Chapter 124

The tour group was now walking towards the training fields. As they began to approach it the crowd was whispering about the massive arena. During the tour, it was seen with ease, and many were curious to see it.

After the extensive renovations, the arena was the largest structure on the property by far, and the one Zack spent the most time renovating. Once they were standing in front of the fields Dyna addressed the crowd.

"For those of you who wish to train or spar these are fields designated for those activities. Zack has personally laid the spell work on each barrier preventing spells from getting out. With this, you can train to your heart's content without disturbing others." Dyna announced.

"The dolls will stop anyone attempting to fight in the city. Each of them is carrying a grade six artifact, and it wouldn't be wise to challenge them. The members of Cerebus and Zack himself have tested their combat capabilities personally. Don't worry they are designed to protect Eden and its citizens at all cost. Observe." Lilith declared motioning her assistant forward.

Athlan stood out from the crowd as everyone cleared away to safety. Lilith called her bident releasing a powerful killing intent, and directed it towards him. She hurled the bident in his direction, but it was swift shot away by a powerful arrow of mana.

Before anyone could look up for the source of the attack ten sentries dropped from the wall heading right for Lilith. She smirked calling her whip attempting to fend them off. A loud crack was heard as it went flying towards one of the sentries. It blocked with its shield as the end of her whip was starting to be absorbed, but with a flick of her wrist, Lilith recalled it.

The sentries landed around Lilith taking her down with little effort, and a patrol group within the city arrived immediately after. All of the sentries relayed information to each other instantly making them extremely efficient. One of them lifted its staff tapping it to her back binding Lilith in powerful chains of magic.

"Stand down," Athlan ordered.

The sentries released Lilith returning to their patrol schedule. Everyone was struggling to accept such a powerful demon was apprehended so quickly. One of the sentries helped Lilith up off the ground before joining the others. The strength of the sentries instilled a sense of security in them all. It was clear no one was above the rules, and they would be treated fairly.

"They are well programmed allowing them to detect the difference between playful encounters, and hostile intentions. Before this system was fully in place we had weeks of testing, and have had zero problems. We also have guards who patrol the wall, and if you wish to volunteer for this let me know." Athlan announced.

"Do you have any questions?" Dyna asked the crowd.

"If these training fields are so advanced why build such a massive arena?" Merrick asked politely.

"All I know is Zack wanted to build it personally, and it was a special project of his," Dyna replied.

"The barrier in there is on another level, and it presents its own series of challenges," Kaya stated.

"It's been a while since we've used it. Any takers?" Ren smirked.

A few people considered it until they saw the veteran members of Cerberus shying away from Ren's gaze. With this, the crowd went silent as Kaya began scanning her surroundings. Not everyone joined the tour, but some of the regular citizens were in attendance. After a brief search, Kaya locked eyes with her advisory.

"We really should give a display don't you think?" Kaya smiled at Savannah attempting to look sincere to the newcomers.

"I was wondering when you would ask," Savannah smirked as she clutched the hilt of her blade.

Lilith walked up to the arena placing her hand on it as it began to glow. Merrick and his soldiers were fixated on the Enochian glyphs rapidly appearing around it. Those who weren't following the tour could see the glow of the arena activating. One of the reasons for this was to announce to the city as well as activate the barrier system. The stones began to shift revealing two passages, and above them signs of mana.

"If you wish to enter as a contestant enter the door on the right with your opponent. The left leads to the seating, and you may choose anywhere you wish." Dyna announced.

"There's also a few booths stocked with food, and booze for anyone who missed samples at lunch. This is your home so feel free to grab at your leisure." Athlan said as he walked off to find a good spot.

Not long after Athlan's announcement, the arena began to fill. Holly was walking in with her former co-workers and was amazed by her surroundings. Inside the area, she could see three different terrains with a large lake in the center.

The left side of the arena was a set of rolling plains with a series of large boulders providing cover. The right resembled a desert with several steep dunes and small open areas hidden with traps. A forest made up the final environment, and through all three ran rivers leading to the lake at the center.

"A-are all arenas like this?" Holly said while strolling for a seat.

"I've witnessed several arena's, and none can come close to this The environments are extremely realistic, and it was done in a week," Harald told Holly as he took a seat closest to the refills.

"With so many powerful people around here, I'm not surprised. Can we sit with you?" Holly asked.

"Go ahead theirs plenty of space around here, and it's the best spot. I heard the boss mention he did it himself, and it would've been done faster if he was at full power." Harald said retrieving a series of horns from his ring.

Harald began filling them from a nearby barrel offering them to nearby citizens. Merrick overheard them talking, and saw him pouring drinks. Seeing the hospitality, and someone with more knowledge of the place he took a seat nearby.

"I heard legends of Nephelims growing up, but never expected them to be this strong," Merrick stated.

"That's because they're not. A Nephilim is meant to outgrow the angel who sired it, and in the past, it was lowly angels to commit these crimes. Zack's level of power is too vast to fall into that category." Naomi replied taking a seat on the row behind them.

"I knew I could sense an angel somewhere. If what you say is true then it would have to be an archangel, and my money would definitely be on Gabriel," Merrick said as he grabbed a drink from Harald.

"He definitely took to the vices of the humans during his visits, but not even he would be so reckless. Michael's fury isn't something any angel is willing to risk, and he has always watched his brother closely. Besides archangels don't tend to leave heaven often, and when they do it's kind of hard to miss. If an archangel was down here long enough to fall in love with a human it would've been noticed." Naomi replied.

"This place seems filled with mysteries not surprising the leader would be the same," Merrick said glancing around the arena.

Looking across at the opposite seating area one could see a small pool of water in the corner of the bottom level, and from it popped out Shiro's group. Zack went through a lot of effort to ensure everyone could attend their events. He went into the waterways and created tunnels large enough for Lydia to pass with ease. The waterways still required work to connect with the rest of the city, but the original goal was reached.

Most of the people from the tour had already entered the arena. The other citizens of Eden saw the arena lit and were drawn in by their curiosity of who could be participating. Ren was beginning to walk inside when Alexander stopped her.

"If you're still wanting a spar I would be willing to join. I wanna show that we can be useful here." Alexander requested.

"That would be awesome!" Ren replied as she charged through the challenger entrance.