Chapter 172

Zack was leading the guest out of the estate. As they walked down the steps Lincoln could smell the overwhelming aromas wafting in the wind. Even the prideful leaders began looking in the direction with desire.

"If you can behave we have a feast prepared," Zack announced.

Zack walked towards the pavilion with his comrades at his side. Lixue trailed right behind them without waiting for her father's permission. Uther figured they were staying and was preparing to take off. That was until king Uther witnessed several wagons passing by with large qualities of alcohol. Lincoln looked over eagerly awaiting his king's response.

"I guess we could keep things civil a little longer," Uther announced.

"I'll find us some seats," Elizabeth replied.

They followed behind the others and turned the corner to see everyone feasting together. It was a little unusual for royalty, but seeing the delicacies around they had no complaints. They sat down at Zack's table across from the Long family. Seeing this Zack got up sitting close by to ensure no problems. Olivia began bringing entrees to the table while Astrid and Tessa served drinks.

"Do you need anything else?" Astrid asked Zack while massaging his shoulders.

"Thank you, but I'm okay. You should join us." Zack told Astrid.

"We can't do that," Astrid replied.

"Masters orders are absolute," Olivia told Astrid.

Olivia went to sit next to Lilith, and Tessa scooted in right behind her. Astrid stayed put, and continued to massage Zack. The jealous elves watched from the end of the table but said nothing. Uther and Tian sat across from each other eating quietly ignoring each other's presence.

"How's your egg doing?" Lixue asked.

"I got home in time so everything is well," Zack replied.

"Sorry for pulling you away from such an important task," Lixue told Zack.

'It seems the two bonded some yesterday. This will give us the edge.' Tian smirked at Uther slamming his cup.

When the feast over Zack and his companions remained at the table. Since the two rulers still insisted on drinking his presence was needed. With each drink tossed down, the two began slowly broke their silence. It started as a casual talk about each other's kingdoms, but as they got drunk it turned into an argument.

"Why didn't you just back off?" Uther asked.

"I was the one who introduced you two in the first place, and you knew we were together," Tian replied pouring another drink.

"Nyssa would've chosen me, and you know it." Uther declared slamming his drink.

Elizabeth and Lixue looked at each other confused. They have never heard that name before.

"She left because of you. You know how much she hated violence, but you always made it your first response." Tian replied reaching for the barrel.

"It's cause you would hog the conversation," Uther said while placing his hand atop the barrel.

Seeing the situation Kintaro promptly retrieved another barrel to ensure no issues. The two continued to argue as they went through several barrels of whiskey.

Long ago when the two were still princes they were best friends. They experienced many battles together and helped hone each other's abilities. Once they rose to power they intended to form an alliance between their kingdoms. That was until a young woman wandered through the jade jungle. Nyssa was fleeing from a band of ghouls, and that's when Tian rescued her.

After that day the two grew closer, and Tian started falling in love. Being with a human would've never been approved, and he had to wait for his ascension to be with her. Tian decided to wait for his confession and introduced Nyssa to Uther the next time they met.

With time their friendship became a competition to win Nyssa's favor. Seeing two dear friends being torn about on her behalf she disappeared. The note they found only drove them further apart, and they became enemies. Being human she has long passed, but the two have never forgotten her.

The two went from arguing to drunk rambling about missing Nyssa. Once this happened though the daughters had enough, and stormed off from the table. The two looked at each other knowing they had to be upset about their mothers.

"Now I won't hear the end of this."Uther sighed.

"I feel your pain. Lixue may act polite, but she is a rowdy one. I almost feel bad for leaving her here." Tian laughed smacking Zack on the shoulder.

"I'm used to rowdy bunches so I'll be okay," Zack smirked at Kaya and Octavia.

The two glanced at each other turning away while scoffing. Yu went to sit between them to help mediate. With such a sweet woman between them, they couldn't fight.

"I really do owe you for taking her off my hands. The two constantly bicker, and I need a break." Uther replied.

"I saw that on my way in. Does it always get that bad?" Zack asked.

"There was no damage to the city so it was a good day." Uther sighed.

"Should you really be surprised about their behavior?" Tian smirked

Uther glared at him knowing it was a jab from their argument earlier. The others thought they were preparing to argue again, but they both began laughing. Hisato glanced at Zack nodding with respect.

"Nice touch with the alcohol. We could never provide enough to sate their thirst." Hisato relayed.

"Ren hasn't been drinking the last few days so our stock has been rising like crazy," Zack replied.

"You two are aware our allies get unrestricted access to the city so long as they follow our rules," Zack announced.

"What rule is that?" Lincoln asked out of curiosity.

Once Zack explained Lincoln, and Wei expected some pushback, but they agreed without hesitation. They realized sitting down in such a manner had its benefits. After trying the cuisine they also wanted to return in the future, and if that was the condition they would happily oblige. With the two leaders ready to cooperate they discussed plans to deal with the slavers. They decided to meet again in a few days when their soldiers arrived. The two princesses wanted to stay, but considering how drunk their fathers were they needed help returning home. Zack was at the gate waving goodbye with his companions at his side.

"Things are gonna start getting rowdy around here." Zack smiled wrapping his arm around Kaya, and Octavia.

"Why do you grab me when you say that!" They both shouted in unison.