Chapter 229

Taylor was getting dressed as Brian was glancing at their bed with doubts about leaving it. A team was heading back to the jungle today, and even though they have back up this time it still made them nervous. Most of the group decided to stay in the city, but Taylor felt responsible for them all. With Taylor going back into a potential war zone Brian was determined to be at her side.

"Your gun is empty, and I only have a few rounds left. If something happens there's not much you can do." Taylor said hoping he would stay behind.

"They have an armory and they already said I could grab whatever I needed. I may not be a soldier, but I can swing a sword, and watch your back at least." Brian replied.

"No way to convince you otherwise?" Taylor asked.

"Took me over a decade to find you again, and I have no intentions of letting you out of my sight," Brian said while wrapping his arms around her.

Taylor turned around to kiss Brian as someone knocked on the door.

"One of those robots just brought us a message. They said everyone who is leaving for the rescue mission has to be at the gate by noon." Layla said from the other side of the door.

When they looked out into the hall several people were already on their way out the door. They rushed out to catch up and began heading for the nearby barracks. There they grabbed sets of chainmail to not hinder the durability, but once Brian reached for a weapon he was forced to reconsider.

"This stuff is a lot lighter than it looks. Maybe we should go with the armor." Brian said while examining the weapons.

"It's light but definitely durable. The slaver's armor shimmered just like this, and it stopped bullets." Taylor replied.

"That's cause it's mithril, and was more than likely enchanted," Kaya stated.

"Still hard not to think of video games," Kenny said while grabbing a mace.

"If it's your first time you should grab a shield or spear. With the enchantments on the shield, you could still hold the line on the battlefield without magic. The spears are what I recommend for a newbie since it's hard to mess up thrusting." Octavia said while attempting to adjust her armor.

Kenny put the mace down switching to a spear and adjusting to the feel of it.

"How do you use it?" Brian asked while grabbing a shield.

Haruna began explaining the weapons functions to Brian, and the others along with a basic tactic they could help with. Kaya saw the straps on Octavia's leather were out of reach and watched her continue to struggle. She approached Octavia helping secure the straps on her armor.

"Stand still," Kaya told Octavia while gripping the strap.

The leather armor they both wore now had small plates of mithril over the chest, shoulders, and forearms. This allowed the elves to protect their vitals, and maintain their mobility. The plates on their forearms could halt low-grade artifacts, and save them in a dire moment without the loss of a limb. The changes were something Octavia needed time adjusting to on her own.

"Thanks," Octavia mumbled.

"Going into battle is something I take seriously, and if you're not prepared it can hurt us all," Kaya replied returning to strapping her boots.

Once everyone was geared up for battle they left the barracks together. Having armor on felt weird for most of them, but it did offer a sense of security. At the gate slowly gathered a group of fifty warriors. They weren't expecting much resistance from the bees, but the hornets were another matter. Even with a chance for conflict, their numbers were still high.

The reason for this was more rescue parties. The slaver attack was two days ago, but those affected could still be hiding. Typically after a slaver attack, most would stay in hiding till their hunger drove them out. They wanted to find any stragglers, and offer some relief to their plight.

"Please be careful," Mary told Denam.

"I'll come back I promise," Denam replied while holding her hand.

"Where are you going?" Amara asked Zess seeing everyone geared for battle.

"To rescue the others hopefully," Zess replied while adjusting his armor.

"You could use one more right?" Amara asked Haruna as she approached Zess.

"Having an inari around would help to fight them off, but it would make you a target," Haruna replied.

"I'm well aware, but I have someone to watch my back." Amara turned towards Zess while trailing her fingers under his chin.

"We ready to move out?" Taylor asked while glancing around.

"Waiting on one more," Octavia replied.

Zack was standing nearby saying goodbye to Helena. She was still unsure about her papa leaving, but the smile on his face put her at ease. After kissing Ren, and Yuki farewell he joined the others. Zack was surprised to see so many of the new people present.

"Be sure to approach the bees diplomatically first. Even when living a feral lifestyle they can be reasoned with but if they agree to talk don't let your guard down." Zack announced.

While they were splitting into groups Dyna approached with her armor on. She hasn't gone into the field since the battle to free Tamiko's men. With the constant influx of people, it was difficult to go out with the others, but she still maintained her training at night. After training someone to cover the waystation she wanted to return to the field.

"Are you sure about this?" Kaya asked.

"Hornets are very swift, and they coordinate really well," Octavia warned.

"I'll be going to greet the bees. He did say to handle it diplomatically first, and that is part of my duties here." Dyna replied.

"That's if it's okay with you," Dyna asked Zack.

"Your free to make your own choices, but having you by their side would put me at ease," Zack replied with a smile.

Hearing Zack's confidence in her abilities made Dyna blush, and after kissing him on the cheek she quickly took to Lilith's side. With their teams ready they went through the waystation appearing at the deathstalker village. After dropping off some supplies they were on their way to the jungle.

Zack was flying above with Amy and the other harpies at his side scouting the area. Their keen vision and numbers matched with Zack's sensory abilities made it easy to pinpoint their location. Andrea saw how close Zack was flying with Amy, and a smirk went across her face.

'Seem's their mood is finally improving. I should've given her that push weeks ago.' Andrea sped forward to Zack's side.

"Are you sure it's this way?" Andrea asked.

"No one else could have an aura like that, but their comrades," Zack replied while scanning the ground.

"How are the new residents settling in?" Zack investigated.

"They seemed excited about all the new men around," Andrea replied.

"Any that catch your eye yet?" Zack asked.

"Now that you two are making progress a fertile male will be sufficient enough. " Andrea replied.

"I understand the need to ensure your tribe's survival, but don't you ever want more than that? It means so much more when there's a connection." Zack smiled at Amy as she scouted the area.

"That's only a concern for humans," Andrea said while sensing movement below.

Andrea signaled the others as she dove down through the canopy.

"Stay close," Zack told Amy while chasing after Andrea.