Chapter 138

While Zack was getting dressed he could sense someone at the door. Once they were covered he opened it to see Olivia waiting. She smiled at Lilith before bowing at both of them respectively for intruding on their private time.

"Your father just entered through the gate with two others, and they are waiting downstairs," Oliva announced.

Zack had a look of concern on his face because they just finished going at it for three rounds, and they had yet to clean up. The love marks left by Zack were difficult to cover up, and her womb was still warm from his seed. Zack began recalling all the people addressing her as a princess, and wouldn't that mean he committed a crime?

'She wasn't a virgin when I met her, but what father would believe that? Wouldn't he just assume it was my doing?'

"He was supposed to send messengers before his arrival," Lilith said as she rushed out the door.

"Would you like help with your suit?" Oliva asked.

Zack smiled with a nod as he was still getting used to a tie, and wasn't going to head down without being presentable. Olivia came in retrieving his suit and helping him get clean of sweat.

Once he was in his suit Zack walked out the door seeing a large demon with a domineering aura staring up at him observing him closely. Next to him was Samuel, and a demon closely resembling Lilith only with thicker thighs, and hips. When seeing Zack she smirked while whispering into Lilith's ear. The demon whispering into Lilith's ear is her older sister Morrigan, and she came to see Zack firsthand.

"I'll begin some food if you wish to speak in the main hall," Olivia suggested.

"We will likely be patrolling the grounds if you wanna send a doll to notify us," Zack replied as he descended the steps.

Olivia bowed as several dolls followed behind her. Zack walked right up to the man towering above them as he greeted them with a smile. Lilith walked up to his side clinging closely to Zack while kissing him on the cheek.

"So this is the Nephilim you two have spoken so much about. A lot smaller than I thought." Ozen stated.

"I assure you he's not small," Lilith smirked.

'What are you doing?'Zack looked at Lilith hoping she would shut up.

"Is that so?" Morrigan investigated while walking up to trail her hands-on Zack.

"Enough you two we have matters to discuss. First off thank you for dealing with those traitors in Blackreach." Ozen declared.

"While you two discuss this I'll be examining the grounds if that's okay," Samuel suggested.

"Have you three been informed on how we do things here? If you can't abide by such things you will have to leave." Lilith asked.

Morrigan and Zack heard this and became concerned she was starting problems. Ozen looked at his daughter as they two were locked in an immense battle of auras. Ozen was glad she had the audacity, and courage to demand things from him without a shred of fear in her eyes. Ozen walked up snatching Lilith up with a big hug as he began laughing.

"Put me down this instant!" Lilith demanded.

"Can't I be proud one of you came out like me?" Ozen laughed tossing her around.

Zack was laughing at the adorable expression display by Lilith as she was spun around like a toddler. It was such a rare commodity to see Lilith like this Zack thoroughly enjoyed it. Morrigan hearing her father's words was feeling a little down since Ozen never showed such approval to her.

Morrigan was powerful, and ruthless in battle, but would blindly follow her father's orders. Ozen was happy one of them found their own path but didn't mean to offend his other daughter in the process. Zack walked over putting his hand on Morrigan's shoulder for comfort.

"I'm sure he didn't mean any offense by it. I know he's proud of you too." Zack relayed with a smile.

Morrigan looked at him with a warm smile leaning in slowly.

"No wonder she's so interested in you. While they are busy we can slip away." Morrigan whispered.

"So what are these rules so we can get started," Ozen asked putting Lilith down.

Lilith seemed irritated and was crossing her arms in disgust over her father's actions. As they were discussing the rules Ozen seemed shocked to hear their philosophy. He didn't mind adhering to such rules and was filled with curiosity to see how the people lived when they were considered equals.

While they were talking inside Naomi approached sensing Samuel's presence. When walking in to see Ozen she froze and considered preparing for combat.

"Your presence isn't a surprise or a problem." Ozen declared.

"Nice to see you're still doing well." Samuel smiled while retrieving a pendant.

"I no longer need that, but thank you for searching," Naomi replied.

"Do you think I could have it?" Zack asked.

"Always good to be prepared," Samuel smirked walking his way.

"I kinda already need it," Zack replied rubbing the back of his head.

"Is this true?" Ozen asked looking at Lilith.

"It isn't me, but not from a lack of trying. We've already clocked three rounds today." Lilith sighed shaking her head.

"There's no way to know if it's actually possible but don't let that derail your attempts...Still, congratulations are in order." Ozen declared.

"Who was it?" Naomi investigated.

"Destiny laid an egg last night," Zack replied.

Naomi heard this, and couldn't believe it. She assumed it was a human partner, or elven even. Even Samuel was at a loss for words when Zack described the egg. He couldn't believe an arachne could sire a Nephilim. Yet again not much was known about the nature of the Nephilim. Every case to ever occur has always yielded different results so gathering data was difficult.

Samuel could still remember the first ones to ever be born. It was long ago when the watchers visited the earth. They were all lowly angels meant to watch over humanity and decided to take human brides. In the process, the first Nephilim were born, but they were flawed.

Being sired from lowly angels, and a human they lacked enough divinity to be considered an actual angel. This lead to the birth of many mysterious beings. Some resembled humans and were even revered as deities while others were monstrosities feared by all. From a few of these Nephilim new races were born. The ones that prospered were the elves, fairies, giants, and nymphs.

When the watcher's activities were discovered, and witnessing some of the abominations rapidly populating the earth action was required. With so many roaming around the great flood was being prepared to wipe the slate clean.

The archangel Chamuel argued some of these species are good and treated the earth with tremendous care. Seeing they truly respect God's creation the new races were spared from the flood, but the giants didn't make the cut.

The giant clans had already waged so much war they were doomed with the rest of the Nephilim and were swept away into the oceans. After the flood, siring a Nephilim of any kind became the biggest taboo among heaven.

"Your aware an arachne's birth is very different from a human right? Even in the cases of human-based Nephilim, nine months is too fast causing the baby's development to be unstable increasing the chance of death. An arachne is used to being hunted, and therefore winter is their ideal time to lay an egg. Due to their constant moving it had to be a quick birth. The egg will only take three months before it hatches, and this only the first problem. Since they are on the move constantly it won't be an infant that hatches from the egg. Their young emerge at the development of a human toddler. This rapid development will cause many obstacles, and I can't find a single solution. There's no easy way to say this, but you must prepare for tragedy. It's a miracle she's even alive right now. If it was a human partner this would've been a grim day." Samuel said in a serious tone.