Chapter 149

Octavia saw Zack and immediately got up swinging her sword violently. He began dodging the barrage carefully, but Octavia was no slouch. She shifted the earth beneath Zack's feet attempting to knock him off balance as she swung her blade downwards. Zack caught the blade between his hands as the glyphs ignited on the side of it.

"Calm down." Zack declared as his eyes glowed gold.

Octavia never saw this before but didn't hesitate to ignite her blade with lightning trying to paralyze Zack. The lightning surged through his body causing his muscles to seize up, and then release as she retrieved her weapon.

Octavia was preparing to strike again when Yu shot down from the wall slamming her staff onto the ground. The winds produced forced Octavia back as she launched a fireball in retaliation. Yu was preparing to defend when several blasts of water came soaring from the wall.

The blast was extinguished, but the other blasts were still heading towards Octavia. She narrowly escaped the first one but was now forced to evade it as the barrage continued. She swung her gladius outwards sending lightning roaring across the earth when an arrow of lightning struck the ground redirecting it.

Next to Yu, and Zack appeared Kaya. Kaya rapidly aimed her bow preparing to fire once again as Octavia smirked.

"So these are some of the women I've heard so much about," Octavia said as her eyes went pitch black.

"You always told me you didn't want a relationship, and then you leave us without saying a word to me. No matter how long I searched I couldn't find you. Then I find out you've been the one helping us, and you didn't visit me? On top of all this, I hear you have a house full of women, and always have one on your arm. You're gonna explain everything to me right now, and anyone who stands in the way of my answers won't be shown mercy." Octavia declared as chaos engulfed her blade dying it black.

The reason Vicente's tribe was outcasted from the others and treated as a cursed clan was due to a deal made by their ancestor. He performed a dark ritual to gain the power to protect their clan in a crisis. The ritual reached out to an ancient demon that is incapable of leaving hell.

Hearing the man willing to pay any prices to gain power it took full advantage of it. It gifted their ancestor with a sliver of its power. This allowed him to use chaos with ease, and with it, he defeated their advisories.

Later they found out the powerful magic came with a heavy price. It permanently stained their bloodline with a curse and the very land he sought to protect was corrupted by its power. Every generation one person in the clan inherits this power, but none have had the raw power that Octavia possessed.

Typically the power would manifest during puberty, but Octavia had it manifest at the age of eight. With it manifesting at such a young age it wreaked havoc on their village when it was awakened. This caused Octavia to be an outcast in their clan, and by the time she was a teenager she was already traveling alone.

Vicente being her brother tried to go with her, but he was easily given the slip. For as talented as he was his power couldn't match his older sister. By the time Vicente found Octavia she had joined Cerebus, and naturally, he joined as well.

Even though Octavia joined the guild, and was one of their upcoming members the old problem still existed. Octavia's strength and rage once again caused her to become an outcast. Any respect she was shown in the guild was from fear, or someone brown-nosing to gain her favor.

Octavia knew deep down that no one besides her brother truly accepted her, but when Zack started working with them that changed. Zack had a cold demeanor at the time, but it was never directed towards the people in the guild. Given his frightening strength, and lack of communication Zack was also avoided.

Noticing the similarities between them Octavia approached him. Zack wouldn't talk about his past much, but the two slowly became friends. When the feelings Octavia had advanced beyond friends she made a move on Zack but was turned down.

Naturally, Octavia asked why, but the wounds of Lauren's death were still too deep. Octavia pushed for answers causing the trauma of that day to resurface. Zack once again shut down socially, and after the next harvest from the dungeon, he disappeared.

At that time Zack couldn't see himself with anyone besides Lauren and he needed to return to the orphanage with supplies. His work with the guild was always meant to be temporary, but he could've returned for more work.

Knowing how Octavia felt, and not wanting to hurt her further Zack never came back. As time went on and given their short time together he assumed Octavia moved on. That was until he met Vicente at the auction. Zack found out she was looking for him, but he wasn't sure how to explain everything without her lashing out in the city.

Giving Octavia the answers she desired wasn't so easy though. Zack has been vague about Lauren to his current companions because the memories would still cause pain. Seeing the chaos swell around Octavia, and sensing the deep feelings of sorrow mixed with betrayal he tried to find the words.

"Come inside, and let me explain things," Zack said reaching his hand out.

'He's lying to you, and only wants you within range of those guards.' A mysterious voice told Octavia.

"Liar!" Octavia shouted.

"She's obviously crazy, and we can't let the damage carry over to the city," Kaya declared while firing another barrage at Octavia.

The arrows of mana missed as Octavia faded into the shadows. She reappeared behind Kaya attempting to pierce her shoulder, but Yu knocked Octavia away with tremendous force. While sliding back Octavia released a sword aura of pure chaos towards the two. Zack teleported before it and erected multiple walls to defend it. He knew it would only slow the attack down, and pushed the two out of the way as he narrowly flew above the strike.

'See how desperately he tries to protect them? It's because he cares for them. Right now you're wondering why he didn't protect you from the elven girl's arrows? I can tell you why. It's because you mean nothing to him, and never did.'

"Shut up!" Octavia shouted at the voice.

'You're angry because you know it's the truth. No matter where you go the outcome will always be the same, but I can make all that pain go away.'

Octavia halted in her tracks as the blade in her hand dropped to the ground, and chaos began pouring from cracks in the earth. Octavia has had control of the chaos rampaging within for some time now but seeing Zack again with other women at his side caused her to snap.

With Octavia's mind in such a weakened state, the demon seized control. The demon knew the body wouldn't last and would implode like the others, but that was its goal. To cause despair, and take as many lives as possible.

Lilith and the others caught up to see the chaos rampaging outside the city and the culprit behind it. They prepared to take action, but Zack raised his hand stopping them. He was aware of the curse but wasn't ready to give up on her.

"Get inside the barrier now," Zack told the others.

"No, if your staying I am too," Kaya argued.

"Please!" Zack shouted.

Seeing the concern in his face Kaya ran around with Yu, and everyone took refuge within the city. All along the walls, Octavia's clan was ready to take action if Zack failed.

"I'm sorry I didn't explain it back then but talking about it now still hurts. Pain like this is much easier to deal with." Zack said as the blood dripped down his cheek.

While walking forward the chaos had been lashing at Zack leaving shallow lacerations on his body. The others saw the damage slowly growing, and the wounds not closing. Regardless of his wishes, they tried to dash forward but his angelic form was already released. With a slight gesture, one of the orbs launched back blocking their path with a barrier. The chaos around Octavia was reacting to Zack's power as more oozed from the earth.

"But I should've seen that you were in pain too. I know you're still in there, and I'm sorry I drove you to this. I didn't leave because there was something wrong with you. The thought of being with someone else at the time was still too painful. I wanna tell you why but it's hard to put into words. Telling you may be difficult but I can show you."

Octavia could hear a familiar voice speaking to her for some time now, but couldn't see who. Slowly a bright light appeared before her slowly walking closer. The vision slowly cleared up, and Octavia saw Zack covered in wounds standing before her.

Even though Octavia could see what was happening it still wasn't possible to gain control. She was angry at Zack but never wanted to hurt him this badly. Seeing the people behind him at arms, and the chaos rampaging she thought it was time.

Those within the clan knew the power would take over one day. When this happened the result was always the same, and there was only one way to stop it. They had to be put down to avoid destruction on the land. Octavia took solace in knowing it was the man she loved that would end it.

The light being emitted from Zack amplified as his wings expanded. All the chaos was being forced back, but the demon tried desperately to keep his hold. Zack stood before Octavia wrapping his arms around her, and in a flash, all the observers were temporarily blinded. The entity trying to take hold of Octavia recognized the sensation emitting from Zack. Before it vanished back to the depths of the abyss it was confused how such a thing was possible.

'How can a seraph walk the earth?'