Chapter 242

With the traffic being at a minimum Taylor, and the other women were soaking in the bath. They were talking about dating customs in their world when the fireworks were seen up above. With it, several women in the bath rapidly got dressed and were promptly leaving.

"I've been waiting for this," Ericka smirked dashing out of the bath.

"What's going on?" Bethany asked Cynthia.

"That means Zack is on his way to the arena. When that happens everyone shows up for the display." Cynthia replied as she stood up to join the others.

"I've been curious since we saw it. My dad used to love gladiator movies and I wanna see if they're similar." Taylor said while retrieving her towel.

"There's no rush there are plenty of seats, and everyone can the see battlefield effectively," Savannah told Taylor while enjoying the bath.

Hearing this a few of them sat back down, and once they concluded in the bath they made way to the arena. As they entered through the tunnels they saw everyone was still being seated, and they didn't miss any festivities. Taylor saw Brian and the others sitting near Zack's booth. There were a few spots opened, and they quickly filled them.

"This is way different from what I expected," Taylor said as she examined the arena.

"Seems more like artificial biomes than a traditional arena," Wesley stated.

"I wonder if they have lions or something ready to storm out," Kenny said while looking for cages along the walls.

The walls of the arena lit up from Zack placing his spear into place. They witnessed him fly above the arena to grab the crowd's attention.

"Tonight's feast will be brought out here, and all of the stands have been stocked recently so enjoy. Now, who wants to go first?" Zack announced.

"I've been waiting for you to ask."

Rapidly flying before Zack was Elizabeth with a large smile. Lilith already knew what was gonna happen, and glancing over at Lixue she didn't disappoint. Lixue calmly walked towards the array at the end of their section without a word. The crowd immediately began picking sides, and the speed they did showed no one was surprised over this matchup.

"Now I'm the one waiting," Lixue told Elizabeth.

"Just remember the rules, and keep in mind my daughter is watching so avoid your usual language," Zack told Elizabeth.

"I'll keep it under control I promise," Elizabeth smirked floating towards Lixue.

"Anyone else who intends to participate needs to consider an opponent and make your way to one of the arrays after the match. The weapons, and armor within the armory are available to everyone. Tonight's event will be arena gear only to ensure fair play." Zack announced.

As Zack was returning to his seat the two dragons teleported to the armory. Both of them declined to choose a weapon and instead changed their clothes. Lixue changed into a custom qipao created for battle. Elizabeth was fastening something leather armor with mithril plates meant for winged individuals.

"Wanna make this interesting?" Elizabeth asked.

"I'm not playing your games," Lixue replied.

"If you win I'll return to my kingdom, and Lincoln can mediate our interest in the alliance." Elizabeth offered.

Lixue said nothing as they finished getting ready, and walked down the hall to be ported. After their time in Eden, Lixue did take an interest in Zack. She was still unsure if it was love or curiosity, but she wanted to explore it. The only thing keeping her from discovering the origin of these feelings is Elizabeth's constant interference.

"You better not go back on your word," Lixue told Elizabeth.

"We meet in the desert since it's neutral," Elizabeth smirked as the platform ignited.

In a flash, they were sent out randomly through the arena. Lixue appeared in the plains against the wall, and Elizabeth almost crashed into the river separating the territories. Both of them took flight and sped towards the desert. Elizabeth being nearby searched for a place clear from water, and waited patiently.

'Once she's out of the picture I can start working towards Queen.'Elizabeth smiled looking towards Zack's booth.

While entering the desert Lixue was taking in the surroundings for any tactical advantages, but it truly was a neutral area for the both of them. Seeing a dueling platform in the desert Lixue landed and launched a blast of lightning into the air to signal her position. Elizabeth arrived with a smile on her face while looking down at Lixue.

"Just gonna stand there?" Elizabeth asked.

"I thought your people took pride in your swordplay, but either way is fine with me," Lixue replied as she began floating up.

Elizabeth landed before Lixue with an irritated look on her face. It was a taunt, but it may no difference to Elizabeth. In terms of raw power, there were very few who could match her strength, and with Zack watching she wanted it known. Elizabeth dashed forward releasing a barrage towards Lixue.

"Is dodging all your capable of?" Elizabeth taunted.

"It's better than missing," Lixue replied.

Hearing this Elizabeth threw a right hook, and Lixue dodged once more. Elizabeth smirked as she spun around rapidly as the barbs of her tail struck Lixue in the stomach. Lixue went flying back, but the wind around her halted Lixue in place. Elizabeth already closed the distance reaching for Lixue's collar.

Before Elizabeth could hurl Lixue into the ground she rapidly struck Elizabeth in the chin with her right palm. The force barely tilted Elizabeth's head back as she smirked, but the left hand struck the elbow rapidly propelling it up. The force knocked Elizabeth's head back, and Lixue planted her feet releasing a heavy strike into Elizabeth's stomach before she could recover.

'What the fuck was that?'

After wiping the blood from her mouth Elizabeth spewed flames towards Lixue. She jumped over the blast, and with a flick of her wrist, a sandstorm was kicked up. It struck Elizabeth and swirled around her violently trapping her in a cage.

"You think something like this can trap me!" Elizabeth roared dispersing the winds.

"No, but it will distract you," Lixue said in a cold tone.

Lixue appeared before Elizabeth in a flash of lighting. Elizabeth looked down seeing the lightning crackling along her body, and flaring from her eyes. Before her guard could be put up Lixue rapidly struck Elizabeth in the chest with both hands delivering a barrage of consecutive strikes. The sound of thunder boomed with each blow, and Elizabeth was rapidly folding towards the ground.