Chapter 162

Flying over the sea was three dragons from the eastern tribe. Two of them were clad in blue scales, and one was white with red markings down its sides gliding across the clouds. They were heading straight towards Eden at incredible speeds, and within no time they were passing the shoreline. Those stationed at the new watchtower saw the dragons encroaching sending a messenger through the waystation. A mermaid came dashing through a portal in human form.

"Dragons!" The guard shouted running towards the gate.

Alishia was positioned along the ramparts on guard duty, and hearing the guard she launched a signal in the air. It was an arrow of pure man that erupted in bright green light in the air grabbing everyone's attention. Since the announcement of the slavers protocols have been rehearsed thoroughly.

Athlan witnessed the signal enacting the protection order to all sentries. Every one of them became active leaping from the walls rapidly directing citizens towards the garden. They immediately began forming defense circles around the children as they moved towards the mine. The dragons had Eden within their sights, and the guards could see the threat was worse than they imagined.

"There's a powerful barrier surrounding the city we should land outside the gate."

"We don't have time for that war could start any minute!" The white dragon shouted.

"But princess they might see it.."

"Just do it!"

One of the blue dragons began emitting through its body, and a powerful beam gathered in its mouth. A blast of lightning went roaring towards the barrier, and when it collided a powerful pulse was sent through causing a slight rumble among the city.


The guards along the wall released a volley of arrows into the air. Between the arrows, chains began to launch forming a massive spell circle in the air, and from it, a powerful blast of mana was sent towards the dragons. They were all surprised the barrier withstood the attack, and even more so that a powerful retaliation followed. As they were forced to dodge the blast it pushed forced them off guard, and before they realized it the demon troops surrounded them.

"I told you this would happen."

"Shut up! Just get past the barrier we need to find him now we can work it out later!" The princess ordered.

Stormclouds filled the air as powerful winds began striking the demons, and they struggled to maintain their flight. In a matter of seconds, the effects amplified launching them towards Eden as the two dragons dashed towards the barrier. The dragons' bodies were engulfed in lighting as they prepared to shatter the barrier.

Before they struck it a blonde man appeared before them with six golden wings protruding behind his back. The howling winds were halted as Zack's eyes flared with power. He halted both dragons in their tracks as powerful winds were holding their bodies in place.

"Attacking this place was unwise." Zack raised his hand as his body was engulfed in light.

The eastern tribe was famous for its ability to manipulate the weather and can fly even in the harshest of conditions. Yet the man in front of them was restraining them with the force of the wind alone. They were still stuck with awe when a powerful shockwave sent all three dragons crashing through the forest. As they slid away from Eden's gate they left a deep cater across the land.

"What was that?" The dragon winced trying to get up.

Zack appeared before them in an instant, and the earth rapidly came to life beneath them. With the rumbling of the earth, three massive golems were formed and now towered above the dragons. Cracks began appearing all over the golem's body with molten flames protruding from them. It seems as if they were going to burst at any minute until their mouths dropped open. The flames quit oozing from the golem and a powerful blast began gathering in their mouths.

One of the dragons attempted to tail whip the golem's leg as lightning crackled over its body. The golem caught its tail slamming the dragon back into the dirt, and it was now stuck in the golem's grip. Earth rapidly began covering its body fusing it into the earth. Zack was floating towards them as a powerful holy blast gathered in his hands. Unable to take to the air, and seeing the oppressive force of nature coming their way the dragons began to feel fear.

They were no strangers to fighting angels, but the techniques Zack used was unseen before. In a flash, their formation was broken, and they were surrounded by familiars strong enough to overpower a dragon. The golems were prepared to launch their attacks when the white dragon disappeared and a pillar of smoke engulfed the area.

"Forgive our entrance, but time is of the essence. My name is Lixue and you're the man we been looking for. Please listen to my request." Lixue declared cupping her hands while lowering her head.

Zack saw a beautiful woman draped in a white qipao. The dress was elegantly made, and displaying her seductive curves quite well. She had long white hair, porcelain skin, and red eyes. A top of her head was a pair of white antlers, and trailing along the ground behind her was a long white tail with fur trailing down the middle. Seeing the princess bowing with respect the guards transformed and rapidly did the same. The golems slowly dissipated their flames returning to the earth.

"There are better ways to open a dialogue than attacking our city." Zack fired a signal in the air to put the others at ease.

"We needed to land and find you urgently so our manners were lacking. Both dragon tribes are preparing for war right now, and your the only one who can stop it." Lixue said in a serious tone.

Zack had a look of concern over his face. Throughout the ages, the dragon tribes always held a neutral position. The angels and demons knew it was unwise to get them involved in the war so they were left alone. They knew the dragons were far too prideful to take orders from them, and if they ever got involved the destruction from the first dark age would seem like child's play.

"I need to go inside to calm everyone down," Zack replied.

"Did you not hear me? There's no time for that." Lixue told Zack.

Zack looked back with a serious glare.

"You scared the children and our citizens so I'm checking on them. You're also gonna apologize properly to everyone if you want my help." Zack demanded.