Chapter 171

"You're response time in a crisis is impressive." Hisato praised Zack.

"Having wings has its benefits," Zack replied.

Haruna walked up to her grandfather giving a polite bow. As they talked about yesterday's events Kintaro glanced around for Alisha. Lilith noticed this and went over to toy with Kintaro. Not long after their arrival, Alisha returned from a successful hunt. Hearing some shinobi appeared she was eager to see if Kintaro was among them, but hid this intention well from the others around. As Alisha was preparing to leave the pavilion a signal appeared in the air. Seeing this everyone was on guard, and minutes later appeared three dragons. Among them were Lixue, Tian, and Wei.

"This is rather impressive," Tian said while walking towards the gate.

Zack appeared promptly with his women at his side.

"It's nice to see you again princess," Zack told Lixue with a polite bow.

"Never expected to see you here, but it's good to see you in good health," Tian told Hisato.

"Likewise your majesty, "Hisato replied cupping his hands politely.

"Mind showing me around while we wait?" Lixue asked Zack.

Flying rapidly over the sea towards Eden were three western dragons. Leading them was Lincoln, and closely behind him was Elizabeth. Soaring above the two of them was a mighty dragon with scarlet scales and a barbed tail. Its horns were pitch black, and it towered over the two below it. It was King Uther and he was observing their area carefully. Uther was skeptical about such a meeting but agreed to satisfy his brother's rambling. Seeing a city in the distance they sped up and landed before the gates of Eden. They all transformed and were greeted by Dyna.

"Thank you for agreeing to join us, we look fo..."

"Save the formalities we wanna make this quick," Uther replied in irritation.

Uther was a king yet forced to travel so far, and this caused his patience to be thin. Hearing his tone the sentries' eyes went red as their weapons flared violently. Feeling the tremendous pressure radiating from them Zack appeared. With a gesture from Zack, the sentry's eyes returned to normal and they lined up behind him. Zack walked up to Dyna wrapping his hand around her, and seeing this Uther ceased his attitude,

"I would refrain from any hostilities here. Each of the sentries has been ordered to watch all of you carefully. It's the only way to ensure neutrality after all." Zack told the guest.

"Father you need to behave." Elizabeth scolded.

Zack led them to his estate, and they were all shown a massive force on the way through. Lincoln knew they would need to behave carefully seeing the number of demons present. Once entering the estate he led them past the library. They admired the artwork around while trailing behind Zack, and stopped at a large dining hall. Zack ordered the sentries to remain at the door, and come when directed.

"Let's get started, and don't forget there are lives at stake in your territories," Zack told Uther as he entered the room.

All of Zack's comrades were stationed through the room. Sitting at the table were Hisato and the Long family. The two leaders locked eyes, and Uther was reminded of his brother clinging to life. Tian could feel his hostility rapidly standing up as a powerful battle of auras ensued. The two were rapidly snuffed out by Zack as his light filled the hall. Before the dragon's sight return they were surrounded by three holy orbs each. Zack stood in front of his comrades with Ren behind his wings.

"I set this up to help our people, but if you wanna cause trouble around my family I can just form alliances with your successors." Zack declared with serious killing intent.

The orbs began to hum loudly and having witnessed Zack's strength first hand they began sweating. Seeing the look in Zack's eyes it was clear it was no idle threat. Noticing Ren behind him being covered in his glow they understood why. Uther walked towards the table as the orbs dissipated, and sat down quietly. Tian promptly did the same, and Zack took the end seat between them.

"You two clearly don't like each other, but if you continue to fight your people will suffer. I saw both your kingdoms and your people seem to be living merrily so why jeopardize that?" Zack asked.

"You know why," Uther stated.

"The only deaths consist of humans so what is your complaint again," Zack replied.

"We are definitely at fault here there is no denying that." Lixue declared.

Tian glared at his daughter, but she simply ignored him. Uther was still angry, but he couldn't deny Zack's logic. Thanks to Zack's healing there would be a full recovery, and his arrogant son was even humbled as an extra benefit.

"Tell me how my people will suffer exactly," Uther proposed.

"Through enslavement of course," Zack stated.

"You witnessed our defenses," Uther replied.

"From the sounds of it, only one man was truly the problem. We could simply track our people down, and retrieve them after." Tian told Zack.

"Excuse my rudeness your majesty, but that's not a wise tactic," Haruna replied cupping her hands.

"Explain please," Lixue told Haruna.

"They are using a powerful form of blood magic that grants the contract owner control over your will. You would arrive to save your allies only to face them in a battle to the death. They will serve their master's wishes, or simply die. Without knowing the contract holder you could do nothing to stop them, but put them out of their misery." Haruna announced.

"We will simply cease our trading, and focus on defending our cities alone." Uther declared.

"I'm fine with that, and I'll be sure no one crosses the border," Tian told Uther.

"They would only grow stronger, and their leader has already set his sights on dragons. So once his forces grow he will lay siege to your cities. Malachi won't care which faction you belong to, and he's not a man you wanna underestimate. The only reason I made it home safely was the arrival of the archangel chased him off. If you wish to try your luck with him alone that's your choice, but why risk the safety of your people?" Zack asked in a serious tone.

Tian knew facing such an enemy could be dangerous, but going back on his word so soon would be shameful. Lixue knew how prideful her father was, and grabbed his hand for support.

"We understand, and will be sure to do our part," Lixue told Zack.

Hearing this Uther began thinking of the dangers of having Eden as a potential enemy. The only way to prevent this scenario was to join this alliance against the slavers and be sure to gain Zack's favor first. Uther glanced at all the women in the room, and back at his daughter.

"I can't let my people be put at risk. I'll send a few soldiers, and my daughter will watch other them." Uther declared.

Elizabeth heard this and had a smirk appear on her face. Seeing Zack willing to face their entire court to save Lixue caught her interest, but seeing the face Lixue made when rescued intrigued her more. She wanted to gain Zack's favor and rub it into Lixue's face.

"I look forward to working with you." Elizabeth smiled reaching for his hand.

Tian knew what they were doing and promptly did the same. Lilith was filled with excitement and looked forward to putting them against each other. Zack was the only one concerned by this news. Zack could already tell the arena would be getting another durability test soon.