Chapter 150

Octavia was back in control seeing the damage she caused. She was prepared to be exiled from another place, but that wasn't the worst part. The monster she kept hidden from everyone else took over, and the one person she wanted to hide it from the most was now hurt because of it.

Octavia just wanted answers, but severely hurt him in the process. With everyone witnessing the events she was prepared to leave. Octavia just wanted to enjoy Zack's embrace a little longer. He leaned in to kiss Octavia as a surge of memories flashed.

Octavia was seeing some of the memories of Zack growing up through his eyes. Being all alone in such a large place for so long, but when Zack was older he attempted to leave. He didn't have much contact with people right away, and any time he did it was due to conflict breaking out. Even after Zack would help people they feared his power.

Seeing the way they looked at him Zack was prepared to return home, and it was then he met Lauren. Zack spent all his time together with her after that, and Octavia so how close the two became.

Everything seemed great till one morning Lauren was missing, and on her return to the estate, she was covered in wounds. Zack's skills were still being trained but he desperately tried to heal the damage before it was too late. Having come from a powerful angel, and being inexperienced his efforts were in vain.

The scene unfolding before Octavia felt so real. She could feel the body growing cold in Zack's arms and could feel him struggling to breathe. The sounds of Zack screaming in pain echoed throughout the courtyard upon her demise.

After that, Zack went on to wander the area in a daze constantly in conflict. His will to live was sustained only by the thought of finding the culprit responsible. That was till the day he met a nymph who was in trouble. It was Yuki and her home was under attack by slavers.

Sensing the people in desperation Zack knew Lauren would've helped. During this altercation, he found Tanya and some other children left orphaned. The last thing Octavia saw was the events leading to the founding of Eden.

Zack was still kissing her, and as they pulled away she saw a tear drip down the side of his face. When showing Octavia the events he to had to witness the sensation of Lauren's death once more. Octavia was preparing to comfort him but he smiled through the tear.

"Once the city was more stable I was planning to have Vicente call you here. I just wasn't sure how to explain everything yet and needed the city to be sturdy just in case." Zack said as he let her go.

Octavia glanced at all the women behind him with concern on their faces as well as some of the children from the gate. The look was from staring at the wounds on Zack's body, but it only looked bad.

The wounds Zack received from Malachi were far greater after all. With a wave of Zack's hand, the earth retook its former shape as he used his grace to cleanse the land. Seeing the situation defused, and the two walking towards the gate everyone went about their usual business. The kids however came running out swarming around Zack along with Kaya, and the others.

"Are you okay?" Ashleigh was concerned with blood on his chest.

"It's okay they are all shallow, and with a little relax time I'll be good as new," Zack replied while patting her on the head.

"Why did you hurt big bro?" Tanya asked glaring at Octavia.

"It was an accident so be nice okay? Some abilities are harder to control than others." Zack smiled at Tanya.

"I can handle the training for the rest of the day just get some rest," Kaya told Zack as she kissed him on the cheek walking away.

Octavia seemed irritated at the kiss but said nothing as she looked away.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Yuki smiled taking him by the hand.

Octavia quietly followed as she examined her surroundings. One thing she noticed was the number of powerful auras wandering about, and all the lustful gazes aimed at Zack. There was a small group of Zack's companions following closely behind them as they headed towards the estate.

It wasn't long before Madison noticed the overwhelming aroma wafting through the air, and she quickly appeared at Zack's side. They took him inside as Olivia came rushing up at the sight of her injured master.

"What happened?"Olivia asked quickly taking to her master's side.

"Someone went a little overboard," Lilith teased looking at Octavia in the corner.

Octavia glared at Lilith, but it only enticed Lilith's desire to tease her more. Seeing the culprit Olivia's old nature was returning, and a series of eyes appeared along her body fixated on Octavia. Rapidly tentacles formed as a powerful killing intent was released along with a wicked look across Olivia's face. The calm polite Olivia had the look of a demon, and the floorboards began to crack under the pressure.

"Hurting the master is unacceptable. To the dungeon with you." Olivia rapidly seized up Octavia as she struggled to get free.

It wasn't possible to grip at the slimy texture, and she could feel the power rapidly fading from her body.

'What's going on?' Octavia was looking at her hand tremble.

"We don't have a dungeon," Lilith replied watching Octavia struggle.

"We simply need a dark room, some chains, and whips which are easy to attain," Olivia said with a wicked look.

Both Lilith and Olivia possessed devious smirks as they approached Octavia. Lilith held no grudge against Octavia, but the thought of chains and whips excited her sadistic tendencies. Octavia couldn't break free, but feeling the overwhelming aura from Lilith even if she could escaping wasn't possible. Cynthia and the others just watched quietly in the corner curious about what was gonna happen.

"Enough you two, and release her already," Zack ordered smacking them both on the rear.

Feeling her master's touch, and hearing his orders Olivia slowly reverted to her normal behavior. Zack was expecting to see some resistance.

"As you wish master, but may I have another." Olivia requested politely while releasing Octavia.

"We have more important things," Yu said while grabbing some rags, and water.

"Don't worry I can clean him up." Madison faded into mist appearing behind Zack licking the blood from his shoulder.

"That's not very hygienic." Yuki rapidly froze the ground and Madison with it.

Octavia watched them all arguing over who got to clean the wounds, and her irritation was replaced with a faint smile. All of them could be angry at her right now, but instead, they were playing around. They sat Zack in a seat and started cleaning his wounds.

"Are you not gonna help? It's your fault so it's the least you can do." Cynthia said tossing a rag her way.

'I guess I shouldn't be surprised there would be other women interested in him. They don't seem too bad, and at least they aren't scared of me.' Octavia gave a faint smile as she walked up to help the others.