Chapter 134

The man standing before Zack with a wicked grin was named Malachi, and he's been leading the slavers for over six months now. Before his arrival, it was run by five other powerful demons all veterans of the first dark age, but Malachi arrived giving demands.

Malachi claimed his leadership would grant them more power than ever before, but they laughed him off. After that Malachi went on to slaughter them all with little effort. Since then their new system has been proven far more effective.

This was supposed to be their downtime of the year, and since their cages were at capacity Malachi was out scouting new villages. When Zack broke the chains placed on the dragon he was alerted and made his return.


Zack attempted to call his spear as a powerful blow landed on his jaw sending him through the air. He was trying to recover as Malachi appeared above Zack hammering him into the ground. While soaring towards the ground he raised his hand preparing to launch a blast of immense flames, but Malachi appeared before him in instant directing the blast upwards. Malachi then rapidly seized Zack by the throat with his other hand.

"Is that magic? Didn't know that was possible, but yet again why would an angel bother with such things. Show me something better." Malachi said with a sinister grin as he tightening his grip.

Malachi drove Zack straight towards the earth at tremendous speeds. The impact sent a powerful rumble through the wasteland as a massive crater was formed in an instant. Malachi was prepared to drive his hand through Zack's chest when a powerful holy blast forced his retreat. Zack swiftly got up retrieving the core from the array looking around for Malachi.

"Never seen holy attacks like that before, and the speed you formed it was impressive," Malachi stated.

Zack turned around seeing Malachi floating behind him with a pair of black wings. He called his spear dashing forward to strike the fallen angel down when the thrust was caught. Zack pushed harder forcing it through Malachi's hand as blood covered the tip of the spear.

Malachi narrowly dodged the thrust to his head as his right-wing rapidly thrust forward penetrating Zack's armor stabbing into his shoulder. Zack created some distance flying backward while hurling his spear forward. The tip of the spear ignited with a golden light, but sensing the danger Malachi knew better than to catch it in the same fashion choosing to evade instead.

'How did his wing cause so much damage?' Zack could feel a searing pain in his shoulder digging deeper.

Looking at the wound Zack could sense chaos halting the regeneration, and he was forced to focus to cleanse it. Zack's orb came flying back forcing Malachi to dodge giving him a brief chance to close the distance. Zack then followed it with a barrage of strikes as a combo forcing blood from Malachi's mouth. The next blow sent Malachi flying back rapidly, but his wings halted him.

"Strength is adequate.."

Zack appeared in front of him trying to stay on the attack. It was becoming clear Malachi was toying with Zack since he only evaded. Zack didn't let this anger him as he slowly started closing the gap in their speeds. Malachi could no longer flee as a flash of punches swept around him. A shallow cut appeared across his cheek as Malachi displayed a smile.

"Speed is also adequate, but..."

The cut on the cheek rapidly healed as Zack followed it up with another strike, but Malachi seized the arm.

"you fight like a child. There's not enough discipline in your striking, and it leaves you exposed. This is what happens when you live a cozy life." Malachi said shaking his head in disappointment as Zack tried to break free from the grip.

Malachi held Zack's arm firmly aiming a strike at his elbow shattering the arm. Zack shouted out in pain as he directed two fingers towards Malachi in a dire attempt to retaliate. The spear went flying out of the ground and was spinning violently in Malachi's direction.

Malachi caught the spear once again shaking his head in disappointment at the repetitive attempts. Expecting the tactic Malachi simply gripped ahead of the spearhead avoiding the damage altogether.

Zack extended his hand releasing the spear's true form. Malachi had a slight look of panic as holy light began engulfing him. Malachi hurled it away as his scorched hands struggled to heal.

The spear curved back immediately as Malachi was forced to confront it. Malachi was flying back fluttering his wings frantically as powerful winds ravaged the lands. The spear was damaging his hands, but Malachi was no longer flying back.

"You possess so much power, but with a major flaw. Look at the way it's crackling. Even a child could see it's unstable, and therefore filled with weaknesses." Malachi criticized as chaos oozed from his hands.

Chaos rapidly filled the area slowly corrupting the spear as its brilliance was drowned, and it shattered disappearing into the wind. With the spear gone the chaos began flaring up violently with nothing to halt its advances. Zack stared at Malachi in disbelief as the abyss itself seemed to swirl around him.

"Let's see if you can still hide your wings from me after this," Malachi smirked.

Malachi lifted his hand as the chaos concentrated in his palm. All around the wasteland the world was robbed of its color and vitality. Wildlife that was frantically trying to escape their battle since it began rapidly withered leaving only dust. As an ominous silence fell across the wasteland a devastating blast went roaring towards Zack.

Zack crossed his arms trying to draw out any strength he had left to meet it. He could run, but the blast would annihilate all life within the plains behind him. Zack recalled how many people fled in that direction, and knew they wouldn't find cover from something of that magnitude. His desire to preserve life allowed him to push his limits drawing out his angelic form once more.

Malachi began laughing with joy seeing Zack's true form, and the look of determination on his face as the attack was closing in. Zack managed to conjure two of his holy orbs that immediately began swirling around his hand as a powerful attack rapidly gathered.

As the darkness was preparing to engulf Zack he launched the blast of holy energy from his hand with the orbs circling around it. When the forces met cyclones, and massive thunderstorms raged across the wasteland.

When the dust settled, Zack was on his back with his arm drenched in blood. The radiance of Zack's wings was rapidly going dim as he was struggling to remain conscious. Zack could see a pair of black wings descending above him as a sense of hopelessness swept over him.

"Your a special little bastard aren't you? Never seen wings like that, and I can't sense your grace at all. Now, where did you send my dragon? I can't sense him anywhere near here, but after I devour you maybe I'll find his aura again. I wonder what else I'll discover there." Malachi smirked.

Malachi was raising his hand preparing another attack. At the center of his palm, a small black hole began forming. Zack felt several different auras' radiating from Malachi once it was fully formed, and could see a few specks of light within.

Malachi reached towards Zack's wings as the image of Tanya, and the other in chains appeared. An orb came flying in from the side, but Malachi caught it with ease in his hand. Malachi tried to erode the holy orb with chaos, but it wasn't so easy. Zack knew it was a matter of time before the attack failed, and it was then he remembered something.

Zack closed his eyes concentrating as a bright white light appeared from the orb. Malachi shrieked in pain jumping away confused about what could cause so much pain. Malachi looked down to see his right arm was scorched horrifically. Zack was floating up from the crater holding his arm as an orb of holy flames floated in front of him. His eyes flared with determination as his dim wings displayed a light flicker.

'I can't let him find Eden even if it costs my life.'

Zack glared at Malachi as the ring of holy flames expanded spinning around wildly. Malachi looked down at his hands trembling from the sight of the flames before glaring back at Zack. The ring of white flames spun around his visage perfectly making it a difficult defense to pass.

"Who the hell are you?" Malachi asked.

Malachi smirked seeing he was still being ignored and was ready to get serious. Chaos enshrouded his body forming a jet black set of armor as a morningstar formed in his hand. The two stared each other down preparing to clash.

Zack was struggling to keep the flames maintained, and was prepared to go down in a mutual strike. As Malachi prepared to charge forward a series of loud trumpets began playing as a pillar of light appeared above them. Malachi looked up at the clouds with irritation.

"Seeing the look on your face I'm assuming you're not with them. Never forget the name Malachi because your life is mine. You're just lucky we have some nosey individuals, but don't worry I'm sure we will meet again. If they don't catch you first that is." Malachi laughed as he disappeared.