Chapter 137

While the others were working on the town Zack was in a deep focus. He kept thinking of how powerful Malachi was, and tried to understand why he felt so many different auras in that brief moment. With Malachi being aware of the holy flames Zack knew catching him off guard wouldn't be so easy now. Knowing he couldn't face Malachi again at his current level Zack was contemplating a solution.

'I'll heave to rebuild my spear all together, and get a better grasp on these orbs.'

"If you didn't act so recklessly you could've had enough strength left to defeat him. You were overconfident in your power and wanted them to feel the despair they inflicted on others. Even my favorite fell to pride."

Zack heard a voice in his head, but it was foreign to him. He attempted to reach out to it, but no response was produced. Zack tried hard to sense its origin, but there was no presence whatsoever. To ensure it wasn't someone outside the barrier Zack extended his field of perception.

All divine beings within the southern territory were detected by him. While doing this he detected a slight flicker within Eden and opened his eyes immediately. Looking around Zack saw his students in front of him cultivating, and Kaya looking right at him.

"Are you okay?" Kaya asked.

Zack didn't even respond as he immediately flew off towards his estate. Seeing a pair of golden wings in the air Lilith took off after him. He landed at the steps of the estate rushing into the house as he went for the basement. When approaching the door Lilith called out to him, but he simply raised his hand to halt her.

"Can we talk after please?" Zack asked Lilith in a serious voice.

Lilith was wondering why he looked so serious, and quietly followed. Zack knocked on the door softly, but no response. He opened the door carefully pushing back some dense webs. The basement was pitch black as he walked in glancing around.

In the air behind them, six red eyes were glowing as they descended discreetly. Before she realized it Lilith was bound up tightly as Destiny went to embrace Zack.

"I have good news," Destiny whispered.

"I know," Zack replied kissing her passionately.

Lilith was mumbling and preparing to break free with force when Zack restrained her with holy chains. He then turned on the light revealing a large egg in the corner of the room with a faint light within. Lilith realized why Zack restrained her so quickly and calmed down as the chains faded.

Zack walked up towards the egg placing his hand down on it while closing his eyes. Destiny walked up behind him embracing him affectionately looking over his shoulder.

'I'm happy for them, but now there's no denying that Destiny is in the lead.' Lilith bit her lip in frustration watching the two.

Zack was filled with remorse knowing he was out fighting while Destiny needed him at her side. Laying the egg could've killed her even with his help, and glancing over he could see how draining it was on her health. The only reason Destiny was able to move at all was from the strong desire to see him with the egg.

Zack turned around to embrace Destiny as his wings appeared, and two of them slowly wrapped around her. Lilith knew what was coming, and took shelter up the stairs as a golden light filled the room for several minutes before fading. Destiny's life was no longer in danger, but she still seemed fragile.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here." Zack apologized with sincerity.

Destiny's face was bright red and seeing him so distraught over being absent she kissed his cheek to comfort him.

"I should've told you, but it was so sudden. Once I realized it was happening instinct kicked in, and I went straight to work. I ended up going a little overboard in here though." Destiny said while rubbing the side of her arm.

"We should tell the others." Lilith smiled walking towards the egg.

Destiny instinctively glared at Lilith with a ferocious look before snapping herself out of it. Lilith saw the slight bloodlust that erupted and halted her advances.

"S-sorry I'm still hormonal. You two should go for now I need to sleep." Destiny said while kissing Zack.

"I'll check on you two later okay?" Zack smiled.

Destiny nodded as she returned to her web, and went back to rest. While walking up the steps Zack was filled with joy, and worry. Walking behind him Lilith began thinking of the last time Zack was with her alone and promptly dragged him off to the room.

"I have a class to get back to," Zack stated as Lilith began undressing.

Lilith gave him a serious look calling forth her whip and pointing at the bed. Zack undressed as she withdrew the whip, and pushed him onto the bed. In an instant, Lilith was on top of him kissing him passionately. She pinned his hands above his head binding them together in chains of mana. While the two were being intimate together Ren was at a training field with William.

"They told me you can transform already so let's start with that." Ren smiled.

William nodded as he took a stance focusing his breathing. He closed his eyes recalling the sensation of training with his father, and his hands began to tremble. William's eyes opened, and with them, the sound of his bones popping and rearranging began.

William's muscles were expanding as thick white fur began sprouting all over his body. In a matter of seconds, his body rapidly morphed into a large wolf standing six feet tall. William displayed a vicious set of teeth as the light gleamed off his claws. A powerful aura swept the training ground along with a piercing howl as he charged towards Ren.

"That's bigger than I thought, and your speeds impressive," Ren smirked narrowly dodging a swipe as she hurled him across the barrier.

Holly heard the sound of her brother and approached to watch the commotion with a few others. William was charging forward on all fours rapidly picking up speed as Ren called her club slamming it into the earth.

The crumbling ground disrupted William's footing as he fumbled into the crater. He sprung up from the bottom of it, but Ren was waiting to knock him back into the earth with both hands. Before the blow could land a mighty howl was released disorienting Ren, and delaying her reaction time.

William let off a barrage of swipes in Ren's direction as she recalled her club. Ren's response was swift, but William's speed allowed a few cuts to get through first. Ren kicked him away with tremendous force examing the shallow cuts. William was struggling to free himself from the rubble surrounding him when Ren reached her hand out pulling him out from the dirt.

"You're really fast, and can take a hit really well." Ren smiled.

"Our regeneration is better than a vampire," William replied reverting his form slowly.

"Yeah, but you can't use magic in that form." Madison teased from the side.

"That is true, but it's not so easy to land a solid hit at our speeds," Holly stated.

"Just imagine the two forces protecting each other. Now that would be a formidable line of defense." Victoria suggested.

"That was well said. Don't forget we are all on the same side now." Arthur declared.

"You finally back from your little sleepover?" Madison teased.

Arthur became flustered at her remark trying to change the subject. Of course, his elder sister wouldn't have believed the obvious lie of delivering a report. Any soldier could do it, or even a doll would've sufficed. Madison smiled seeing how flustered he became, and walked up to welcome him home.

Since attention was already brought towards the training grounds more people began to pair up going in. With the spectacle of the arena last night people were looking for ways to stand out. With money not having significance in Eden, they realized it would be their character and reputation that held weight. Displaying their skills around Ren presented a good opportunity for them to get noticed by Zack.

While some wanted to show their worth the majority simply wanted to get stronger and defend their new home. They were all captivated by what dwells in Eden, but after seeing their new leader return wounded with refugees behind him they realized something. That if they wanted to maintain peace they needed to prepare for war. They would not go searching for a fight, but anyone showing up to cause trouble would find Eden a force to be reckoned with.