willing to accept us we all wish to enlist under you." Merrick requested as the men saluted.

"There's no army to enlist in, but you're welcome to join us," Zack replied.

'No army? Does he defend his kingdom alone?'

"T-thank you we won't let you down," Merrick said while glancing at ramparts for activity.

Not long after their introduction, the other soldier arrived with his wife and child. Everyone assumed he was off to inform the superiors about them deserting, but he wanted to get his family once he knew it was safe.

With their arrival, they had everyone ready to go. Zack lifted the slab of the earth making it glide above the ground. As they were passing the empty fields a few wagons were waiting for them. Some of the farmers heard about Zack's invitation and didn't hesitate to join. The group of farmers consisted of mostly humans and a small community of minotaurs.

Azazel saw the farming community as the most expendable and the accommodations he arranged for the minotaurs were barely better than livestock. Normally a minotaur would never subject himself to such a lifestyle, but after a war reached them they fled the neutral territories.

The minotaurs intended to only stay long enough to gain money for help, and then return home to liberate it. With the current rates, and lack of work they realized they would go into debt if they stayed much longer. The leader of the human convoy is named Ivan, and he rolled up in the wagon.

"Mind if we join?" Ivan asked.

"Just join formation with the others," Vicente replied.

The minotaurs approached on foot after seeing how easily the others were accepted. Even with this, they were still hesitant about asking. Ivan and the others had tools along with money to offer for property taxes.

The minotaurs only migrated to Blackreach two weeks ago, and they didn't even have wagons to follow with. They could bring no tools for everything was lent to them, and the number of warriors among them was low. This gave them little to barter with, and this was the cause of their hesitation.

Finally, the leader gathered the courage to ask and approached Zack. His name is Alexander and he was towering over Zack. Alexander was wearing a worn set of leather armor and had a massive hammer of stone fastened to his back. Zack examined their group closely as he landed before Alexander.

'Everyone seems so young including their leader, and I only see a few soldiers among them. With the number of women and children, there should be a lot more. Where did they come from?'

"You seem to have plenty of people, but could you fit a few more? We don't have anything to offer, but hardy labor. Once we get to work I can find a way to settle the back taxes." Alexander requested.

"You don't have to worry about that," Zack announced.

The people heard this whispering trying to understand what Zack meant. When people attempted to pay Zack, and his comrades' none of them accepted. They decided it was meant to be taken in some sort of orientation, but the unknown made some of them uneasy.

Zack could feel the unease and lowered the platform down. Once the minotaurs joined he allowed some time for anyone to get off if they were still unsure, but they all stayed put deciding to see it through. Watching everyone load up Zack noticed many of them weren't clothed properly and conjured another orb.

It went from an orb of mana to an immense flame, and it was sent close to civilians. Some of them were cautious when it flew their way, but it halted on an empty spot of the platform. The earth wrapped around it resembling a cage to ensure no accidents as the flames intensified. Those who were huddled together to stay warm felt the soothing sensation, and it halted their trembling.

As they traveled down the road Zack was watching to convoy from the air. Flying next to him in a battle formation was the new demon soldiers. With the formation flying about the caravan it was enough to deter anyone hiding in the woods. This made their trip home a safe one as they slowly rolled up the gates of Eden.