Chapter 196

Zack opened his eyes walking straight towards Brian. The villagers who were praying dropped before to offer their thanks, and worship. Feeling awkward Zack helped them up and continued forward.

"I'm not sure if you can understand us, but thank you for saving us," Taylor stated.

Zack's hand began glowing as he extended it towards Brian. As the light began to cover him Brian started coughing blood. Seeing this some of them went on guard, but seeing the swift gestures made by Zack they sat still. A bright light appeared before them as a glyph launched toward their mind's eye. Some of them flinched thinking it was an attack, but then they heard a burst of conversations becoming clearer.

"They got us by sending out small teams to draw out warriors and then attacked in force after they were out of range," Heba stated.

"We were friends playing a game at first, but then they wouldn't let us leave." A slime said with an innocent expression.

"We were out looking for a rogue who fled in this direction when they jumped us." A ghoul told Lilith.

"How's your stomach feeling?" Zack investigated.

Brian felt the pain fading and lifted his shirt in disbelief. Taylor saw severe injuries on his stomach, but the skin returned to its normal color.

"A lot better now," Brian replied as Taylor walked up pinching his cheek roughly.

"Next time say something!" Taylor scolded.

Zack snickered seeing the two, and it caused him to glance towards Kaya. Noticing his gaze she walked over to embrace him.

"I have to go check on the other squad, but if you guys need anything just ask her," Zack said while kissing Kaya on the cheek.

"Not leaving without me are you?" Lilith asked with a playful smirk.

"I was just gonna see if you can keep up," Zack replied with a smirk.

Seeing a demon they were on edge again till seeing the two kiss. They watched in disbelief as the two floated up in the air. With a powerful gust of the wind the two disappeared.

"I get the concerned looks, but everyone here is friendly. If they wanted to harm you they could've done so in the cage." Kaya stated.

"She has a point," Wesley told the others.

"Do you know where they put our stuff?" Brian asked.

"If it's not in one of the tents you might have to scrounge through some rings," Kaya replied.

"What are we gonna do about this one?" Octavia asked while observing Kishi.

"Any way you can spare him?" John requested.

"Why would we do that? These people would've sent you into slavery, or killed you if you didn't get bought at the market." Octavia retorted.

"He isn't one them. Before your arrival, he mentioned working a special job for a man named Malachi, and he made it clear that he despised their actions." Ari told the others.

Hearing the name Malachi everyone froze. If the man on the ground knew him personally they could gain valuable information. They decided to administer minimal treatment, but even with his life out of danger, his body was still paralyzed.

With the language barrier gone Taylor's group started interacting with the species around them. They quickly realized their natures weren't so different from each other. Seeing a deathstalker Wesley was curious about their interaction from before. After introducing himself he learned the woman's name is Nanu, and that their tribe was offering them sanctuary.

"I knew you were trying to be helpful," Wesley said with a smile.

"Our appearance tends to scare humans, and given our inability to communicate it's understandable," Nanu replied.

"I find your appearance to be quite elegant. The way the black armor turns to smooth skin is very beautiful." Wesley told Nanu while examining her body closely.

'Scorpions are arachnids, but she still has human breasts. Do they feed their young like mammals?

"Th-thank you," Nanu replied wrapping her arm around her stomach.

"You're coming off a little perverted," Brian muttered patting him on the shoulder.

Wesley realized how close he was staring, and saw the embarrassed expression on Nanu's face. His observations were purely scientific but in the process of evaluating he forget they possessed human personalities. If he were to stare this close at a woman back home while giving out these compliments it would surely result in a visit to HR.

"Sorry I got a little excited about the difference in anatomy. I didn't mean to be rude." Wesley lowered his head apologizing immediately.

"I'm not used to humans showing an interest that's all," Nanu said while checking out Wesley.

Nanu always found humans interesting but their reactions were always the same. Even the human tribes who treated them friendly only did so to ensure an alliance. The look in their eyes was always the same, but Wesley was different. She needed to speak with the others in the camp about the attacks and hand over the core if they decide to cooperate. While walking by she whispered to Wesley.

"If you're that interested in my body I could show you sometime."

Wesley watched her walkway and was admiring her slender back. The black armor trailing down the middle of her back made the beautiful bronze skin-pop. His eyes trailed down from her shoulder to the dimples on her back

"What she say?" Taylor asked.

"Nothing...Did you find out what attacked us?" Wesley replied.

"Not yet I'm still trying to come to terms with the angel, and demon thing," Taylor said while glancing around at the species.

"At least you were religious, to begin with. An hour ago I was an atheist but it's kind of hard to deny everything we've seen." Wesley replied.

"I already talked with a few of the people around here, and they call them ghouls. The one we faced was a rogue from their clan. They seemed very remorseful when they heard about our battle." Jeremy stated.

"That's because most of them live peacefully now, and when a member of your clan goes feral it's your responsibility to handle it," Madison said while examining their group.

"How do you know so much about their customs?" Taylor asked Madison.

"Because we handle it the same way," Madison smirked revealing her fangs as her eyes shimmered.

"We saw quite a few 'ferals' on the way here. Does it happen a lot?" Brian asked.

"In these territories yes. Lack of food and constant strife will do that." Madison replied.

"If you plan to stay out here it's something you should get used to," Octavia stated.