Chapter 197

While Zack was still searching for the slaver camp chaos was ensuing through the jungle as slavers were scouring the land. Small groups were sent all over to rally any stragglers they can find, but the bulk of their forces had one task. To find the kaumera village, and catch as many as possible.

Typically they would show no interest in finding the kaumera because keeping them as captives was too difficult. With the new method, Malachi introduced they could ensure their cooperation. There are many criminal organizations out there that are in a bidding war for gaining them as operatives. This motivated them more than anything else.

Even with an effective way to enslave them finding them was a different matter. The camouflage they use is very effective and hides any traces of their magical presence. While probing through Taylor's mind they witnessed the territory of the kaumera, and this gave them a way to start the investigation. The slavers came prepared with mages adept in mental magic and hoped to narrow them down.

As they entered the kaumera territory three groups spread out to sweep the forest with a specialist leading each group. While they were searching for the camp another group was cornering a small group of Papillion in the forest.

The Papillion resembled humans, but with a pair of bright blue butterfly wings sprouting from their backs. Along the rim of their wings was a jet black trim, and atop their head were tiny black antennas.

They were struck with water magic drenching their wings to prevent flight. With a river at their back and being unable to swim they could no longer flee.

"You can all come peacefully and stay together or a few of you can die here." A demon said with a smirk.

The three sisters looked at each other filled with fear. Not long ago they were laughing, and playing in the jungle without a worry. Now they are being surrounded by people with malicious looks, and no way out. The oldest sister Bella got in front trying to shield the others with her wings.

"Two out of three isn't that bad." A human said while drawing his sword.

A green shadow dashed from the tree decapitating the human and violently slashing at the slavers surrounding them. The woman struggling to defend them is a young mantis named Lin who grew up playing with the others.

With the curved blades protruding from Lin's wrist down to her forearms eviscerating the humans was a breeze, but they weren't alone. A demon shot forward launching a blast of lighting towards Lin as she narrowly dodged.

"Why are you still here!" Lin shouted while charging forward.

The demon smirked raised its hand towards the Papillions stuck in a daze as he gathered a powerful blast of flames into his hand. Lin desperately tried to close the distance to stop the demon, but the blast was released. As it was closing in on the sisters a blur shot down from the tree striking knocking the blast back towards the demon.

The demon had a frantic look on his face seeing the blast coming back with an immense wind behind it. He desperately stuck his arms out attempting to halt the blast. With all his might the demon shifted the blast up incinerating the canopy above them as the demon was struggling to catch his breath.

"Who the fu..."

Yu appeared in front of the demon with a ferocious look in her eye as her staff came crashing down breaking his neck. The other slavers standing around were watching with fear seeing the overwhelming aura radiating from the kakuen in front of them.

Yu began twirling her spear around her body at tremendous speeds. The staff rapidly lit up as she sprung forward striking the ground before them. A powerful force of wind shot the slavers back cutting them as they flew through the forest. When the slavers recovered they launched a flare into the air sending out a pulse of mana for reinforcement.

"Are you okay?" Yu asked Lin.

"Ye-yeah. Let's finish them before they rally." Lin said while staring the slavers down.

"Protect them first," Yu replied as she dashed forward.

'Who is she?' Lin watched Yu dash at the slavers without fear.

While Yu was fighting the slavers they slowly surrounded her as reinforcements began arriving. Even with the numbers against her, Yu continued to press forward by springing up into the tree. A mage shot out the branch she was jumping to as she tumbled near the river. Yu recovered holding her staff behind her back crouched into a defensive stance.

"That's some nice armor you got there."

"She's pretty cute too."

"I'd be careful if I was you. She killed the boss with only one strike."

"She'll get tired at some point."

Slavers were charging at Yu as two shadows shot out of the water as the humans were decapitated. Mero was standing at Yu's side with Rowan charging towards the slaver. Even with the backup, they were rapidly losing their foothold.

"They told you not to run ahead," Sun scolded from the canopy.

"Sorry," Yu said while rubbing the back of her head.

The slavers on the ground were preparing to push forward, but hearing the voice from above they stopped. They looked up to see the canopy filled with kakuens equipped with the same gear as Yu. Looking in their eyes the slavers had a chill trickling down their spine. Their essence flared violently as the trees began cracking from the pressure, and their faces displayed a ferocious look.

Before the slavers could react they lunged down from the tree's sending chaos through their ranks. Having trained with Zack for two months they learned to push their bodies harder than ever before. With a simple kick, they were denting armor, and a swing from their staff could decimate a group of soldiers. Any magical attacks they would attempt to use were negated by their weapons and only delayed their deaths.


The slavers were preparing to scatter, but pairs of glowing eyes lit up their escape paths. They saw petite women rapidly extending their wings as a wall of wind blocked their path. Several archers took aim as Andrea dashed by tearing out their throats with her talons, and with that strike, a devasting wind ravaged their ranks. They attempted to strike Andrea down, but with her small frame, and tremendous speeds she weaved through the canopy gracefully evading.

Seeing the slavers taking aim at their matriarch five harpies dashed in spinning rapidly around them. With their essence flaring they were one with the wind, and in a matter of seconds, a powerful cyclone trapped them that began siphoning the oxygen.

With the kakuens, and mersharks pressing forward the rest of the slavers were trapped. They could either get caught in the expanding cyclone or have a swift death. Most of the slavers chose the latter and they had no problems helping them.