Chapter 127

They stepped onto the platform as they vanished into the arena. Ren began shouting while observing her surroundings. She was spawned into the center of the plains surrounded by boulders. Alexander was on the top of the hill leading into the forest terrain and could hear Ren's shouting echoing from the west.

Ren was getting upset at all the obstructions as she began smashing boulders in retaliation. Alexander heard the commotion fastening his weapon tightly to his back before charging forward. It wasn't long before Ren heard the rumbling of his hooves.

She turned in the direction of the disturbance seeing Alexander charging her way at incredible speeds. Ren smirked meeting his charge as Alexander drew his weapon. When the two forces clashed a powerful shockwave cracked the boulders in their vicinity. Sparks were flying off the weapons as the shockwaves continued. The crowd had their eyes glued to the barrier watching the forces collide without giving an inch.

Alexander was happy to meet such a worthy opponent and knew it was someone he could give his all. Ren saw his smile knowing she found a new partner, and push kicked him in the stomach. Even with his overbearing stature he still shifted back a few feet. She stepped forward preparing to attack when Alexander dropped a heavy blow from above.

Ren was caught off by the sudden burst in speed but managed to raise her club in time. Another bang echoed through the arena as debris went swirling violently. The crowd grew silent waiting to see the outcome. When it cleared Ren was being forced down into the dirt but managed to ward off the attack.

"We should do this more often." Ren grinned as she began pushing him up.

Alexander's muscles flexed immensely as he tried to force her back down, but Ren wasn't budging. Whenever an oni was pressed into a corner their essence would begin to flare, and force its body to adapt. This special battle trait and their thirst for battle that's only outweighed by their booze make them a dangerous clan on the battlefield.

Out of all the demon races the oni army is the most feared, but with constant battles between their own kind, it keeps them from seizing a seat of power. The minotaurs are no slouches though. Any tribe living in the neutral territory had to be formidable warriors to survive.

"I really can't hold back against you," Alexander said as he lifted his leg.

Alexander stomped the earth with immense force as Ren went flying back from a powerful force. She flew back through several boulders before being encased into one. Ren had blood running down her chin, but displayed a large smile while wiping it away. She stepped out from the boulder gripped her club tightly seeing Alexander charge her way.

Ren smirked as she planted her feet, and clutched the club with both hands. She struck at the boulders with full force as powerful shrapnel began barraging her foe relentlessly. Before Alexander could recover Ren was already in his face swinging her club upwards. The blow caught Alexander on the chin as he went flying up in the air, and as he laid on the ground the world was spinning as a distorted red blur was walking in his direction.

"Sorry I hit a little too hard." Ren apologized.

Alexander regained his senses seeing Ren waiting patiently. He quickly stood up noticing his weapon nowhere to be seen. Ren tossed hers away without a second thought as she walked forward. Alexander saw her dedication as a warrior and was deeply moved.

Seeing the smile on his face Ren thought it was a green light, and charged forward. The two continued to exchange blows without wavering as the crowd cheered them on. Each blow could be heard throughout the arena as it became a battle of raw strength.

Alexander hurled a heavy blow, but Ren ducked it charging in to grab him. He tried to block the takedown, but her efforts were relentless. He was sliding back through the dirt preparing to counter. As Alexander clasped his hands to strike downwards Ren spun around getting his back.

"Got ya!" Ren shouted tightening her grip before slamming Alexander into the dirt.

Alexander was yanking his horns from the dirt as he stomped again, but Ren was prepared for the impact. Her feet were planted, and her arms crossed as she was forced to skid back through the dirt. Ren had a large smile on her face having successfully endured the blow.

'I knew she would be worth advisory, but I can't lose this easily. He needs to see we can be useful, and then he might help us.'

"You're a mighty warrior, and I want you to know this isn't personal," Alexander announced taking a deep breath.

A powerful aura swept the arena while Ren watched patiently. Alexander's muscles began to swell along with his horns, and hooves. The ground began to rumble as energy swirled around his body enveloping it slowly.

Ren had an eager look seeing her opponent still had more strength. Alexander lifted his hoove as Ren prepared her guard once more. When he struck the ground the earth rumbled violently as a wave surged outwards with him as the epicenter. It was as if the ground was a mighty wave roaring across the sea.

Ren was struggling to stay standing as the waves continued, and she could see they were only growing worse. While Ren was off-balance Alexander was stampeding towards her. He threw a blow for the stomach that Ren attempted to block, but when it landed her forearms fractured as she went flying into another boulder.

Alexander was charging again when Ren gripped a nearby boulder hurling it in his direction. He just lowered his head as it shattered against his horns. Even with a humongous boulder hurled at him his speed only increased.

When a minotaur awakens its essence a few changes occur within their bodies. Along with increased size, and muscles their bodies become extremely durable to magic. Simple spells won't even irritate their skin, but the biggest concern is when they begin charging. Once they start the energy in their bodies protecting them from mana begins to circulate rapidly.

As they pick up speed they become almost impossible to stop both physical, and magical attacks. The best way to stop a minotaur in this state is before they reach full speed with powerful weapons. Most metals cut too shallow making mithril the most effective way to counter. Once they reach full speed though you can only dodge, and wait for your next moment to strike.

With her weapon far away, and Alexander already in full charge the options were limited. Ren began dashing towards her weapon as he continued behind her. Alexander's route was a straight forward one. Even with boulders in his way, Alexander charged through without any effort, and with no alteration to his momentum.

Ren could hear the steps gradually getting closer as she reached the club. She turned around using it to endure the incoming force. Alexander saw the weapon raised to defend and met it head-on with his horns.

The club was fractured in the exchange as she was encased in a crater. The crowd went silent seeing the destruction as Ren struggled to stand up. She climbed her way out of the crater refusing to admit defeat.

"I had to go full force to stop you, and there's no shame in staying down," Alexander stated.

Ren was using the club as support as she was catching her breath when a smile went across her face.

"I'm not done yet." Ren declared.

Everyone heard Ren's declaration, and she was indeed still standing. It caused every to admire her dedication and willpower. However, they couldn't see her coming back in such a condition. Oni's were indeed a warrior race, but so were the minotaurs. When it came to size Ren couldn't even compare. If Ren possessed her usual weapon it would be different but they knew she was already set in her ways.

"Shouldn't you stop this?" Holly asked.

Zack shook his head.

"Why not?" Kaya investigated.

"She wouldn't forgive me if I did. Plus I've seen that look plenty of times, and I trust her judgment. Besides have you ever known her to bluff? " Zack replied watching the battle closely.