Chapter 243

Everyone in the arena had their eyes locked on the barrier, and didn't dare blink for Rolen's device was struggling to keep up. If they were to blink they would surely miss something. Everyone watched in disbelief as the calm, and polite Lixue was attacking so ruthlessly. Regardless of their size difference Elizabeth was being overwhelmed.

'Enough of this shit.' Elizabeth clenched her fist as they began to glow.

Flames began to leak from Elizabeth's hands, and the temperature around them rapidly rose. Lixue narrowly dodged an incoming uppercut as a pillar of flames engulfed the area. While retreating Lixue took a blast to the chest as she flew towards the desert.

"I knew that smile was hiding something," Lincoln told Lei while observing the battle.

"The princess is truly scary when she gets serious," Lei replied.

'"You know how good her hearing is." Wei relayed with a serious look.

Zack could feel something off between the two and watched carefully. To everyone else, it seemed like their usual rivalry, and only two people could sense otherwise. Wanting to find the cause Zack focused on trying to read them, but being dragons locked in battle it wasn't an easy task.

"What's wrong papa?" Helena asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'll find out. Everything will be alright though." Zack replied.

As Lixue was encased into the sand a massive storm rolled in above the arena. Lighting struck Elizabeth causing her body to seize up. The next strike was released, but Elizabeth's wings fluttered the second her muscle relaxed producing a strong gust of wind. After narrowly dodging the strike Elizabeth was on the move to avoid the storm.

A heavy downpour ensued, and those watching were concerned about getting wet, but the slope of the roof ensured their leisure. Wesley was fascinated by the instant change in weather, and how naturally Elizabeth could spew flames.

'They are clad in scales during dragon form, but right now most of their body is fleshy. How can they withstand such force, and push forward unharmed? If blasts like that can't take them out a tank would just be a toy.' Wesley pondered as he watched the barrier closely.

Lixue was flying towards the stage, and Elizabeth was on course to meet her. Elizabeth formed two swords and released a sword aura that was scorching the tiles in the arena. Lixue dodged to the side as lighting rapidly struck her hand forming a qing jian. The two swords met as a bright flash occurred, and the two began exchanging blows.

Even with two blades to defend against Lixue didn't lose any ground. The speed of her strikes was enough to keep Elizabeth on her toes, but anytime their blades would lock Elizabeth would strike with the other. With only a gesture of two fingers, Lixue could redirect the blow with a powerful gust, or negate the flames produced by gathering the nearby rainwater.

Elizabeth swung both blades with tremendous force with flames expanding from the blades. They wouldn't be easy to extinguish now, and using the wind could potentially fan the flames with a single mishap. Lixue managed to bock both blades, but the flames were intensifying.

Not wanting to give her opponent time to adjust Elizabeth opened her mouth forming a blast meant for point-blank range. Being a dragon Lixue would survive the blast, but it would cause some heavy damage. Knowing the arena was connected to Zack Elizabeth wasn't concerned about the recovery.

Before it was released Lixue wrapped up Elizabeth's heel with her tail, and yanked it from underneath her sending the blast into the barrier. The bricks along the arena lit up briefly to draw enough power to contain the force and slowly settled.

Everyone in the crowd was cheering wildly from the battle occurring. Both of their guards were on the edge of their seats and fighting the urge to intervene. They knew it was a friendly bout, and their intervention would only incur their wraths. All they could do was watch, and cheer for their clan.

In a fit of anger from laying on the ground, Elizabeth stabbed the swords into the arena, and Lixue had sweat pouring down her forehead. Driven on instinct Lixue's body became one with the lighting rapidly racing across the land as an explosion ensued. When Lixue reformed she was knocked back from the force of the shockwave.

'Damn it not far enough.' Lixue wiped the blood from her chin.

As Lixue stood up there was a powerful aura sweeping the arena. Zack recognized the sensation, but it was far stronger than Declan. The form puzzled many in the crowd, and for good reason. This was a form only recently uncovered. Even Uther struggles to make the transformation correctly. It was meant to be the perfect balance between the dragon's raw power, and human form.

Flames were leaking from the corner of her mouth as Elizabeth released a massive blast engulfing the arena. Its rampage continued through the desert and didn't halt till it reached the arena wall. Left in its wake was a crater of glass where a sand dune once stood.

Lixue understood the message but didn't back down. Elizabeth saw her resolve, and was preparing to launch it again. A loud rumble could be heard at a distance, and when Elizabeth glanced over her eyes lit up.

Raging their way were large waves of floodwater. Lixue placed her hand towards the impending disaster, and it began morphing. When it finished the flood resembled her dragon form, and it was rampaging across the desert

"I'm the daughter of Tian emperor of the dragons." Lixue declared as her eyes flared with lightning.

As the dragon was rapidly closing another dragon came roaring down from the clouds. The two dragons began swirling around each other with the lightning dragon trailing behind the water. The storm was drastically increasing, and the rain pouring around Elizabeth began evaporating in a dome surrounding her.

'I gave you a way out.'

Elizabeth opened her mouth as flames engulfed the desert once more. A steady stream continued leaking out as the viewers were struggling to see past the flash. The two forces were preparing to collide, and everyone in the crowd was out of their seats waiting for the collision.