Chapter 139

Zack clenched his fist hearing Samuel's words knowing it was true. When placing his hand on the egg earlier the grace inside seemed unstable, but he managed to stabilize it. If Zack slacked off on his awareness it could cost him dearly.

"Always such a blunt one." Lilith sighed walking to Zack's side.

"It's okay Samuel only speaks the truth. I'll do everything in my power to prevent that tragedy from happening. In the meantime have either of you heard of a fallen angel named Malachi?" Zack investigated.

"No, I haven't. Are you sure he was a fallen angel and not a rebel from the new generation?" Naomi asked.

"His wings resembled Samuel's, and he manipulated chaos so easily," Zack replied while shaking his head.

"That can't be though. Just because an angel rebel doesn't mean he becomes one of the fallen. That can only occur to the ones who've spent time in the pit, and been corrupted by its influence. No offense." Naomi said glancing at Samuel.

Naomi wasn't wrong those who spent time in the pit were permanently altered. It took over a millennium for Samuel to regain his former sanity. For so long he was a ruthless monster on the battlefield only driven by the sadistic influences of the pit. The corruption will forever be a part of him but he now has control over the chaos within.

When they glanced at Samuel they noticed something off. He had yet to say a word since the name Malachi was mentioned and refused to look in their direction. Lilith took notice of this first and walked up to Samuel.

"What do you know about him? If you don't tell me there will be severe consequences." Lilith declared while letting off a wicked aura.

"I've been sworn to secrecy," Samuel replied prepared to accept any punishment Lilith had.

"I order you to answer their questions this instant." Ozen demanded glaring at Samuel.

Samuel shook his head as red lightning began to crackle around Ozen. In an instant, he snatched up Samuel pinning him to the wall as lighting kept him paralyzed in place.

"You dare refuse my order? You've never done so before, and because of this, you're still breathing. Now explain, or I will rethink my leniency." Ozen declared.

"All I can say is Lucifer gave the order." Samuel struggled to respond.

Hearing this Ozen immediately dropped Samuel calming his aura. If the order came from the dark lord himself none could challenge it. Hearing this only made them yearn for the truth that much more but they didn't dare push the subject.

"I didn't mean to cause problems over this. His strength is something else, and he posses several auras." Zack announced.

"We had soldiers disappearing throughout the neutral territories, but with no traces left it was difficult to determine what kind of attack caused it," Naomi replied.

"He mentioned devouring me and created some kind void in the palm of his hand," Zack stated.

"I've never heard of such a technique," Naomi said with a puzzled look.

"This is new to me as well," Samuel replied.

"Everything is ready now master. Should I gather your other companions?" Olivia asked.

"No the dolls can do that, but could you send some messenger's to our allies about a feast tonight. I have some news to relay, and it's best if they were all present." Zack replied.

"Right away." Olivia bowed as she walked off with a dedicated smile.

'Master is finally starting to behave like a ruler.'

Zack led them to the dining hall, and all were amazed by its glory. Elaine traveled the world in search of knowledge and discovered many luxuries along the way. The chandeliers hanging in the room were from elven ruins in the north made from solid gold and etched with elegant patterns that emitted a dazzling light through the room. Seeing the carpets, and artwork draped through the hall Ozen began to feel some envy for the hall was on par with his own if not greater.

Since Lilith arrived the only place she would visit was his bedroom or the courtyard. Anytime they would eat it would be outside even before they had citizens around. Zack would avoid spending time in the house unless it was the library.

Anywhere else in the estate Zack would be reminded of feeling alone in such a large house. Looking around Lilith realized it truly was befitting of a king as she walked over to make some alterations. She had placed seven seats next to each other resembling thrones and began smiling at Zack.

"Could I borrow your ring for a moment?" Lilith asked.

Zack tossed it to her as he sat with the others to eat. Lilith promptly retrieved some furniture to spruce up the new area she assembled. Once she was satisfied she took a seat next to Zack.

"Does this mean you're wanting to go through with a coronation?" Ozen inquired.

"Yes, we decided it would grant more freedom in our endeavors. It's one of the things I'm wanting to announce tonight." Zack replied.

"The sooner the better. I'll stabilize things at home, and then we can make the arrangements." Ozen stated.

"The food here is wonderful. I mean Olivia's always been a great cook, but never produced a meal like this. You must have quite the selection for her to pick from. I see why you stay." Morrigan told Lilith.

"It's one of the many perks of course," Lilith smirked glancing at Zack.

While they were talking Kaya came barging into the room with Ren, and Yu appearing one behind the other. Kaya was preparing to start shouting at Zack for taking off so suddenly and ignoring her completely, but recognizing the guests at the table she decided to wait.

This wasn't the first time Kaya met Ozen, and if they were entertaining such a prominent figure she wanted to tread carefully. She didn't fear them she simply didn't want Zack scolding her.

"Why did you take off so fast?" Kaya asked trying to hide her irritation.

"I sensed something that needed immediate attention. I'll tell you later I promise." Zack replied with a smile.

Zack would tell them now, but given Lilith's response, he wanted to wait till nighttime. Kaya could tell it was something serious, and so she calmly sat next to him. Yu took a seat next to Kaya waving politely at Ozen and Samuel.

"Do you remember me?" Yu asked.

"Of course, and it's nice to meet you again," Samuel smiled.

They ran into each other at the palace during Lilith's visit, and Yu became obsessed with his wings. The countless questions on why they were different from Zacks felt like a child pestering its parent. Given her innocent look, Samuel couldn't be upset and simply went along with it. It was the first time he had met a kakuen that was so docile around men. Observing the way Yu behaved around Zack he understood why.

"Is that a smile? I didn't know that was possible." Morrigan teased.

"He used to smile a little too much and was known for being a prankster. Rather childish for an angel if you ask me." Naomi smirked joining in on the fun.

After spending time away from her superiors Namoi began seeing the world differently. Before sitting at a table with demons, and Samuel of all people would seem like a nightmare. Seeing Samuel's reactions to be taunted she was reminded of the man she once called comrade long ago.

When Lucifer started his first rebellion it wasn't just the angels who sided with him that were cast down to the pit. There were many who chose to not get involved because they thought the war would benefit no one. Because of this, they chose not to fight people they once considered brothers in arms.

For choosing to do nothing against the rise of evil they to were cast out with the same punishment as the rest. Some disagreed with such sentences, but none dare make their concerns known. Naomi was happy to see he could still be that man from so long ago.