Chapter 133

The slavers were no strangers to fighting angels and had an elite team of demons who specialized in dealing with such matters. The elites swarmed around Zack attacking him viciously. Each of them was a high-class demon, and Zack had to focus carefully to evade their strikes.

The armor forged by Rolen was high quality, but not many materials can match up to a weapon forged in hell. Each of the elites was capable of using trace amounts of chaos, but it was enough to make their weapons extremely lethal for an angel.

'A deep cut from those won't be so easy to walk off.'

Zack's spear broke apart emitting a dazzling light that snuffed their chaos momentarily, but they were ignited once more. Three elites pushed forward with two striking from the front, and one flanking Zack. One of the orbs swirling Zack covered his flank as the orb launched through the demon leaving a gaping hole in his chest as he fell to the dirt.

The two in front were within striking distance as the chaos flared, and a few nearby slavers began to shriek. Zack dashed forward seizing the two by the throat as holy light rapidly gathered in his hands smiting the two. Seeing how easily they were rendered to salt instilled fear in them, but they didn't waver.

"Watch out for the orbs!" The commander shouted.

Another elite launched forward attempting an overhand strike with his war hammer. Zack blocked the strike with the spear as demons attacked from each side in a pincer and another one from his flank. Zack knocked away the war hammer pointing his spear forward as a beam of holy light annihilated the demon.

Then Zack turned around hurling the spear through the demon behind him before decapitating the two demons closing in on him with his gauntlet. In a matter of seconds, Zack managed to kill eight of their elites.

While fighting off the demon elites Zack was quickly surrounded. They were a diversion tactic meant to prepare the formation. The slavers were made from all races for greed affects all, and with the number of powerful demons present a long battle was unwise. Even with the number of forces around him, Zack smirked.

"What's so fucking funny?"

"Just cause your an angel doesn't mean your invincible."

"Your gonna regret ever coming here."

"Did you think you could take us all?"

"Even if you had backup coming you couldn't arrest us all, and we wouldn't stay inside for long anyway."

The men laughed closing in on Zack as one of the orbs behind him morphed. It turned into the earth orb before shooting into the dirt. The other holy orb disappeared into Zack along with his spear amplifying his divine glow. The ground rumbled launching a massive wall around their encampment. A few demons charged Zack seeing him preparing an attack.

When they were within striking range their bodies disintegrated, but they saw no attack. With this, no demon dared approach him, as the others began hurling weapons with no effect. A loud ringing ensued as the ground beneath them trembled. Even though they outnumbered Zack greatly their instincts were telling them to run.

"I never wanted to arrest you," Zack declared flying into the air.

A barrage of spells was launched his way, and after each explosion ensued the golden light remained. Zack hovered above them without any concern for their attacks as his wings expanded. More demons flew his way gathering chaos launching it directly at him.

The result of the powers clashing resulted in a massive explosion sending slavers flying. When the mayhem settled Zack was unscathed as his wings began to slowly wrap around his body. Only his face remained uncovered as he addressed the slavers.

"Someone dear to me tries so hard to be strong for others, but still cries herself to sleep from something she can never get back...Something people like you took from her. In the pursuit of greed, you dedicate your lives to wickedness, but today is the day you pay for your sins." Zack declared as his face was slowly covered.

Zack's wings were emitting so much light they could no longer see his form. All that could be seen is a golden light that illuminated the night as divine retribution was gathering. The slavers were in a panic desperately trying to escape their impending doom.

Those who could fly took to the air, but the wall around the encampment became a dome trapping them in. A few tried to force their way into the barrier protecting the slaves but their bodies were flayed to the bone for trying to breach it physically. All the captives were watching the scene with fear when a calming voice reached out to them.

"I was sent here to rescue you, and you will face no harm from what's coming. When they are dealt with I will release all of you." Zack announced

A dome of earth covered the barrier in darkness as they sat in wait. The loud ringing went silent as the golden light amplified engulfing the land before rapidly fading. Within the encampment, only those with the barrier remained alive. The rest were wiped from the face of the earth as the wasteland within the dome was now a valley of salt. Zack's wings unwrapped around him revealing the end of this slaving operation.

'How many more are there? No matter how many they will all face the same fate.'

The earth dome around the captives crumbled along with the barrier as Zack approached them carefully. After the battle, they witnessed it was difficult to not fear him. Zack undid the warding on the cages as they were all released. He was relieved to see so many minotaurs present and hoped they belonged to Alexander's tribe.

As the cages were slowly emptied Zack was blown away to see a dragon in the back. He had short white hair with cerulean eyes, there are patches of blue scales on the sides of his neck, and body. From his back was a long thin tail with a thin strip of white fur trailing down the center, and white antlers protruding from his head. It was the first time Zack had seen a dragon from the eastern tribe in human form.

'How is this possible?'

The dragons who could achieve human form were extremely powerful, and to catch one wouldn't be easy. Zack examined the bindings carefully trying to understand how restraining him for so long was even possible.

The chains were pitch black and had a wicked aura attached to them. Zack extended his hand grabbing it as he winced. They were forged from chaos, and the levels present was baffling to him. Zack calmy, and carefully eroded the chains freeing the man.

"Thank you." The dragon replied.

Not long after the captives' release, many began fleeing in different directions. The young dragon wanted to take off immediately, but the chains had weakened him greatly. The minotaurs were preparing to flee when Zack landed before them.

They all grew cautious hiding behind the warriors. It was then their leader Christos stepped forward to address him directly. Zack recognized the minotaur from the memories and knew it was Alexander's father. Zack retrieved the pendant from his pocket grabbing their attention.

"Everyone is still alive, but they are no longer in the plains," Zack stated.

"They are all alive...Can you show us?" Christos asked immediately.

Zack nodded as he told those lingering around about a safe place to lay low. With this news some were skeptical, but returning home was indeed unwise. They could easily be found again by those who were absent today. From the captives, a group of centaurs, and cyclops stepped forward. The rest bowed towards Zack gratefully as he retrieved some food for them to use on the road.

"I just need a minute or two to set the array," Zack told the crowd as he went to work.

Zack had just finished setting up the array as they began traveling through, and most of the people made it through safely when the sound of someone clapping appeared behind them. Zack turned around to see a tall man with short black hair and piercing blue eyes approaching. Zack didn't even detect his presence before but examing the man now he was giving off a wicked atmosphere.

"Not bad. Whose bastard are you?" The man smirked.

As the man continued walking up all the nearby captives were trembling in fear. The mysterious man had a smile on his face, but his eyes were empty. Zack formed an orb in his hand as violent winds began to swirl. A hole was left in the man's stomach as he was launched back into the mountainside. Zack saw him get hit directly but still had an uneasy feeling turning towards the captives.

"Get through the gate now!" Zack declared pushing them along with a heavy gust.

Zack turned around as the man was back in his face with a grin from ear to ear. He lifted his hand displaying a blood-drenched hand. Zack coughed as a pool of blood spewed from his mouth as he looked down seeing a wound in the same spot he given the man. The wound in the mysterious man's stomach had already fully healed, but that's not what puzzled Zack. He never even felt the attack till he was coughing up blood.

"So squishy for an angel." The man smiled wiggling his fingers playing with the blood.