Chapter 151

Sitting in the training grounds with Shen were Holly and Ren. They spent hours meditating on the array linked with William. With the help of Shen's guidance and the support of the others, his eyes finally opened.

Shen canceled his magic releasing William as he slowly returned to human form. Holly ran up to hug her brother with tears of happiness trailing down her face. Ren got up with a smile seeing the siblings embrace and began to miss her own family.

"The struggle between yin and yang is a conflict you will experience your entire life. If you lose yourself again just remember today." Shen told William as he walked away.

"Thank you!" Holly shouted.

"I'll never forget this debt." William declared bowing till Shen was no longer in view.

Ren walked up behind the two of them wrapping her arms around them.

"Let's get something to eat," Ren smiled.

Ren walked to the pavilion seeing everyone gathering for the usual feast and began searching for Zack. Holly saw them still preparing food, and immediately volunteered her services. When Ren saw Lilith sitting with Octavia the curiosity of the new woman drew her in.

"Have you seen Zack?" Ren investigated looking around.

"Shiro brought him a message from Mero about a large group of her friends wanting to visit tonight. They all heard the rumors from her mermaid pals, and they are eager to try the lobster. So to not disappoint them he went to get some, and should be back any minute." Dyna replied.

"This is the other one I told you about," Lilith told Octavia.

"You're all really okay with this?" Octavia asked.

Octavia wanted to object to the situation, but with so many powerful women at his side she couldn't make enemies of them all. The factor that calmed her down was when Lilith said they get alone time with Zack, and that his wife was still undecided. She intended to win the position and put an end to these conditions. For the time being, Octavia was more than happy to play along but still couldn't believe they all accepted sharing Zack.

"We function quite well like this, and it helps with taking care of the children. If you don't like it you can leave." Kaya declared.

"I'm not going anywhere. I just wanna know how things work that's all. I'm surprised at the variety of women he keeps around. Looking around you seem to be the only one lacking adequate equipment so it's probably just a pitty thing in your case." Octavia replied.

Kaya knew that was a jab at her bust size, and wanted to lunge over the table so badly. The only thing stopping her was the children playing nearby.

"If that's the case then why did he take me on a date last week." Kaya grinned taking a sip of her rum.

"You probably just wouldn't leave him alone." Octavia retorted.

Tessa was walking by and overheard them.

"She's telling the truth. I'm not sure what they did before the restaurant but when I saw them it seemed like a date. They were cuddled together in the booth and she was being very assertive." Tessa smirked as she continued to walk by.

Hearing this Octavia couldn't help but admit defeat as she turned away to hide her irritation. Kaya looked over at Tessa with a look of gratitude and wanted to reward her for the assist.

"The table will be full later, but for now your welcome to join us, "Kaya told Tessa pointing at an empty seat.

"If you two are done butting heads I wanna get to know you better. How come you didn't visit sooner?" Yuki asked.

"I prefer being in combat, and not like they wanted me around anyway. I know you're there by the way!" Octavia shouted glancing at a nearby tree.

Vicente slowly manifested from the shadows with a pale complexion. Hearing the commotion that occurred earlier he feared his sister's retaliation. Octavia motioned him to join them, and Vicente nodded towards Harald for backup just in case.

Harald was reluctant to intervene, but Vicente already gave him a considerable bonus with this being a condition. Harald finished the horn he was drinking and stood up from his table.

'Like I could stop her.' Harald sighed.

"When did you get here?" Vicente asked.

"Don't play dumb with me. I'm only talking to you for one reason, and after that, you can go back to hiding for now. I'm quitting the guild." Octavia declared.

"Look I'm sorry about hiding him from you, but there was a reason, and after what happened this morning you have to see that." Vicente replied.

"That's not why, and you're not convincing me so save your breath." Octavia retorted.

"At least tell me why you're leaving. I joined because of you so you can at least give me that much." Vicente said while giving her a serious look.

"I wanna st-stay here," Octavia replied while staring down at the table.

Most guild members work under contracts, but some veteran members stick around from loyalty. With no contract binding her Vicente could say nothing, but losing their strongest fighter would be welcoming the other guilds to challenge them. Vicente knew her staying around Zack was good for her. If Octavia lost control again only Zack could halt it, and Vicente cared more about her safety.

"Zack was talking about setting up a guild house for us here. Having a veteran member running it is crucial, and with the arena, we could hold challenges here. I understand you have personal reasons for choosing this but you are a warrior. I know you won't be able to sit idle for long, but go ahead tell me I'm wrong." Harald told Octavia.

Octavia contemplated his words for a minute and did recall seeing a massive arena when exploring the grounds. Throughout the year they would receive two challenges on average, and it was always a tough fight. It would allow her to continue working with the guild while staying at Zack's side.

"You were always the smart one," Octavia smirked.

"Does that mean you'll stay?" Vicente asked.

"So long as you understand that I'm not leaving the city," Octavia replied.

A sudden commotion was gathering by the waterway as Zack appeared with Shiro and the others. Zack retrieved the two lobsters from the water and took them somewhere to discreetly work. Seeing his return Yu took off cashing after Zack. When she caught up to him he was standing over a pit waiting for it to be hot enough. Zack heard a rustle in the tree looking up to see Yu leaping down.

"They're so big," Yu said while walking up to the cage.

"Did you try some last time?" Zack asked.

"No, but everyone else seems to like it. Momma says thanks for the new weapons." Yu replied turning to embrace Zack.

"They are helping us defend this place it's only fair they get some upgrades. I was surprised so many of them are willing to help." Zack stated.

"It's because of what happened to Pan," Yu replied.

"So that's what they were training for," Octavia stated approaching from the woods.

"They are becoming more aggressive, and we wanna be prepared by spring," Zack replied.

"You wanna spend time with him?" Yu asked as she clung to Zack.

Octavia wasn't sure how to respond. She indeed wanted alone time with Zack but never expected them to suggest it. She thought it was a ploy, but Yu's face displayed an innocence she couldn't deny.

Octavia became filled with regret about attacking Yu so roughly earlier. She understood now that Yu was simply trying to protect Zack. Octavia nodded as Yu kissed Zack goodbye walking off to join the others.

"Th-thank you," Octavia told Yu as she approached Zack.