Chapter 190

Dagon motioned his men forward as they attempted to seize their group. Taylor and Miguel rapidly took aim at the charging men. They fired shots into the chest, and the soldiers dropped to the ground. Having conventional steel armor the bullets punched straight through, but their comrades didn't notice this till they were all on the ground.

Dagon looked puzzled when the men collapsed, but given the speed of the projectiles, he wasn't concerned. Dagon and the two demons behind him revealed their true forms as they flew forward.

"Fuck off!" Demitri shouted while he fired.

The demons were wearing artifacts and the slugs used weren't capable of penetrating their defenses. Seeing the demons flying forward unbothered everyone prepared for combat. A formation was formed around the weak with a line of spears at the ready. Denam and Zess were standing at the front preparing themselves for battle. Marc was with the students tasked with leading the retreat.

"If they get past them you guys need to be ready to run," Denam told Ms.Bishop.

"We can only buy you so much time, but if you can hide till night you should be able to make it," Zess stated.

A few of the people using bows fired in an attempt to support, but the speed and materials were too weak. Taylor fired for Dagon's head, but he rapidly blocked it with his sword. Bullets weren't that difficult to see with a demon's senses, and their artifacts allowed them to parry with ease.

"Lay cover!" Taylor ordered while signaling Miguel.

Taylor and Miguel sped in opposite directions to circle around their backs. Meanwhile, Brian and Bethany used their remaining mag to lay down cover. While Dagon's lackeys were chasing the distraction several shots clipped their exposed wings and they fell to the ground trying to mend the damage.

While attempting to stand up Demitri stomped on the demon's back while placing his barrel to the back of its head. He unloaded his final two slugs leaving a mess across the floor as the body twitched. Dagon looked in disbelief seeing the demon's head blown off, and saw his other comrade facing a similar fate.

"Stand down or I kill him," Taylor shouted.

"You're a disappointment," Dagon replied with a smirk.

Dagon conjured a lance of mana in his hands hurling it towards Taylor's direction as she jumped away. Looking up Taylor realized she wasn't the target. The lance was lodged into the demon's chest, and blood was trailing down his chin as his body went paralyzed.

Dagon rapidly gathered flames in his hands hurling it towards the injured, and when it struck the ground a ring of flames went around them. Miguel unloaded his MP5, but Dagon's sword skill showed them all how futile it was. Without breaking his smile Dagon cut through each bullet with minimal effort.

'That's not possible,' Miguel said watching in disbelief.

Dagon could see their weapons had destructive potential, but so long as he blocked there would be no problems. Dagon was still curious to know how a weapon without mana could cause so much damage to a demon, and because of this, he was leaving the gunmen alive for questioning.

"Stand down or they burn," Dagon smirked clenching the hand with flames.

The sound of people screeching rang out as the ring of fire slowly closed, and watching the demon bleeding out in front of them they knew Dagon wasn't bluffing. Taylor and the others rapidly threw down their weapons.

"Smart choice," Dagon chuckled as the flames intensified.

"We did what you said now stop!" Taylor shouted.

The flames rapidly morphed into metal bands that shot to everyone's waist, wrist, and neck. Once they clasped a burning sensation struck everyone, and chains shot between the bands linking them together. Taylor and the others were being dragged towards their comrades. Once they were were all together the burning continued till they dropped to their knees, and only then did the chains settle.

"What are these things?" Dagon asked picking up Taylor's pistol.

No one responded to his question, and this irritated Dagon. The searing sensation was slowly returning to Taylor's bindings as she began squirming from the pain. Taylor had a strong resolve and refused to say anything. The bindings on her wrist flared up as her skin began to burn as she winced loudly.

Brian couldn't watch anymore, and he knew Dagon would kill Taylor without a second thought. The proof of this laid right before them. Dagon's comrade was still alive, and slowly dying several feet away from them. If Dagon could kill his comrades without remorse then any of them could easily be next.

"It's a gun, and it only has a limited amount of shots. I can show you how to use it if you stop hurting her." Brian pleaded as he desperately tried to get to Taylor's side.

"Show me then," Dagon demanded as he halted the flames.

Dagon gave Brian's chains some extra length allowing him to stand. Dagon was already holding the weapon like he saw the others, but pouring magic into it did nothing.

"We used all our ammo getting here, and what's left is in the one your holding. It has maybe eight shots left." Brian said while watching Dagon store the other items.

"How do I use it?" Dagon asked pointing the weapon at Brian.

"You aim it like your doing and pull the trigger near your finger there," Brian replied.

Dagon examined the trigger and turned to face the demon slowly dying on the ground. Dagon aimed at his head doing as instructed. Watching the gunfire from up close he was intrigued by the engineering.

"Stand up, and follow closely. Anyone who can't keep up will be left for the ferals." Dagon said while releasing a serious killing intent.

Dagon dissipated the chains allowing them to stand, but the bands never disappeared. While traveling through the grasslands a few people attempted to escape only for everyone to be yanked back together and burned again as punishment.

After this, no one dared resist anymore for even the children complained of feeling hot. Examining the children Taylor realized they were okay, but looking at Dagon she understood the vague threat. They continued through the grasslands for an over before coming across a small camp in the process of being set up.

There was a band of fifty human warriors making fortifications around the camp. Standing around the perimeter were mages wearing leather armor, and black hoods cloaking their identity. Each of the mages was diligently working on setting up a barrier to mask their activities. Flying above the camp was a group of ten demons who rapidly descended when seeing Dagon's return.

"Kinda hard to deny your theory now," Demitri said while glancing at Wesley.

As they got closer to the camp Taylor noticed the large cages with unusual engravings upon them. Next to the cages was a barracks with a large oni standing at the doorway. The oni had spiky black hair, a tiger hide around his waist, and mithril gauntlets with serrated edges. The oni's name is Kishi, and he was hired to sit on security.

"What happened to all your men?" Kishi investigated.

"They were all killed," Dagon replied.

Kishi stepped forward to observe the captives closely.

"Which one killed them?" Kishi asked trying to sense their aura.

"They are all too weak for you, and I can't have you breaking the merchandise," Dagon replied.