Chapter 122

The feast was starting to end, and more attention was brought to the drinking competition. Both of them had nearly finished a barrel each but refused to stop. Zack saw everyone done eating, and addressed the crowd.

"Thanks to everyone who helped put this together. I hope you've taken the time to talk with some of the residents. Once everyone has settled from the feast we can begin a tour. We have ample housing in a variety of environments, and everyone will have a designated house to sleep in for tonight, but only tonight. What I need you to do is explore the premise, and choose which district you prefer to live in. If you desire to settle a new one that can be arranged as well because we're still expanding."

The crowd began whispering if such a thing was truly alright, and just how much it would cost. Zack could sense the unease, and overheard a few concerns.

"As for work the dolls manage all the typical labor, and your job is up to you. There's a running distillery, forge, tailor, and tavern. Each of them can be extended to house more workers so if you wish to get involved in these professions you may. Just talk to the person running it, and let them know you're interested. If you don't find something you like don't worry were still designing our market at the moment. So if you wish to open something new just attend the planning committee, and discuss the location for you're business. Now I've heard some concerns about finances. This city is completely tax-free, and anything you need to get started with a business will be financed by me. You don't have to worry about any fees or anything like that."

Hearing this the voices in the crowd began growing louder. They couldn't believe living in such a place was completely free, but others were excited to hear this news. Most of them traveled to Blackreach for that exact purpose, but they realized quickly that it was just a dream.

"Some of you may doubt my word on this, but hear me out. This place was founded by my mother in the hopes of bringing people together. She knew giving birth to me would keep her from seeing this dream, but still went through with it. I wanna make sure her dream becomes reality, and one way to do that is by investing in your dreams." Zack announced.

Watching the expressions on Zack's face when he talked about his mother made it difficult for them to doubt his honesty. They knew such raw emotion being displayed couldn't be faked easily, and he's proved his sincerity by his actions so far.

As everyone finished eating tours began around the city. The first stop was the bathhouse to go over the rules when visiting.

"It has a variety of sections for all species so feel free to stop by after the tour. We are also in the process of making a separate one meant to have a more intimate setting." Zack announced.

"If you follow me we can assign some temporary housing. Keep in mind you can stay at the assigned house if it fits your needs. I would recommend seeing the other districts before settling on a spot." Dyna told the crowd as they walked towards the eastern district.

All the new residents were blown away seeing the houses they would be staying in. Most of them lived in the slums but all the houses in Eden were fit for high-class society. All of them came furnished, and everything was top-notch.

Once the houses were assigned for the night they continued the tour through the forest, and up the mountain. When they arrived at the top of the steps Andrea, and Sun stood waiting. They knew the mountain the most and showed the others around.

With others leading the tour Zack was heading for the steps to go check the fields. Following him was Yu, and as soon as they hit the bottom steps Amy swooped down.

"Are we playing games today?" Amy investigated.

"We have a lot of new people today so probably not," Zack replied.

Amy pouted after hearing his response. She missed the first game and wanted desperately to play again. Zack could see the look of disappointment on her face. He walked over putting his hand on Amy's shoulder.

"We can do one right now." Zack smiled.

"Really?" They both asked looking up in excitement.

Seeing their expressions Zack couldn't help but smile and patted them both on the heads in unison. Amy was happy to have another friend to play with. So far Yu, and the children were the only ones to entertain Amy's antics.

"What are we playing?" Yu asked.

"I need to check on the livestock. Wanna see who gets their first? " Zack smirked.

Yu didn't even think of responding she just jumped into the trees disappearing. Amy turned her head in confusion until Zack took off into the air. A big smile went across Amy's face as she sped off behind Zack.

Yu had a head start and had already exited the forest. She was sprinting across the ground before using the rooftops as shortcuts. Zack was closing in on Yu when he felt a presence closing in fast. He glanced over his shoulder seeing Amy with a determined look.

Seeing Zack still trailing ahead Amy got serious. Her essence flared as a peculiar aura enveloped her body as the wind began swirling around her violently. A loud pop was heard as Amy went soaring past Zack like a rocket.

'Didn't know they were that fast.' Zack smirked as his wings appeared.

With the help of his wings, Zack propelled forward to regain his position. Yu saw them catching up at frightening speeds. She called her staff hurling it in their direction as powerful winds swirled around it. While the staff was flying their way Yu activated her essence hoping to get an extra edge in strength to leap farther, and faster. She refused to let her inability to fly slow her down.

Zack wasn't worried about getting hurt but had some concern for Amy. His concern didn't last for long as Amy's power flared. The wind around Amy increased as she dived towards Yu's staff dodging it elegantly while grabbing it with her talons unfazed by the wind enshrouding it.

Amy hurled it back towards Zack adding her own force with it. The force of wind and artifact heading his way wasn't something to shrug off so easily. Amy intended him to dodge it, and secure the victory in his delay. Zack called out his spear meeting if head-on as a shockwave boomed over the city.

Both girls grew concerned seeing Zack clash with it but quickly noticed him unscathed as his spear hummed. Realizing he was fine Amy continued as Zack attempted to close in. By a narrow margin, Amy landed securing her victory with Zack coming in second. Amy was doing some weird display with her wings strutting back and forth which caused him to chuckle.

"You're a lot faster than you look, and great job on winning. I have just one question though what's that?" Zack smiled.

"It's my victory dance. " Amy replied.

She noticed Zack snickering, and stopped trying to understand why. Amy looked down realized it was from her dance and stopped to walk up to him.

"Do you like it?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, it's great." Zack smiled patting her on the head.

Amy had a large smile on her face hearing his praise. Zack heard Yu landing on a nearby roof, and was prepared to comfort her. Yu took games extremely seriously, and it wouldn't be the first time Zack had to do this.

"You're so strong when your wings come out." Yu complimented Zack with a series of kisses.

"I never noticed them before. Where they always there?" Amy asked scratching her head.

They both began laughing at Amy's question. She wasn't sure why but she began laughing as well while rubbing the back of her head. Amy was pretty dense, and this wasn't a harpy quality simply a personal trait.

It was one of the reasons Andrea had her doubts about sending Amy with the task of seduction. What Andrea didn't know was Amy already forgotten her crucial task. She was just happy to have new friends.