Chapter 182

Marc was strolling around the edge of the camp to find firewood but wasn't having much luck. Recalling the bamboo forest they harvested from nearby he wandered from the sight of camp. He was strolling around trying to gauge the proper direction in the cover of the dark when he bumped into something squishy. He stepped back tripping and dropping his phone. Marc fumbled to grab it and shine the light up at the figure in front of him.

"Your torch is too bright."

Marc heard a mysterious language quickly shining his light forward. It was a beautiful woman in a black qipao that could barely contain her seductive curves, and in her hands was a large piece of bamboo. Trailing up from her feet was an elegant black fur coat that turned to a white fluff around her upper thigh. Up from her hands to her bicep was the same black fur with white patterns on the back of her hand.

She had long black hair, with small round ears atop her head. The fur on the outer rim of her ears was black and white at the center. Her skin is white as snow, and the curious smile she displayed could warm anyone's heart. The woman's name is Ling, and she is a ren xiongmao.

'She's so cute, but those claws look vicious.'

"I heard there were humans over here. You guys made a bunch of noise earlier and made a few people mad." Ling told Marc while examining his clothes.

"Sorry I can't understand you," Marc replied watching her hands carefully.

Ling didn't know what Marc was saying and was preparing to leave till his morning alarm went off on his phone. Hearing the odd music playing from his 'torch' she turned around intrigued. Ling got really close to Marc, and as she leaned close she was almost popping out of her dress. Marc got caught staring and looked away rapidly.

"Are you sick?" Ling asked placing her hand against his head.

Marc wasn't sure what to do but noticed her interest in the phone. He turned off the flashlight showing her the icons on the screen. Ling thought it was a type of magic, but sensed nothing from the phone. Ling sat on a nearby boulder patting on the spot next to her.

'She is really friendly so it should be okay right? Do panadas eat humans?'

Marc was a little nervous but sat down as Ling scooted closer looking over his shoulder. The two were listening to music, and Ling was fascinated by the new sounds. Knowing the debate raging in camp he showed the camera feature and snapped a pic. Once Ling saw the concept she gave a lovely smile wanting another. As the sun was rising those in the camp were starting to wake up and gather for their morning rations.

"This isn't enough food," Demitri told Taylor.

"We only have so much, and going out for more is dangerous" Taylor replied.

"You really expect me to believe your bull shit lady? If you're other man returned last night we wouldn't even be having this conversation." Demitri said with irritation.

After finding out his two comrades were killed by 'monsters' he thought it was a lie to cover up their assassinations. The only thing that happened on their journey yesterday was someone getting lost, and he was the one feeding the belief the stories of monsters were fake.

"What's that sound?" Bethany asked looking around.

They all looked up into the air seeing a massive blue dragon through the canopy. Everyone on the ground stared up in disbelief watching its long body winding across the sky effortlessly. When Ling saw the dragon she knew it was returning with news to the Long territories. Marc saw the dragon and was frozen in place to see it slowly descending at a distance.

"I need to get going, but maybe we can meet again," Ling said kissing him on the cheek.

Ling was starting to disappear into the bamboo, and Marc was a little sad to see her go. If not for the dragon running through his mind he would've given chase.

'I wonder if everyone else saw it'

Marc rapidly ran back to the camp and saw the people in a panic. Arguments were breaking out in different languages over what to do, and Taylor tried her best to calm them, but it was pointless. They all just witnessed a real-life dragon flying above them.

"Our guns won't do shit to that thing," Miguel said while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"We would be too small for something like that right?" Brian asked.

"Animals will kill to protect their territory, and something that big would surely cover a large terrain," Wesley replied.

"We need to get as far away from that thing as possible," Taylor said while immediately grabbing her things.

"But if this really isn't our world then the portal is our only way back. Should we really leave that?" Bethany asked.

After a long debate of whether it was wise to stay or leave they decided to head for the exit of the jungle. The deciding factor was with no way to operate it waiting around was pointless. They believed traveling through the jungle was safer than facing a dragon. Little did they know it was the quickest way to endanger their survival.

The entire camp was ready to move, but Taylor lingered around. She had doubts that John was dead, and left markers on the trees. With their direction marked she caught up with the group to guard the rear.

Their speed through the jungle was a slow place. The vegetation was so dense, and their group was so large they had to go slow. All around the strange sounds being heard were now more frightening than ever. For if a dragon could exist in this world what else could be lurking around the corner?