Chapter 161

William began transforming while running forward at full speed as his body slowly morphed. He seized the abomination by its jaws as he slid back across the floor. He brought the beast to a stop as its claw came down leaving a deep laceration across William's chest that was rapidly closing. He starting pumping his feet pushing forward as he flared his essence violently. The abomination slowly began sliding back.

Once again the markings ignited on the abomination as powerful winds began cutting William's body up and forcing the others out the entrance of the dungeon. William's regeneration was barely offsetting the damage of its winds, but his body continued to grow in response. The wolf saw William staring it down without fear, and felt a domineering aura radiating from him. It released the force of its jaws, and slowly began backing up from William shaking.

Werewolves were known for training wolves to hunt by their side. When an animal becomes an abomination it keeps its animal instincts. It simply receives a boost in size, strength, and resistance to magic. Some even receive alterations to their appearance, and special abilities when finished mutating. The wolves present in the dungeon have yet to wander deep into the dungeon and haven't been exposed to its effects for too long. They were simply seeking shelter due to their mate receiving wounds.

Seeing William hold his ground, and withstand its might the wolf began submitting. He walked up slowly with his chest puffed out as the wolf slowly lowered its head. William growled as the giant wolf plopped over on the ground exposing its belly. William slowly reverted his form extending his hand to the beast showing he was no foe.

It slowly got up smelling his hand and sat before him. Everyone watching was speechless seeing it submit to his will and began stepping forward. The wolf once again bared its teeth, and William extended his hand halting the wolf.

"Stay back. It's just trying to protect something." William declared as they stepped back.

"You can't trust that thing!" Vicente shouted preparing to charge forward.

Ren blocked the path forward with her club to protect the wolf. She was unsure if it could be trusted, but had faith in her pupil's judgment.

"Let him handle it or I'll never help the guild." Ren declared.

"I was wondering where you went," Zack said while descending behind Vicente's squad.

"What are you doing here?" Ren asked running up to him with a smile.

"Looking for Vicente," Zack replied opening his arms.

Ren embraced Zack before kissing him affectionately. Vicente seemed nervous about how Zack would react to them coming to such a dangerous place. Zack smiled placing his hand against Ren's stomach.

"You should be at home," Zack smiled.

"I was just showing him something that's all. Don't underestimate an oni's strength." Ren replied storing her club.

Zack could sense the abominations nearby, and began walking towards the dungeon. He patted Vicente on the shoulder slowly mending his wounds.

"I told them to stay back, but they didn't wanna listen," Vicente declared.

"It's okay she's free to make her own decisions." Zack walked toward William without a worry.

The wolf began to growl at Zack while he approached, but he extended his hand regardless. It lashed out biting Zack's hand, but he was unfazed by the effect. He smiled at the wolf emitting a healing aura rapidly mending its wounds, and the wolf released him. It no longer growled at Zack and looked at him with its head tilted sideways. The wolf scratched at the ground in front of Zack before running towards the end of the hall. The wolf looked back at William, and Zack staring at them waiting.

"There's another one below," William told Zack.

"We can handle this if you guys wanna finish collecting the crystals," Zack announced as he gestured Ren forward.

The wolf saw Ren approaching, and saw the two unbothered by her presence. It turned back towards the hall disappearing. Zack followed behind it descending to the second floor, and as William trailed behind it there was a strong scent of blood.

As they entered the second floor it was no longer a simple hallway. They stood at the entrance to a large room with four passages, and at the center of the room was a wounded wolf. The male wolf walked up to its mate licking the wound it had across the back of its neck as the female growled at their intrusion. It had white fur resembling its mate, but its markings were a dark red.

Zack walked up slowly, and the female prepared to stand up to defend itself. He sat down on the ground showing he meant no harm, and the others followed his lead. Slowly a light filled the room as the wolf was healed. Seeing its mate recovered the male began brushing against the female's neck.

They stood up slowly, and both wolves watched him cautiously. He retrieved a barrel from his ring, and both wolves back up seeing its sudden appearance. They both had their noses to the air as he removed the lid tossing slabs of meat before them. William glanced at the female's belly before looking up at Ren.

"It's just like you," William smirked.

Ren snatched up William into her grasp rubbing the top of his head in a twisting motion as he struggled to break free.

"You take that back! I'm not even showing yet!" Ren declared continuing to tease him.

The wolves looked at the two goofing around briefly before returning to their meal. The wolves have become intelligent enough to understand Zack, and his companions were no threats to them. They continued eating till half a barrel was empty, and as Zack retrieved the barrel to leave they followed.

"Are they coming with us?" Ren asked.

"I've witnessed a few tribes tame abominations, but it was typically their offspring. It's how we got the colossal boars after all. With enough space and resources it shouldn't be a problem. Plus that one seems attached to William, and I don't think telling it to stay is gonna work." Zack replied as they continued up the ramp.

"Is it really okay?" William asked as he walked beside the male.

"You might have to relocate to a house near the forest, but it's fine. So long as they are well-fed, and you're with them they won't act out. Just watch them around the livestock for awhile. The effects of the mutation should've developed its mind enough that coexisting shouldn't be difficult." Zack replied.

Vicente saw them returning with two wolves in tow and kept their guard up. A few of the men drew their weapons, and the female growled. Zack raised his hand halting the men, and they released them. The wolves weren't ignorant to this and knew Zack was the alpha.

"They were both injured before, and if you were smart the sword wouldn't leave the sheath again," Zack said while walking past Vicente.

The wolves saw Zack turning his back on the men, and continued behind him. Vicente and his men stood at the edge of the wall as the two wolves passed. When their eyes met the wolf watched carefully, but showed no sign of aggression. Vicente ordered the men to continue harvesting as he followed Zack.

"What made you show up here?" Vicente asked.

Zack went on to explain his need for mana gems, and hearing him offer to join in a farming session filled Vicente with excitement. The last time Zack joined them it was a record-breaking haul for their guild, and he was still hiding his angelic form back then.

"I'm gonna finish scouting here, and if we're lucky we can farm here tomorrow," Vicente said with excitement running down the hall.

"If it's for the baby I should be there," Ren told Zack.

"I don't mind you coming, but can you promise me one thing?" Zack requested.

Ren nodded eagerly waiting to hear his condition.

"You have to use some of the armor they been working on," Zack told Ren.

Ren hated using armor but seeing the concern on Zack's face she accepted. She knew Zack trusted her strength and was only showing concern for their child. Ren smiled wrapping her arm around Zack pulling him close. They strolled through the forest linked together while William got familiar with his new companions. That moment together in the forest was a brief moment of happiness that was interrupted by Ren's ring, and Zack's amulet vibrating frantically. The only thing to cause such an alert was a powerful force striking the barrier at Eden. Ren looked at Zack with a serious face nodding in approval as he took off with tremendous speeds.