Chapter 136

Zack was in the garden taking a seat in front of the divine tree and closed his eyes to focus. He could still feel traces of the impurities trying to invade his body and didn't want a repeat of last time. Zack activated his grace as a golden aura enshrouded his body.

To wipe the traces of the impurities completely would require immense focus and control. There was no better place for this than the garden. Being in its presence eased Zack's pain, and he quickly reached a deep state of tranquility as time began flying by.

It was already morning as the others woke to find Zack missing from bed. Remembering the last time this happened Lilith was concerned as she got dressed quickly. Upon waking the others, and leaving the estate she discovers her hunch was correct.

Looking around they noticed new residents again meaning Zack had to have been involved. When Haruna saw them searching she approached to inform them of last night's events. This duty originally belonged to Vicente, but he feared giving them the news himself. After hearing what happened they began to worry.

"Where is he?" Ren investigated.

"He's been meditating in the garden ever since, but the wounds were rather severe so it's likely he's still recovering," Haruna replied.

"Why didn't you go with him?" Lilith scolded Vicente seeing him watching at a distance.

"I didn't know about it till he was already gone," Vicente replied raising his hands displaying his innocence.

"I tried to convince him to see the logic, but he took off so suddenly," Haruna stated.

"Next time tell one of us instead." Lilith scolded.

"He told me to not tell anyone but Vicente. My orders were to serve under Zack and follow his command above all else." Haruna replied.

As Kaya was preparing to start a commotion they all froze glancing down at their hands. Haruna was confused by their reactions but could see a ring on their fingers glowing. All of Zack's comrades had a ring on that was similar to his pendant. It was signaling a powerful unknown force had gathered outside. They all sprinted to prepare for action, but then someone opened the gate.

"Took you long enough to return," Athlan smiled as Soralan appeared.

"It wasn't easy to convince them of the authenticity, and most refused to take the chance," Soralan replied.

Soralan visited a total of five different tribes to tell others about Eden. They refused to believe such a place till he showed them through a mind link. Even with this most were too suspicious and began convincing the other there were ulterior motives. It's not so easy to trust outsiders after all, but his stories caught the interests of some.

The groups that joined were mostly young warriors, and couples that wanted to see somewhere new. Only one elder decided to join them in the journey, but it was still a significant gain. With this they had a total of thirty new elves moving in today.

"Surprised you made it back in one piece." Kaya teased.

"Why wouldn't I? My instructors were very strict after all." He retorted with a smirk.

"It obviously paid off if you managed to return. A lot has changed since you been gone." Athlan smiled.

"I can see that. Where's Zack some of them wanted to meet him." Soralan asked as he glanced around.

That was when the others remembered his condition as they swiftly darted off to the garden. The sight waiting for them left them stuck in awe. They could see where Zack sustained wounds, but his face was so peaceful. He was floating in the air in a meditation pose with his wings extended behind him.

In front of him were his students who found him not long before the arrival of Lilith. Seeing him unresponsive they took it as a cue to train. The newcomers approached seeing the divine aura that filled the garden as the children cultivated peacefully. The students all seemed to be drifting into a trance as the effects of the divine tree were being amplified.

"We need to talk about something!" Lilith shouted.

"He won't respond no matter what you do. Right now he's cleansing his wounds, and attempting to recover from his fight. Don't worry he's not in any danger." Naomi reassured approaching from the forest.

"He really is a Nephilim."

"Do you feel the mana swelling here?"

"They should've come with us."

"Think they would let us join?"

"It's a kids class man."

"I don't care. Can't you comprehend how special this area is? "

As they were discussing the garden and admiring their surroundings the light began to amplify. Zack's six orbs formed in front of his chest. They begin to spin around each other slowly as a calm feeling swept the garden.

With bandits on the road, and being the dead of winter it took its toll on the convoy. Everyone became fully rejuvenated as the gold light swept over them. As the light faded they could see Zack's wounds were gone, but even with the wounds healed Zack's eyes remained closed.

"We should leave him be. Let me show you guys around town." Athlan told the others.

"I'll stick around here for when they're done cultivating," Kaya told Lilith as she sat with the students.

"If he wakes up let us know," Ren told Kaya before walking off to eat.

While a tour for the newcomers began the citizens of Eden are working diligently. The two biggest projects of the day were increasing the forge and tailor workspaces. They knew others would want to start joining, and wanted to ensure enough space.

In the mountain, the new bathhouse was being designed along with some new houses. Overall they have used over a quarter of the mountain, and it was truly a work of art seeing it built naturally into the landscape. With a prestigious forge in the city and a thriving mountain community, the cyclops are already considering a permanent residence.

In the central district next to the open lots of the tavern Dyna was working with a large group of citizens. She had several members of Cerebus with her constructing buildings with her instructions. They were building a workshop for Jacob, and a home near the fields for Walter. This way Walter would have the herbs he needed nearby and make his work far more efficient.

When the construction finished a few citizens came up to accept Zack's offer of starting a business. In total five people stepped forward picking plots as they began designing schematics with Jacob.

"If no one else wishes to reserve a plot right now we will move on to the farmers. We have a total of ten houses ready for those wishing to continue with this profession. The rooms can be adjusted if needed to accommodate any species. Any questions?" Dyna announced.

A young farmer and his children stepped forward. His name is Otis, and he grew up working for Blackreach with his family. His father urged him to go with them since they couldn't risk leaving with everyone if it turned out to be a bust.

"How much of the yields is owed to the city," Otis asked.

"The fields being managed by the dolls already produce enough to feed all of us. Anything you sow will sprout at an accelerated rate, and due to these unique effects on the land, we almost have too much. Even with sufficient preservation methods it simply too much, and It's why we are developing trade routes at the moment. Any hard work you put into the land is yours to do with as you please." Dyna announced.

Hearing this the farmers were speechless. They were required to give seventy percent of their yields to the city lord. It was such a common practice to have to give some form of tax that they became filled with the excitement of the possibilities before them. It would allow them to build a solid home for their families, and this led to them working harder than ever before.