Chapter 123

Zack was tending to the animals with the help of his two companions. Amy was flying above the chicken, and turkey runs carrying a large bucket of feed. She was flying around spreading it evenly as the birds went on a feeding frenzy. Yu was filling the troughs for the boars while Zack made alterations to the fields.

With the weather in Eden the chickens, and turkeys have been reproducing steadily. From the reports around eighty percent were fertile eggs, and he wanted to ensure they had ample space when the eggs began hatching. With their task finished Amy, and Yu returned.

"Do you wanna help me check the eggs?" Zack asked the two.

They both nodded following behind Zack as he opened the gate. When they entered a few of the turkeys were attempting to pick at Yu's tail, and she ran around playfully in response. Yu had completely forgotten their task as she ran around with a big smile.

'Should've known that would happen.'

Amy was still at his side as they walked in the coops to check the nest for infertile eggs. Zack was picking them up carefully while emitting light from his fingers to examine them.

"Their eggs are so small, but they lay so many," Amy stated while glancing around.

"How big are yours?" Zack asked.

"About this, but we usually just have one."Amy gestured with her wings.

Zack couldn't believe a frame that small could push out such a large egg. She could see him examining her figure, and was puzzled why.

"Have you laid any yet?" Zack asked.

Amy nodded her head while staring at the eggs. She had yet to lay a fertile one but Zack didn't know that. He began to regret asking such a question given the awkward silence that ensued. Zack assumed it was because of the question, but Amy was simply distracted. Once they finished gathering the eggs Zack went to check on Yu.

Stepping out from the pen Zack saw Yu still running around being chased by the turkeys with such a playful smile on her face. Amy wanted to join taking off in their direction, but when her shadow cast above the turkeys they saw Amy soaring their way, and scattered. Seeing this Amy felt a little down, but Yu patted her shoulder for comfort.

"We can still play." Yu smiled.

Amy's eyes lit up as they chased each other around. Zack couldn't help but smile watching the two play. He continued his work by heading to the stables. With Quinn's visit, they now had three large herds that roamed freely.

With enough space and mates the stallions stayed clear of each other. They were more intelligent than the average horses having been training thoroughly by the centaurs, and there were few issues between them.

Out of all the animals', Zack enjoyed their presence the most. Watching them roam the plains without the need for fences calmed Zack's mind. It was that essence of freedom he wanted all to experience.

This was one reason Zack dedicated so much land to the livestock. There was denying the other animals were food but he wanted them to experience a great life before their culling. The lives they would experience in Eden were far better than the wilderness, and their temperaments reflected that.

While Zack was sitting in the field a colt was running by with a magnificent white coat. It slowly approached him as Zack retrieved a few apples slicing them with wind in the palm of his hand. The colt seemed hesitant after the display of magic, and Zack expected as much carefully tossing the pieces. After a few treats, it slowly inched closer. He extended his hand displaying more slices as it carefully ate while Zack stroked its coat.

"Didn't know you were so good with animals," Cassandra stated.

"Growing up animals were the only thing alive that I interacted with, but nothing like this. Did you need something?" Zack investigated.

"No, I was just strolling around. Do you know how to ride?" Cassandra asked.

Cassandra slowly got closer, but the horse didn't mind. Zack was surprised it would accept her so easily. He would visit it often, but it would still hesitate in his presence.

"Being able to fly I never took the time to learn. What about you?" Zack responded.

"My mother taught me. I can show you sometime." Cassandra suggested.

"That would be nice. Flying is convenient, but sometimes it's nice to enjoy the view a little more." Zack replied with a smile.

"So you enjoy traveling too? I had barely started my adventures when everything started. How far did you get?" Cassandra questioned with excitement.

"I've only seen Ozen's territory, but I wanna see much more. Once this place is more stable I'll start again." Zack replied as he watched the colt return with the others.

Cassandra wanted to see the world too but wasn't sure how to ask. He could tell she was interested, and already noticed she could be shy around the others. Cassandra had powerful skills, and a gentle personality so he enjoyed her presence.

"Others will be joining through the way stations, and I welcome your company anytime." Zack smiled.

Cassandra became flustered hearing this and was struggling to say thank you. Zack thought he said something wrong and was walking closer to apologize. She turned around hoping Zack wouldn't notice her blushing, and as the sounds of his footsteps grew closer she faded away into mist.

"What was that about?" Zack scratched his head.

While Zack was walking to the fields Amy, and Yu caught up.

"What are you doing?" Amy asked landing next to him.

"Gonna get started on some new fields. Did you two have fun playing?" Zack replied.

"Yeah, she's good at tag." Yu smiled clinging to his arm.

Zack retrieved one of the horses and plows heading towards the fields. Seeing him work the land the other two attempted to help in their own ways. Amy was too clumsy to grip a hoe but used her talons to till the earth.

Once they got into a grove they were putting in solid work for a three-man team. Dyna arrived with the new residents, and when they saw Zack working the fields they were at a loss for words. They heard all the seasonal workers had the day off yet he was hard at work. Watching them in action made others wanna get involved, but they still had to finish the tour.