Chapter 126

"To lay such intricate spell work with arrows alone is impressive," Vicente stated.

"She's always enjoyed this method and has already made plenty of techniques like this. Laying down this much spellwork any other way would be tedious, and It's the reason why she prefers the bow." Athlan stated.

"Is it over?" Ashleigh asked Zack.

"Kaya's magic is indeed powerful, but It's far from over," Zack replied.

"You're right about that. She still has the bad habit of getting ahead of herself. Instead of taunting your opponent always be preparing the next spell." Athlan told the children.

"It's gonna take more than this." Savannah struggled to return to her feet.

Savannah's aura began flaring as her essence was ignited. She roared loudly as scales rapidly spread across her body from the neck down. With the release of power, a shockwave was emitted shattering the chains around her as she charged forward.

The spell circle on the ground began glowing frantically as powerful electricity began striking at Savannah once more. The scales covering her skin were extremely sturdy, and the lightning had minimal effects as she continued forward.

The final layer of the spell circle erupted in a powerful barrier of raging winds. It was meant as a safeguard trapping her inside, but Savannah planned to meet it head-on. She clashed with the barrier plunging her hands straight into it, but the winds only increased attempting to breach her scales. Little cuts began to appear on her hands and arms. The leather armor she was wearing was enchanted but was starting to fray under the pressure.

"Don't be foolish your only gonna get hurt now admit your defeat," Kaya told Savannah while watching her struggle.

Savannah's clansmen never ceased their cheers even when the tables had turned. Hearing their cheers she refused to give in. The scales began to harden as the cuts slowly began to heal. She planted her feet into the dirt slowly ripping the barrier open.

Kaya couldn't believe the sight before her. As Savannah was prying herself free from the barrier Kaya began gathering mana from the area extending the aura of her daggers to match swords. As the weapons were forming Savannah broke free and just in time to prevent a complete wardrobe malfunction. Most of the armor had been blown away, but she was covered just enough.

Savannah charged forward as the two began exchanging blows. Kaya was losing out on strength but managed to stay in the game thanks to her speed. When attempting to speed around Savannah she was struck hard with the tail. Kaya's blades managed to take to the bulk of the force but she still went flying in the process. While they exchanged blows Kaya had been chanting, and with Savannah charging in she was ready.

'The weakness in the scales should be here.'

Kaya stepped forward as powerful winds swirling violently around her hands. Savannah saw the attack gathering around her fist and aimed a powerful counter. Kaya managed to strike first with a heavy punch to the gut, but in the process received a right hook to the jaw. The wind hitting Savannah in the stomach sent her launching through a few trees.

The scales on the stomach were extremely thin resembling human skin only pigmented a light green. It was indeed the only weak spot on their body, but its durability is still substantial. With the sheer force of the wind amplifying the strike, it was enough to cease the transformation, but Kaya was in no position to attack. With Savannah's strength, the blow knocked her flat on the ground as Kaya struggled to stand.

They both got back to their feet retrieving their weapons as the clashes continue. In their weakened states, they could only rely on their swordplay. Neither of them would give an inch, and were both receiving shallow cuts. Seeing the two refusing to admit defeat inspired many of the young warriors around.

They were preparing to clash again when a wall erected between them. Their wounds began to heal, and their fatigue was swept away. Kaya recognized the sensation looking up towards Zack's booth.

The crowd was amazed to see their wounds healed so quickly. A few of them recognized the glow and recalled Zack's power surging through the building earlier. Seeing they could battle so intensely and recover completely made more people eager to participate.

"That will be enough. Any farther and it will no longer be family-friendly attire." Zack announced with a flushed face.

Kaya looked down realizing how much clothing she had lost. Both of them were barely being covered by thin strips of leather. Kaya's face went red as she attempted to cover herself, but Savannah just stood there unbothered waving at the cheering crowd.

Lizardmen were known for being powerful knights, but her tribe lived in a rural area. Having so many people cheer them on just made her excited, and she was happy to see Zack flustered at their appearance.

Zack cut the feed and shrouded them with a hut shaped from the earth. They quickly changed and exited as the hut faded back into the ground. The wall morphed into a platform that they both jumped on. Rails came up as the platform rapidly ascending into the air while the crowd cheered wildly.

"I guess your not all talk," Savannah smirked.

"You're not so bad yourself. You should learn more than sword aura techniques though. We have a children's class if you need help." Kaya teased.

"I can use other magic I simply prefer my sword and strengthening my body. You should know this from getting so feeble after a single punch. I was holding back a lot too."Savannah replied as the platform stopped at Zack's booth.

"It's nice to know it works correctly. How's the drain?" Rolen asked.

"No more than typical magical, or healing," Zack replied as he walked up towards Kaya embracing her.

"You both fought well, and if it wasn't for the clothes I would've let you proceed. I also wanted to test the healing." Zack told Kaya with a smile.

Savannah walked up to them while they were embraced together whispering into their ears.

"Next time it should be a little wrestling without the armor," Savannah whispered grabbing Kaya's ass before taking a seat.

"Th-that's not happening," Kaya told Zack as he returned to his seat.

"I know now come sit." Zack smiled patting his lap.

Kaya received a series of envious looks from the newcomers when Zack patted his lap. She walked over with a flushed face taking her seat as he wrapped his arms around her stomach. Zack glanced around noticing Destiny absent from the festivities. He assumed she was in the shop working away like usual and turned his attention towards Ren.

"You're welcome to start when you're ready." Zack relayed.

"Almost done I promise," Ren replied.

Alexander was in the armory browsing the selection. Ren had already grabbed a club and was just waiting patiently. He wanted to use his normal weapon, but after examining the ones before him he knew it would shatter against it. Alexander finally decided on a giant maul as Ren began walking down the hallway.

"Don't hold back." Ren smiled with eyes filled with excitement.