Chapter 181

Huatare explained the situation of their world to John, and he was at a loss for words. All of it sounded like nonsense, but he couldn't deny the odd occurrences since their arrival. His back was broken not even an hour ago, and now he's walking around. Not to mention the massive snake that could swallow a man whole, and spew flames.

'Who would bring us here?'

"What kind of magic do you use?" Ari asked.

"It's not magic it's a tool. Like your weapon there." John replied.

"So it's enchanted then," Huatare said while observing the gun for any carvings.

John tried to explain the concept to them, but it required a demonstration. Once seeing its effects they understood how the viper sustained such injuries. Some of them wanted to try it, but once explaining the limited ammo they understood.

For saving the chief's son they treated John to a large feast with the snake they gathered. It was a tradition for the warriors to eat it for it was rich with mana, and given his involvement in its demise, he received a substantial portion. John was sampling the food and could feel a strange sensation swarm his body.

"What is this?" John asked looking at his hands as he felt power swelling.

"The snake is filled with mana and it's the source of our power. Do they not have this in your world?" Ari investigated.

"We have many weapons, and technological advances but nothing like this. Can you tell me more about it?" John requested.

They went on to explain that mana exists within the nature around them. That certain warriors are capable of harnessing this energy to protect those they care about. John was fascinated by it, and seeing how they healed him the memories of fallen comrades appeared. A look of pain and sorrow crossed John's face as he clutched his fists under the table.

'If only I could've had such a power.'

The elder Tangaroa being connected to John in a mind link could felt the horrors of the wars he faced. Seeing his intents the elder explained it was possible for almost any living being to harness this energy with the proper training.

"It's typically started at adolescence, but it's not impossible. You already possess the strength and willpower required. It will take a few days for you to have the strength to return up to the mountain so let me guide you in the meantime." Tangaroa told John.

"Letting him eat with us, and recover is one thing, but that's too far."

"He may be a warrior but he's an outsider."

"Show some respect!"Huatare demanded as an oppressive aura filled the table.

The crowd fell silent hearing this, and no one dared speak against him. Thanks to the outsider's efforts Huatare's only son was saved, and they managed to take down a formidable foe with few casualties. To wound a colossal viper in such a manner alone isn't something to take lightly. For these reasons, he demanded their guest be shown the proper respect a warrior deserves.

"Don't forget it was once the kindness of a stranger that allowed our ancestors to advance our haka's in such a manor. I'm not talking about teaching him our magic simply guiding him in the ways of cultivating." Tangaroa announced easing the warriors.

"He will also receive a Tā moko for his assistance with the viper." Huatare declared.

Hearing this some of the warriors once again had their complaints. This was sacred to their people, but Tangaroa eased their worries once more. He told them John would be granted a word of power that didn't belong to their people. Being an elven technique giving tattoos wasn't forbidden, but they assumed he would receive a Maori warrior's mark. Hearing they wouldn't break tradition everyone returned to their warm greetings.

While continuing the feast a beautiful woman walked out near the chieftain's hut, and it was Huatare's daughter. She had long black hair combed over her right shoulder, tattoos on her chin, and beautiful brown eyes. Her name was Haukua, and she is Ari's younger sister. Following closely behind Hauku were several other women all eyeing John carefully whispering amongst each other.

"Sorry for being late," Hauku told her father.

After the completion of the feast, John was shown to a hut he could use to recover in. While undressing to get into bed he heard a rustle at the door. Turning around John saw one of Hauku's aides slipping into the room. Her name is Ana, and she heard of his unwavering resolve in battle taking an interest in him. She had wavy black hair, wide childbearing hips, and a gentle smile.

"What are you doing?" John asked.

"The breeze from the ocean can be very chilly at night. Figured you might need some help keeping warm." Ana replied walking up as she undressed.

'When in Rome.'

Back at the portal, the night watch was sitting around the fire scanning the jungle for threats. Sunrise was only an hour away, and John still hasn't returned. Hearing the stories of a giant viper caused some to come around to Wesley's theory. After all, they were there for almost a full day without any signs of air traffic, and even in a rural area, it was odd. The reason being was the structure that brought them here appeared man-made meaning there had to be civilization near.

"If what you say is true then could we go back right?" Miguel asked.

"Possibly, but first we would have to learn how to activate it. There are no buttons so it should be activated remotely. If we can find the remote it could be possible, but given the accidents when we arrived you would have to be experienced in using it." Wesley replied as he continued his work on tools.

While they were debating the existence of such things Marc noticed the fire was starting to get low. Seeing everyone else on guard duty or asleep he grabbed a nearby hatchet. As Marc searched the outskirts of the camp everything was too wet to suffice, and he was forced to push further out.