Chapter 244

The water dragon roared right before it clashed with the flames. Steam was rapidly being produced as the lightning dragon pushed forward. When the two forces met chaos ensued within the arena, and the feed shown on the barrier went blurry.

The arena was radiating a bright light and even began to rumble. Some of the new visitors were concerned, but the citizens of Eden were calm. This level of effort in the arena was a common occurrence when Samuel and Zack would spar, and they were confident it could hold. Zack was watching the battle closely, and only a handful of others present could even see the events unfolding.

As the lightning dragon met the flames the steam clouding the area dissipated, and the lighting fused with the flames as an arc flash ensued. The explosions caused mayhem across the land that almost consumed the two, but they morphed into their dragons' forms to endure the blast as they tried to fly away.

The force still overwhelmed them sending them crashing through the desert. As they were buried into the sand they regained their humanoid forms and looked up to see the damage they created. As the feed came back everyone saw the two standing and struggling to catch their breath.

Elizabeth returned to her usual form, and Lixue was running on fumes, but as soon as their gazes met they charged. By the way, they flew through the sky one would think they were at full power, and as they collided the glass below shattered.

The two were exchanging blows that shook the entire arena, and the two no longer seemed to dodge. It was starting to turn into a slugfest with neither side wanting to yield. Knowing things couldn't be settled like this they both jumped back to transform.

Both dragons roared loudly as the area around them quaked. Elizabeth's wings began fluttering as she took flight into the air, and flames leaked from her nostrils. Lixue took off into the air as her body coiled together, and lightning crackled across her body.

They both raced across the sky, and when the forces were preparing to collide Zack appeared in between them. Seeing this put their guards at ease for fighting in dragon form someone was guaranteed to suffer substantial injuries. Knowing they couldn't interfere without being scolded they gave Zack a silent thumbs-up.

"This was supposed to be friendly bout. You two keep this place lively, and I don't want either of you to leave. I promise to make time for both of you." Zack said while placing his hands on their faces.

Both dragons locked eyes and the elements exuding from their bodies were affecting Zack, but he stood there unbothered. A large cloud of smoke appeared, and the crowd saw Zack caressing their cheeks. He grabbed them by the hips pulling them close, and a warm sensation flowed through them. Healing the dragons took time, and being held so close to their rival was embarrassing.

"I'm f-fine already," Elizabeth mumbled.

"Didn't know you were the shy type." Zack smiled as his wings unfurled.

Zack held them close and covered them in his wings. Being so close with him was something they both wanted, but the added company made it a little awkward. Not wanting to waste the moment Lixue kissed him. As Lixue pulled away Elizabeth had a pouty look, but Zack corrected that with a passionate kiss.

"Who did better?" Elizabeth asked.

"You both did great, but my favorite part was seeing your powers come together. If you two could ever get along you would be an unstoppable force. Since you, two can fly I was hoping you would join my adventures, but if you two are fighting I have to reconsider." Zack grinned at the two.

"I can give it a try, but doubt she will go for it. Maybe we could alternate adventures." Elizabeth suggested.

"I've never had a problem with cooperation." Lixue smiled at Zack.

"If you two wanna wait with Helena I'll be up in a minute," Zack told them as he kissed them both on the forehead.

Lixue had a smile, but Elizabeth seemed flustered since his wings had already unfurled. Zack took his hand off their hips as two orbs rotated around the palm of his hand. They rapidly launched into the earth as the arena rumbled.

'Seems the desert took more damage than I expected. Might as well make an adjustment.'

Half of the ruined desert started shaping into a variety of canyons along the walls of the arena. There were large pillars of stone capable of supporting duels along the outskirts of the canyon. The remaining half of the desert was being restored as Zack took a meditative pose in the air.

"Can magic really go this far?" Wesley asked.

"What he does is something else entirely. Zack can reshape the earth itself, and the things he can create don't stop at landscapes. The original design of the arena was forged from his power, and from a place he visited in his past. Transmutation is the closest form of magic I can classify it as, but that's only for a reference point. To create on this large of a scale, and from nothing is unheard of. Another factor is transformation can typically be undone, but this is solid." Athlan explained as they watched Zack work.

While Zack was mending the desert Lixue assisted him by redirecting the water to proper channels and used some to create a small oasis. Elizabeth felt a little jealous watching them work together, but her abilities have always been used for combat.

'Hovering here won't help. I'll just be sure to get a good seat.'

Elizabeth flew off to the stands, and when she landed the others swarmed up to her with praise. After the display how could they not? Octavia walked up wrapping her arm around Elizabeth's neck.

"I thought you were another royal who was all talk, but I owe you an apology. We should definitely team up next time." Octavia said with a smirk.

"You two are both destructive, and that won't work well during our formations. Using you two as a distraction is a different matter." Haruna stated.

"Are you okay?" Helena asked while tugging on Elizabeth's arm.

Gazing down to see the concerned look on Helena's face Elizabeth smiled.

"Thanks to your dad I'm all healed," Elizabeth replied.

"You still feel in pain," Helena said with concern.

Helena could sense the complex emotions between the two during their battle, but not understanding them correctly she assumed it was pain. Even the insecure feeling when seeing Lixue helping Zack was detected by Helena.