Chapter 160

Ren was leading a group through the forest with William at her side. They were heading to investigate a possible dungeon, but most of them doubted its authenticity. The reason why is there was no dungeon mapped in this sector. Finding a new dungeon wasn't unheard of, but there were surveyors constantly searching for it a very lucrative business. Eden was located between three major kingdoms, and to have a dungeon between them was unlikely.

"Are you sure it wasn't just a cave? " Vicente asked walking behind Ren.

"You begged me to come out here, but I can go back home," Ren replied preparing to turn around.

"I believe you, and we can go by ourselves if needed," William stated.

"I didn't doubt you it was just a question. How far is it?" Vicente asked.

"We're almost there, but be on guard I've run into nasty creatures before," Ren replied.

"What did they look like?" William investigated.

"It was a giant lizard with some odd spikes forming along its neck, and it spat some kind of acid. It was really strong, but I managed to scare it off." Ren replied.

Vicente made a symbol with his hand as the raiders he brought drew their weapons splitting into groups. They dashed in different directions into the forest to ensure the area was secure. Hearing Ren's story their doubts vanished and were now all on high alert. What Ren witnessed was a freshly made abomination, and she was lucky it was still in the mutation stage.

They continued through the forest as the groups slowly returned with no signs of large predators. Slowly coming into a view through a clearing was a small lake and behind it a mossy cavern. The sensation radiating from the entrance it was indeed a dungeon. William was the first to rush forward-looking around with a look of concern on his face. His tail went stiff, and he drew his sword taking a stance.

"What is it?" Vicente asked.

"There is a strong stench of blood coming from the floor below, and two wolves," William replied.

"You two should stay out here." Vicente declared drawing his weapon.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Ren retorted retrieving her club.

Ren was preparing to walk in when William grabbed her hand. The look of concern on her pupil's face changed her mind. Ren tossed the club on her shoulder with shooting an irritated glance towards Vicente. He cautiously walked by Ren with fifteen seasoned members and five recruits.

Vicente was leading the formation, and the recruits were behind a shield wall preparing mana. Walking down the halls it was pitch black, and a familiar was leading the way. It was a small imp flying through the air emitting a glow similar to the full moon.

After three minutes of walking, they witnessed animal bones littered through the area, but after a quick examination, they were hit with a realization. All the remains found were ancient, and easily rendered to dust. The thing that puzzled them the most was zero traces of a human presence. Even if it was an old dungeon there should be some remnants of fortifications along the first floor.

'How could this dungeon stay hidden for so long?'

They continued down the hall reaching the end with nothing in sight but dried trails of blood. All along the walls were bright white crystals with a mysterious glow within. Seeing the mana crystals covering the halls untouched they were filled with excitement.

"Start gathering everything while we push forward," Vicente ordered the recruits.

At the end of the hall was a corridor that spiraled downwards to the next floor. At the base of the hallway was a switch, and Vicente promptly activated it with mana. Torches along the wall were ignited with green flames illuminating the halls. The new recruits were fascinated by the engravings along the walls, but that swiftly faded when a piercing howl echoed from the corridor. Even the seasoned members had a deep chill running down their spine, but still readied themselves for combat.

"Formation B!" Vicente ordered fading into the shadows.

One row of soldiers fell back to the recruits forming a shield wall with small gaps for casters, and arrows to be let loose. The recruits began trembling hearing something pummeling through the halls below, and it was steadily drawing closer.

Each recruit was wielding a grade one bow with the same enchanted arrows used in the arena. They aimed at the positions taught during training firing three arrows in a triangle formation at the base of the hall. With the setup complete they drew more arrows infusing them with mana while their comrades chanted in preparation.

"No matter what don't break formation!" A man shouted hearing an eerie growl coming around the corner.

A large grey snout peered around the corner with its teeth exposed, and upper lip vibrating from the force of its growl. Around the corner, walked a dark grey wolf with strange silver marking along the side of its body, and glowing blue eyes radiating mana. It was towering over the soldiers as it slowly crept forward. Its jaw was large enough to seize a full-sized man within its grip, and it was almost wide enough to cover the hallway. The recruits were trembling at the sight ready to release their arrows.


The wolf continued to walk forward but stopped before the traps. It examined them closely looking up releasing another howl. The shockwave produced caused powerful winds to sweep the cave forcing them to activate their shield wall. An aura of mana sealed off the hall as the winds ignited the glyphs filling the area with an explosion. Fire, lightning, and wind were rampaging in the hall as the shield wall slowly cracked. While the magic was still settling the wolf came charging through the explosion unfazed.


The barrier faded as the arrows were let loose, and rapidly became fireballs soaring towards the beast along with two sword aura strikes. The two beams of mana covered the hallway in a large X meant to eviscerate the wolf. Rapidly the markings on the side of the wolf began igniting as it forced its way through. The sword aura only managed to send shallow cuts across its forehead.

The abomination was rapidly closing in as Vicente appeared from the shadows attempting to decapitate the beast, but his grade six sword was stuck in its neck, and in response, he rapidly swung the other down hoping to push through.

Before the second blow could land the wolf howled again forcing blood from Vicente's ear, and mouth as it grabbed him shaking him violently. With his grade five armor from Rolen he received shallow wounds, and his armor began repairing as he tossed into the wall. Vicente had large puncture wounds on his shoulder, and stomach as the armor slowly covered it.

'Damn it we should've waited for the others.'

"Retreat!" Vicente ordered fading into the shadows before the wolf struck again.

Vicente appeared behind the wolf cutting a shallow wound across its heel with his sword aura to give a chance for his comrades to retreat. The wolf winced and rapidly turned to finish him off as he was blocked from the others. Vicente charged forward sliding beneath the wolf attempting to disembowel the beast, but it wasn't cutting deep enough.

'Fuck! It's not even done mutating yet, and we can't even make it flinch.'

The other members were rushing towards the exit, and Vicente was trailing close behind. The wolf was rapidly gaining speed and was preparing to snatch him by the neck. Ren dashed forward in her released form punching the beast on the nose sending it flying back.

The wolf slowly halted in its tracks bearing its teeth once more. It was slowly building a puddle of blood in the hall, but it refused to back down. Ren was stunned to see it endure a full-powered strike, and was forced to change location.

"What are you standing there for!" Ren shouted picking Vicente up as charged forward.

"Put me down!" Vicente retorted.

"Don't have time for that," Ren replied.

Vicente looked back seeing what she meant. Ren was rushing for the exit hearing the wolf slowly gaining behind her as William went charging past Ren.

"What are you doing!" Vicente shouted.