Chapter 125

Zack was walking into the arena, and with a wave of his hand, a reserved section was revealed. He walked over, and his companions quickly followed. Rolen seeing this walked up to an array on the floor with a mithril plate underneath it. He retrieved his tools and began making some alterations to the plate.

"I thought we were waiting to reveal it," Rolen asked as he worked diligently.

"I just wanted a better view. Just leave it for now." Zack replied.

"It won't take too long I just need to see the spear." Rolen requested.

Zack called his weapon displaying it as Rolen made the proper adjustments before striking the plate with his hammer. Once the metal settled he etched a few Enochian symbols that Zack taught him. After finishing his work Rolen got up taking his seat next to Thea. Zack walked up placing his weapon on the array as a divine light surged through the glyphs on the arena.

Naomi looked around seeing the symbols light up, and couldn't determine his teacher. Those glyphs are only taught by one angel, and only elites of the new generation were taught. Namoi couldn't understand the reason for channeling Zack's grace to run through the building. As everyone watched the golden lights in awe they slowly began to fade away.

"We're using the new entrance, and remember this is friendly spar. Wait for the platform to be fully lit." Zack relayed taking his seat next to Lilith.

"Sorry only heard part of that. Must be interference with renovations." Kaya replied.

"You know that doesn't affect a mental link...Just don't forget about the kids that will be watching." Zack stated as Kaya went silent.

Watching Zack sit down in a booth with empty seats attracted a group of onlookers. Most of the admirers came from Tessa's coworkers, but they didn't dare step forward. Tessa wanted to witness Kaya's skills before pushing her luck any further.

As they pondered approaching the children wandered in with Yuki. Zack smiled waving them to join him. That's when the students came dashing over into the booth. Holly gathered the courage to walk forward wanting to thank Zack for bringing them here.

Holly gestured towards a younger werewolf named William that had a close resemblance to her. He walked up cautiously behind her hoping they wouldn't get scolded.

"Is it o-okay for us to sit here?" Holly asked.

"Of course," Yuki smiled.

"Thank you," Holy replied taking a seat with Yuki, and the other children.

Tanya was walking around passing out candy, and when William saw this his eyes became glued to her hands. He heard of the candy shop in the inner city, but the prices were far too much for Holly's wages. Tanya approached William handing him a small pouch the same as everyone else. The warm smile and kind gesture made his tails wag as he grabbed it carefully. He looked down struggling to pick his first one.

"What do you say?" Holly asked.

"T-thank you very much," William told Tanya lowering his head.

Tanya just smiled continuing her distribution.

"Did you like the new place, or prefer one of the other districts?" Zack asked.

"The house they gave us is amazing. We decided to share it with a few others if that's okay." Holly requested.

They continued to discuss the living situation as Kaya entered the armory. Savannah looked around amazed by the selection. Everything in the armory was the same quality as the weapons Rolen gifted to the guild.

Kaya grabbed a bow from the wall and fastened two daggers behind her. She wanted to ensure their battle was on equal footing due to the fact their weapons gifted by Zack would shatter the present ones with ease. Kaya fastened her armor properly and filled a nearby quiver.

Savannah noticed the quality of the weapons, and Kaya gearing up so thoroughly. She grabbed a longsword and a mithril buckler. Seeing leather armor among the walls she removed her clothing wanting to ensure they weren't damaged. Once the two finished gearing up they began walking down another corridor.

"When this is over does it mean you'll finally back off?" Savannah smirked.

"If you can prove you're capable to stand by his side, and your intentions are good then I won't intervene," Kaya replied as they continued through the hall.

They came across a seating area and beyond that was a platform with engravings glowing with a golden light. Kaya walked on it without hesitation, and Savannah followed behind with caution. Once they were both present a flash of light appeared as they vanished.

Kaya reappeared in the forest region glancing around for her advisory. The amount of tree cover present was minimal to allow the crowd viewing access, but Kaya still didn't let her guard down. Savannah appeared farther up the river nearing the wall of the arena. Looking up they could both see their clansmen cheering them on.

When the renovations were first tested they found it difficult to view the battles among such a large area with various cover. Typically only one section of the arena could effectively see them, but Zack fixed this issue with Rolen's help. Rolen suggested broadcasting it on the top of the barrier in the areas too far away to see properly. With the proper spell work shown to them, it was an easy fix.

"Can you tell if it worked properly?." Rolen asked.

"The random spawn worked, and with my power flowing freely down there I can sense their vitals. I'm confident the rest will work." Zack replied.

"I'm sure we will see that soon because you know she's not gonna hold back. The glares she's been given were kinda hard to ignore the last few days." Vicente laughed.

"Watch carefully children even observing could grant you insight on your training," Athlan advised the students.

Savannah was creeping through the forest discreetly. Being a reptile species her sense of smell was very keen as she approached Kaya's location while masking her magic. Savannah slowly crept up behind Kaya seeing the river at her back. Kaya was scanning the tree line carefully. Savannah saw an opening speeding forward taking cover in a dense bush narrowly escaping the next glance.

Kaya was walking around with her bow at the ready when she heard a slight rustle behind her. Savannah realized by the twitch of her ears that the location was compromised. Savannah drew the sword as Kaya turned around launching three arrows directly for her chest.

Two of the arrows were deflected by a quick stroke of Savannah's sword, and the last arrow met the shield. Savannah engulfed the blade in mana releasing a display of her sword aura technique. Kaya dodged the incoming barrage of attacks as they cut deep into the earth.

'One of those could easily kill. So that's the game we're playing.' Kaya grinned.

Kaya retaliated by swiftly firing a volley of arrows while chanting away. Savannah rushed forward dodging the arrows with ease and forcing Kaya to toss her bow momentarily. She drew the daggers from her back enshrouding them both with mana blocking the incoming strike.

"I thought you were good with a bow." Savannah snickered as Kaya parried her strike.

Savannah was unbothered by the parry as she shield bashed Kaya with tremendous force breaking her guard. The muscle density of the lizardmen is far superior to elves causing the strike to knock Kaya back drastically.

Kaya spurted a little blood but continued her chant unfazed. Savannah was attempting to follow up with a diagonal slash across Kaya's armor when the arrows throughout the forest illuminated. Even with a borrowed bow, Kaya could still conjure arrows of mana and only grabbed the mithril ones to set this up.

Each arrow Rolen forged had the effect of laying spell circles, and Kaya never missed a single shot. The first three were to goad Savannah into thinking she could press forward without a worry. Savannah saw the glowing but had yet to realize she was at the center of Kaya's trap. Around her was a large spell circle consisting of three layers of spellwork.

'Damn it.' Savannah desperately tried to escape the incoming attack.

Powerful chains of mana came shooting from the first layer binding Savannah in the center of the formation. Savannah didn't panic and attempting to shatter the chains as her tail, and sword thrashed about violently.

For each link that was broken two more took their place as the second layer began to hum loudly. This was a response to Savannah breaking the chains as a powerful surge of electricity engulfed the first two layers. Savannah was forced to halt her thrashing as the pulses would only grow stronger. Only when she stopped struggling did the electricity subside as the chains held her tightly.

"I am great with a bow, and don't you forget that. Do you surrender?" Kaya smirked.