Chapter 163

Hearing Zack giving out demands Lixue's guards became furious. They have been guarding the princess since her birth and refused to sit by after such an outrage. Both of them stood up quickly staring Zack down. They both were clad in Lamellar armor and towered over Zack.

The one on the left was named Wei, and he was a tall slender dragon holding a mysterious orb in his hand. He had long jet black hair trailing to his shoulders. Wei may have been slender but the lightning crackling around him could rival Ozen.

The dragon tribe had two types of fighters in their ranks. The first is the mystics who were gifted manipulating the elements. They could call typhoons, conjure storms, and use the lightning as an extension of its body while in human form. Then there were warriors who embodied the elements within their bodies. The warrior's punches could shatter mountains, and a clap of their hands could level a village.

On the right was a large warrior named Lei, and his body resembled a mountain. He had a bald head that gleamed under the sun and a long black goatee. His arms were as thick as a tree trunk, and he stood at seven feet tall. He clenched his fist in irritation, and the sound of thunder boomed through the land.

"You should choose your next words carefully." Wei threatened as he lifted the orb in his hand.

"Don't you know who she is!" Lei retorted.

A series of arrows pierced the ground in front of them halting their advances, and each of them was radiating powerful magic. Next to Lei's neck appeared a blade, and he turned seeing Octavia materializing from the shadows. Wei turned around seeing them surrounded by dark elves all wielding powerful artifacts, and each of them with a spell at the ready. Next to Zack landed the demon soldiers in full force with Lilith leading them. Quickly Zack's other partners appeared at his side.

"It's you who should choose your words carefully. This kingdom is protected under the treaty, and we are within our rights to bury you here." Lilith declared forming her bident as a wicked aura enveloped her.

"I've never slain a dragon before, and It might take a few swings but I'll manage." Octavia threatened as the blade went pitch black.

Lei could sense how powerful the chaos was within the blade, and slowly unclenched his fist. The two dragons looked around seeing centaurs charging from the gate with minotaurs right behind them and could hear the sound of kakuens rapidly leaping through the trees. The forces of Eden were all rapidly converging on their location. Seeing the forces around them, and more charging from the gate the two dragons began sweating.

Typically they wouldn't sweat over these races challenging their authority, but everyone was well armed with artifacts. The three visitors were trying to understand how such a powerful force could appear along the border without their knowledge.

"Stand down," Zack ordered.

"Who told you two stand?" Lixue asked with a calm smile.

Lixue's expression seemed polite to the others, but the guards knew that look quite well. They rapidly bowed once more and dreaded the punishments in store for later.

"It's nice to see you again princess." Haruna bowed respectively.

Lixue looked closely at Haruna before walking up to hug her.

"I didn't recognize you with the long hair, and I've told you before there's no need to bow among friends. Why are you here?" Lixue asked.

"We are allied with this city, and I've been ordered to serve the leader. The better question is why are you so far from the palace with only two guards." Haruna investigated.

"Let's talk inside." Zack declared as he mended the broken land.

They walked inside, and as instructed the dragons apologized for scaring the citizens. Once everyone calmed down Lixue went on to explain. The dragon Zack rescued was from a noble household, and when he went missing they assumed it was their old rival. When accused of kidnapping the western tribe took offense, and an argument broke out. After the captive returned with his story of the slavers everyone thought he was simply trying to avoid a political incident. They didn't think the salvers were brave enough to attack a dragon, and definitely couldn't capture one.

Since then things have been escalating on both sides, and this morning a small battle broke out. It was only between two dragons, but it caused several human villages to be damaged in the process. Innocent blood has already been spilled, and the only way to prevent more was with Zack's testimony. To accomplish this princess snuck out from the palace and went searching for the savior Jian spoke of.

"The others need to know about this right away," Haruna stated.

"Go ahead, and tell them I'm on my way," Zack replied.

"I should go with you," Lilith told Zack.

"I can't stay away from the egg long so I'll have to go at full speed. Standby the waystation if I need help I'll send for it." Zack replied caressing her cheek.

"I'm getting faster you know, but I understand. I'll go sit with Destiny so hurry back," Lilith said before kissing him on the cheek.

"If something happens to him I'll find all of you, and it won't be pretty." Octavia declared.

"I'll be back I promise, and you should be more polite to our guests," Zack told Octavia before hugging her.

"She just said what we're all thinking," Kaya stated.

Seeing Lilith, and Octavia get affection the others forced their way over to say goodbye. Once they were finished Zack took off behind Lixue as they flew towards the neutral territory. They all seemed impressed by his ability to match their speed.

Even though it was a crucial matter Zack was excited to see more of the neutral territory. After a few minutes they came across a vast desert, and glancing around Zack was surprised to see human villages standing. The houses seemed primitive, but the auras radiating below were powerful. There were massive man-made structures that were easily visible from the sky. Seeing the dragons had no signs of stopping Zack sped forward surveying the area.

"He seems excited." Lixue smiled.

"What is he a child?" Lei replied.

"Don't forget that same 'child' bested us without breaking a sweat," Wei stated.

"I was just caught off guards that's all." Lei declared.

"I wonder if you two can keep up," Lixue said before rapidly speeding behind Zack.