Chapter 170

Ericka was strolling down the steps of the mountain as she began her walk through the forest to go home. She kept thinking of the warming embrace of Zack's arms and wanted more. Flying above Ericka was a bright pair of red eyes. The figure landed on a branch in front of Ericka.

It was a woman with pale skin, bouncy pink hair, and moth wings with intricate purple markings upon them. She had pink fur with white stripes covering her legs, and arms. Below her breast trailing down her sides, to her pelvis was a pink fluff and a small collar of it around her neck. She was wearing a short white top and black silk shorts. On top of her head is a set of antennae, and she had a timid look on her face. Her name is Kaitlyn and is a member of the Mothman species.

"H-how wa-was he?" Kaitlyn asked while covering her face.

Ericka turned around to see one of her comrades, and the look on Kaitlyn's face was clear. She was observing the scene unfold with Lilith. They have been friends for a long time, and Kaitlyn would typically watch Ericka's encounters. Kaitlyn was too shy to get involved herself but found pleasure in watching. Having seen Zack's dazzling glow she was fascinated with him.

"If you tell anyone what you saw I won't forgive you," Ericka replied while turning her head to hide her face.

Kaitlyn never saw Ericka this way and wondered how it was different from before. The two walked home together talking about Eden as they slowly approached a house at the edge of the forest. When Karin moved in they all built a communal home that fit their needs. It was a three-story building with balconies on the upper floors to access the trees. Ericka rapidly climbed to the first balcony entering with Kaitlyn. Walking through the door into one of the living areas they noticed Karin was still awake waiting for them.

Sitting on the couch behind Karin was an inari wearing an elegant black qipao that narrowly covered her upper thigh. Her name was Amara, and a long-time friend of Karin. She had long tan legs, piercing orange eyes, and medium scarlet hair parted in the middle.

Sitting next to Amara was an Inaba hare named Felicity. She had short white hair in a bob cut, azure eyes, long white ears, and a fluffy little tail. She had thin white fur trailing down from her knees and shoulders. She had a petite frame, thick legs, and a perky chest. Felicity was wearing black leather pants and a strapless leather top that pressed display her cleavage quite nicely.

Inaba hares would typically live communally with their own species, but Felicity didn't agree with the pacifist lifestyle of her tribe. There are some tribes who possess mighty warriors, but many would rather hide in the forest farming. Felicity got up seeing the weird expression on Ericka's face and rapidly sped closer with a smirk.

"What happened to you?" Felicity teased looking up at Ericka.

Ericka glared at Kaitlyn to ensure her silence. She looked down at Felicity with a grin displaying her teeth as she displayed her claws.

"None of your business now move it shrimp." Ericka retorted.

In the corner of the room stood a woman giggling while watching carefully. She was wearing short black shorts and a black hood making it easy to blend in the shadows. Her name was Risa, and she is a tanuki. She had shaggy brunette hair, shimmering green eyes, and a fluffy raccoon tail protruding from her waist. Typically Ericka would be the one to tease the others making this their ideal time to strike. Risa was waiting for things to escalate, and if it didn't she had talismans ready to push things forward.

"Given how Kaitlyn's acting you were up to your usual antics," Amara stated.

"She was following the chief around all day and seemed pretty pissed when he left," Risa smirked.

Hearing this, and seeing Katilyn truly was blushing Karin got irritated. She knew Zack had several partners, but never expected Ericka to successfully make a move. Karin stormed off to bed without saying a word to the others.

'I've been coming here for how long, and you haven't tried anything.' Karin pouted jumping into bed.

"What was that about?" Ericka asked.

"Good question," Amara replied getting up to investigate.

When Amara left felicity began to taunt Ericka. This caused a brawl to break out inside the house. Ericka was swinging her club wildly, but Felicity was too fast. She was bouncing off the walls rapidly gaining momentum, and dashed in kicking Ericka's legs out from underneath her. Ericka was falling but caught herself by using the club as support. Kaitlyn was trying to convince them to stop while Risa laughed in the corner. If the sound barriers weren't in place they surely would've woken the neighbors.

It was a little past noon, and the town was preparing for the parley. Extra sentries were patrolling the city, and all members of the defense force were geared up just in case. The kids were a little nervous about seeing everyone in armor. To ease their minds Zack took them all to play in the garden. At his side were his companions helping him with a variety of games to keep them entertained. Eden's marine forces were off gathering sufficient fish to serve for today's event, and several hunting parties went through the waystation at dawn.

Dyna was off doing her typical work at the waystation and had extra guards nearby to ensure no issues. There were six little rooms with an array in each one, and two sentries on guard between each gate. Near the exit of the welcoming center was a large booth with essential supplies stocked nearby. It was there for those arriving malnourished or in desperate need of clothing.

Sitting in the booth was Dyna flipping through the books documenting the fields yields. In the corner, an array lit up, and both sentries crossed their spears blocking the path. Lord Hisato appeared with Kintaro, and Asad at his side. Seeing they were granted access to Eden they withdrew their spears and went back to being idle.

"I see you've renovated things," HIsato said while walking towards Dyna.

"We wanted things to more welcoming, but today we have extra guards so it's kinda offsetting it," Dyna replied closing her book to greet them properly.

"It's understandable given the circumstances," Kintaro stated.

"If your looking for Zack he should be in the garden, but your welcome to wander the grounds as you please," Dyna told Hisato with a smile.

"Thank you," Hisato replied as they left the waystation.

As they entered Eden Kintaro was amazed at their progress in such a short time. Hisato examined the guards patrolling the city in force, and saw how well they were armed. For such a force to assemble so quickly was impressive, and it made Eden ideal for a parley. While approaching the garden they saw the others playing together without a worry, and Hisato was disappointed to see Haruna simply observing.

'At least she isn't patrolling with the others.' Hisato smiled walking up to greet Zack.